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Submitted By zcollins92
Words 592
Pages 3
While reading All-star Superman you got to see superman, one of the most if not they most well know superhero of all times come to the end of his life. At first it makes you wonder, superman can and has been able to do whatever he wanted his whole life why would he have any finale labors? Then after seeing what those final labors where. The author makes you realize that all Superman has ever really wanted was the things that us non superhero’s take for granted. Before finishing the book we were discussing what our final labors would be in class. I was thinking about all the crazy things I haven’t got to do yet in my life like skydiving and exploring undiscovered areas of the earth. However after finishing reading the book my outlook on my final labors changed pretty drastically. Superman made me realize that it’s not the things you do for yourself while you’re alive that you’ll be remembered for. But the things you do for others that will keep your name remembered forever. For my final labors I would like to accomplish 3 main goals, for my first goal I would like to complete college with a degree in business management. I feel that with this degree I can follow in my Father’s footsteps and hopefully own my own business someday and be as successful as him someday. Not only do I want to do this for my own good, but even more then that I want to make my proud. My whole life my dad has been pushing me to be smarter and stronger and most importantly a competent and successful human being. I know whatever I do accomplish in my life my dad will be proud, however I would really like to go above and beyond any expectations he has ever had for me. For my second labor I would like to settle down and have a big family someday. I know everyone probably uses this as one of their labors and I feel that’s how it should be! There are times in everyone’s lives where they have

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