...Abstract The goal of unions is to band together and protect employee rights. The paper begins with an introduction as to the purpose of the labor union. The question is also posed if labor unions are a necessity in today’s society. The paper begins with an interesting look at the history of labor unions. The paper explores how the Industrial Revolution and Haymaker Riot were instrumental in the formation of labor unions. The history of the two largest labor unions is explored. Next some basic information is given on labor unions such as who can join and the benefits associated with joining a labor union. The paper then shifts to look at legislation that governs the formation and policies in a labor union. More specifically, the National Labor Relations Act, National Labor Relations Board, Taft-Hartley Act, and the Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 are explored in detail. The paper will then examine the most common ways an HR employee will interact with the union. This is discussed through grievances and collective bargaining agreement. The process for both of these is examined in detail including which parts of the collective bargaining agreement are mandatory and permissive issues. Next, the paper explores the process a HR manager would go through in order to keep a healthy, happy, and productive relationship with the union. Finally the paper reexamines whether labor unions are necessary in today’s society. A conclusion is drawn based...
Words: 4404 - Pages: 18
...Labor Unions University of Phoenix MGT434: Employment Law Scott Dunlap February 7, 2008 Labor organizations or unions are formed by employees who want better wages, benefits, and healthy working conditions. Over the years, participation in unions has declined regardless of the benefits it offers. There are less strikes and better wages in the United States which in turn does not warrant the high need for these types of organizations in the work place. Labor unions today compared to in the past have fewer members and are more populated by political parties and public sector employees. During the implementation of unions, the labor force consisted heavily of automobile and steel plant workers. This has decreased due to outsourcing these jobs to foreign countries (AFL-CIO, 2004). Americans have also seen a decrease in highly-skilled jobs due to outsourcing. The United States Government current push on company’s to send these skilled jobs offshore, in return for a tax break, is hurting the economy and trade deficit. While jobs are increasing in foreign countries workers rights are not. Wages are low and employees do not have the respect and healthy work conditions as most American unions. According to a petition filed with the U.S. Trade Representative by the AFL-CIO and Industrial Union Council, the United States has lost more than 1 million jobs because of constant violations of workers rights in China (AFL-CIO, 2006). Countries with low wages or no minimum wages have...
Words: 602 - Pages: 3
...Labor Unions — Are They Still Relevent Labor Unions were formed in the mid-19th century in response to the changes brought on by the Industrial Revolution. The labor unions were established to help workers with low pay, unsafe working conditions and long hours—to name a few. Their main goal was to ensure that all working people were treated justly in the work force. “Working people have a lot of concerns in this economy. They want decent pay. They want benefits. And of course they want job security. All the reasons why they need union representation” (Crane, 2012). Is that statement still true today? Do labor unions want the best for the working person or are unions another example of something good gone bad? Many people believe Labor Unions were essential in the 19th century but now with government oversight and business practices, unions are no longer required. Labor Unions Needed Agriculture, manufacturing, mining, transportation, and technology had a profound effect on the social, economic and cultural conditions during the Industrial Revolution. As the revolution progressed, business moved from a mom-and-pop model to a machine-and-factory production model. Families quickly moved from the rural areas to the cities. They hoped to improve their standard of living. This meant ever member of the family had to work, regardless of sex or age. People worked for long hours for low wages, in dangerous and repetitive conditions, and with little-to-no job...
Words: 2423 - Pages: 10
...Labor Unions Objective Labor unions in the United States have been prevailing forces in the workplace since their establishment in the late 1800’s. The two main purposes for unions are union security and overall improvement in wages, working conditions and benefits for their members. While only 12% of the U.S. workforce today is under union contract; they still are establish a presence by way of strikes, mediation and impasses. Unions will form when employees believe that company management is practicing unfair labor standards and acts and will take action accordingly to meet their goals. This report will look into the history and implications labor unions have had on the U.S. workforce and what they mean for both companies and employees alike in today’s world. General History Famous Labor Strikes The Great Postal Strike of 1970 involved 200,000 postal workers who walked off the job to protest their pay rates, which when accounted barely surpassed the average cost of living in the United States during that time period (in accordance with inflationary rates). President Nixon sent 23,000 U.S. army and marine personnel to handle the mail system, but that failed due to the limited training they possessed working with the massive government operation. Within a week, the government reached an agreement with the worker’s union, allowing for a 14% pay raise for postal workers. As a result, the American Postal Workers Union became a powerful force in bargaining...
Words: 2274 - Pages: 10
...Labor Unions play an essential role in representing the interests pertaining to the conditions of employment of every unionized employee. Also labor unions contribute tremendously in the continuous growth of the economy. There are common roles of the union and I will first explain Collective Bargaining. Second, I will show how in situations where an employer will not compromise to the satisfaction of the union, the union is able to implement certain actions by its members such as a strike, or a work to rule. Third, I will discuss how Prior to unionization, employers were able to take advantage of their employees by reducing pay, providing squalid working conditions, and dismissing employees at will in order to maximize company profit. Fourth, I will show that by the 1940 s, the rights of workers to organize unions and bargain collectively with employers were generally recognized and incorporated into law. Fifth, I will tell you the fact that unions are responsible for wage increases, management will respond by raising capital per worker and hiring better workers in order to increase productivity even further. Six, I will discuss the positive effect on productivity, and through wage increases to employees (providing more disposable income), unions are able to help ensure the continuing growth of the economy. Lastly, the Unions greatly benefit the workers as well as the economy as a whole. As long as democracy and capitalism are the continue to reign in our society, unions will...
Words: 263 - Pages: 2
...Labor Unions Labor unions are seen from conflicting points of view. Members stand firm behind them citing their positive contributions to the higher pay, improved working conditions, better benefits, and overall greater standards achieved through collective bargaining. Solidarity, a motto of unions, keeps members bonded to each other and the union through shared problems and experiences. Some corporations and economists believe that labor unions are cartels that create monopolies and regard them as a detriment to the capitalist vision. Antiunion opinions stem from the seemingly untouchable status of labor unions and the favor and protections given to them by the federal government. Labor unions are nearly as old as America herself. Although primitive unions of carpenters and other tradespeople made an appearance in various cities in colonial America, the first national labor unions didn’t gain strength until the 1820s. During this time, workers banded together to reduce the working day from a grueling 12 hours to a more manageable 10 hours. In 1866, the Nation Labor Union persuaded Congress to cut the workday down to today’s eight hour standard. As early as 1909 eastern European immigrant steel workers attempted demonstrations of solidarity for humane working conditions. However, due to language barriers they were exploited and easily divided (Brody 153). These early efforts, along with those of washwomen, factory, mill, and postal workers paved the road for labor unions...
Words: 1386 - Pages: 6
...Labor Unions in the United States Posted Mon, 2010-02-01 17:21 by Anonymous Gerald Friedman, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Unions and Collective Action In capitalist labor markets, which developed in the nineteenth-century in the United States and Western Europe, workers exchange their time and effort for wages. But even while laboring under the supervision of others, wage earners have never been slaves, because they have recourse from abuse. They can quit to seek better employment. Or they are free to join with others to take collective action, forming political movements or labor unions. By the end of the nineteenth century, labor unions and labor-oriented political parties had become major forces influencing wages and working conditions. This article explores the nature and development of labor unions in the United States. It reviews the growth and recent decline of the American labor movement and makes comparisons with the experience of foreign labor unions to clarify particular aspects of the history of labor unions in the United States. Unions and the Free-Rider Problem Quitting, exit, is straightforward, a simple act for individuals unhappy with their employment. By contrast, collective action, such as forming a labor union, is always difficult because it requires that individuals commit themselves to produce "public goods" enjoyed by all, including those who "free ride" rather than contribute to the group effort. If the union succeeds, free riders...
Words: 10531 - Pages: 43
...Labor unions have a long and colorful history in the United States. To some people, they conjure up thoughts of organized crime and gangsters like Jimmy Hoffa. To others, labor unions represent solidarity among the working classes, bringing people together across many professions to lobby for better rights, wages and benefits. As of 2006, 15.4 million people were union members, and although union membership peaked in 1945 when 35 percent of the nonagricultural workforce were union members, unions are still a powerful influence in the United States (and even more powerful in many other countries). (Silverman, J., 2012) They are also an important and fundamental part of the history of United States commerce and the country’s growth into an economic powerhouse. Unions began forming in the mid-19th century in response to the social and economic impact of the industrial revolution. National labor unions began to form in the post-Civil War Era. The Knights of Labor emerged as a major force in the late 1880s, but it collapsed because of poor organization, lack of effective leadership, disagreement over goals, and strong opposition from employers and government forces. (Silverman, J., 2012) The American Federation of Labor, founded in 1886 and led by Samuel Gompers until his death in 1924, proved much more durable. It arose as a loose coalition of various local unions. (Silverman, J., 2012) It helped coordinate and support strikes and eventually became a major player in national politics...
Words: 2547 - Pages: 11
...“Labour unions only exist today because government, and the law, has supported them since 1944. They engage in economically damaging strikes and do not served any useful function. Management should be allowed to manage and unions should be disbanded.”, I will show how labour unions still play an important role in labour relations with the following topics: I will explain the role of the state and how the development of labour laws support unions; how labour strikes socially and economically affect a union; the function of unions, and finally management’s right to manage within the union environment. To start, the state sets out rules pertaining to unionization and collective bargaining. By setting out these rules the state is accommodating the demand of the employees and in turn maintaining its legitimacy in the public’s opinions. (Athabasca University, 2015, pp. 2-4) The state also regulates the relationships between the employer and the employee by means of Labour Laws. These Labour Laws relate to the right of an employee to join a union and engage in the collective bargaining process. Under the Labour Law, employees are able to apply to the Labour Board to form a bargaining unit. Once the bargaining unit has been formed, the union will establish that they have signed the majority of the workers up to be union members. Once this has been established the union will be granted certification by the Labour Board and the employer will be required to recognize the union and enter...
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...Labor Law and Unions Richard S Gist MD HRM 531 10 September 2012 Prof Phillip Norris OUTLINE 2 Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City is an 1100 bed tertiary teaching medical center with a large, diverse nursing staff. Due to increasing dissatisfaction with management, the nursing staff of the organization with the blessing of the Chief Nurse Executive organized under the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) in 2005. Chapter number 1199 was then formed with the approval of the Mount Sinai Medical Center leadership. Since its inception, the Union has worked with the Medical Center to improve nursing process thereby improving patient satisfaction and also with patient safety initiatives. The larger organization of Mount Sinai may be at risk from state nursing regulations if a strike occurs due to the possibility of patient abandonment. While the applicable Joint Commission rules regarding nursing staffing apply, there is precedent from prior nursing strikes that this would have minimal impact. There is a very real risk of civil litigation if the shortage...
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...LABOR LAWS AND UNIONS The Kroger Co., situated in Cincinnati, Ohio, is one of the country’s leading grocery sellers with financial revenue of more than 82 billion in 2010. The Kroger Co. covers numerous states with store arrangements that comprise “grocery and multi-department stores, convenience stores, and mall jewelry stores” (Kroger, n.d., para. 1). They function “under nearly two dozen names, all of which share the similar conviction in building sturdy local ties and brand loyalty with their patrons” (Kroger, para. 1). Food stores are their main commerce and account for almost 95 percent of the total corporation sales. Their convenience and jewelry stores and manufacturing facilities add to the rest of the entire sales (Kroger, n.d.). Kroger employees belong to the United Food and Commercial Workers union. In UFCW, the people form the union. They come collectively with their coworkers, and they put forward and choose by ballot union officers. They also establish the working circumstances and apprehensions bargained in an agreement, and they are part of a bigger movement to advance the lives of employees in the workplace and in their neighborhoods. The more employees who unite collectively, the more management will listen to what the workers have to say. In union there is momentum and without, “union employees have only a small number of rights such as minimum wage, overtime after 40 hours, and unemployment insurance” (Kroger, para. 2)...
Words: 624 - Pages: 3
...A labor union is a group of employees that work together to obtain safer and better working conditions, higher wages, and better hours for the work they complete. For example, those who work in a retail store may have a union that will fight for them if chaos breaks out or employees aren’t treated correctly. Nowadays, there are still unions fighting to be appreciated for their accomplishments. However, in the 1930s unions were in a constant battle to be recognized and it wasn’t until 1935 that unions had a significant act that enforced protection of employee rights and employers. This newly enforced act led to changes in the workplace and changed how unions were seen as globally. Overall, The National Labor Relations Act of 1935(NLRA) expanded...
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...Labor Unions in Sports Willie C Williams Webster University Labor Unions in Sports Labor unions can trace its roots to the mid-19th century during the industrial revolution. Around the end of the Civil War national unions began to form beginning with the American Federation of Labor in 1886. These unions were created to protect and collectively bargain with employers on things such as wages, benefits, and working conditions for its members. Prior to labor unions, employee rights were nonexistent. Unions progressively began to get stronger and stronger through passed legislation and also through the increased amount of participation. In 1954 union membership hit an all-time high 35% of overall employees in America. Since the passing of bills such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1991 union participation as steadily declined. These Acts gave greater protection to employees and therefore nullifying the need for unions. The one place were unions are thriving is in the world of professional sports. Currently National Football League (NFL, and Major League Baseball (MLB) have player unions and each one has worked to help create better opportunities for players in their prospective leagues. MLB Major league baseball players were the first players to organize as a union. In 1965 several baseball players hired Marvin Miller, a respected economist from United Steelworkers Association to mold the players into a union. Mr. Miller helped the players negotiate their first...
Words: 820 - Pages: 4
...USPS: American Postal Workers Union APWU Ashley Young HRM 531 September 24, 2012 David Freeman APWU I. Brief Background a. Represents more than 220,000 employees of the United States Postal Service who are clerks, maintenance employees, etc. b. Known as the world’s largest postal union c. Been active since the 19th century. Initially, it was just the Post Office Dept. Until 1970s , it became the US Postal Service and postal unions were allowed to bargain collectively over wages and conditions for the first time. d. In the beginning, there were no bargaining right. Increases depended on the whim of congress. II. Current Federal, Local, State Issue a. Law states that, the USPS must request an advisory opinion from the Postal Regulatory Commission when making nationwide changes in service and of course, policies. Recently, the PRC dismissed a claim that was filed. b. The claim was filed requesting to the stop the implementation of changes that called for USPS to merge more than 40 mail processing plants and lower service standards. c. The APWU Nurses are still in negotiation of a successful contract to the Collective Bargaining Agreement. d. There was a recent case regarding the pay of traveling employees. It seems there was a disagreement on how to handle the pay of employees when an unexpected delay occurs in an overnight stay. i. Article...
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...Labor Laws & Unions – United Parcel Service HRM/531 April, 2013 Abstract Labor Laws and Unions were established to protect the employees in an organization through maintaining his or her rights under law. The Clayton Act was established in 1914, which stated that employees had the right to join a union. Many laws have been passed since then to protect the rights of the organization’s and its unions. The United Parcel Service (UPS) is the largest employer of the Teamsters Union under the Package Division ("Teamsters package division,"). UPS is an excellent example of the benefits of joining a union it processes and its negotiation power. Benefits to Joining a Union There are many benefits to joining the United Parcel Service (UPS) Teamsters Union. According to the Teamster’s Package Division newsletter, the division represents package car drivers, air drivers, feed drivers, part-time loaders, unloaders, sorters and clerks ("Teamsters package division,"). Joining the Teamsters union offers opportunity for workers to receive better pay, benefits and improved working conditions. In 1997, the Teamsters union represented UPS when they went out on strike to receive better wages for part-time employees and to keep control over the union employee pension fund. The strike lasted 15 days and the outcome was in favor of the union and the employees. The company increased the wages of part-time and full-time employees, upgraded part-time positions to full-time and gave the union...
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