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Submitted By lanthony68
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properties of gasesLab Report for Experiment # 1 Properties of Gases

Student's Name Lisa Anthony
Date of Experiment 09/29/2013

Date Report Submitted Please leave nothing blank

Title: Properties of Gases Purpose: To investigate some physical and chemical properties of gases To use these properties to identify these gases when they are encountered Procedure: Have you made any changes to the procedure? Please explain. If you made no changes, state so. (1 point)

Please Note: This lab involves a lot of waiting for the gas collection. Make sure you allot yourself the full three hours to perform the experiments.
Observations: Use this table to record all your observations for each section of the experiment. Please use complete sentences.
Section in procedure|Observations|
1: Hydrogen|Bubbles were present, gas being produced gas appeared to be clear. Did appear ignite.|
2 : Oxygen|Bubbles were present, showing signs that gas is being produced gas is clear. Did appear to ignite.|
3: Hydrogen/oxygen mixture|Did not appear to be flammable. Match did not ignite |
4: Carbon Dioxide: Part 1|The lime water appeared milky in color when the gas was released into the solution.|
4: Carbon dioxide Part 2|The Bromothymol blue turned yellow in color when the gas was released into the solution|
4: Carbon dioxide Part 3|The lime water appeared milky in color when the gas was released into the solution.|
4: Carbon dioxide Part 4|As bubbles from the straw enter the clear limewater, it turns milky. After standing, the solution looks clear|

Summary of data:

Summarize your data in the following two tables. It is not necessary to use complete sentences here. If you did not test a particular property, please indicate so by using N/A.

Gas|Color|Effect on lighted match|Effect on glowing splint|Other|

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