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Labros, Inc. Executive Summary

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Annabeth Grant and her college roommate created Labros. Inc in August 2012. Their company creates mobile applications for small businesses in the pet services industry. The company creates apps to perform several functions for clients such as scheduling services and promoting. The company manages all components of their mobile app, including updating and maintaining the app software. The developers can design apps to perform numerous tasks for clients and adapt to the clients particular needs. The company started with two employees and grew to fifteen with each employee performing more than one duty. All developers are responsible for client development and sales. Employees are divided into teams of two or three with one employee serving as the account executive of each team. Each team is assigned one client and the account executive is given an annual expense account of five thousand dollars. The purpose of the account is to assist with client development. …show more content…
All employees who work for the company sign a covenant not to compete. The covenant not to compete states that employees after termination from employment with Labros Inc. cannot directly or indirectly contact or solicit to provide service to any of the customers or accounts of Labros Inc. for two years that the former employees interacted with and interfere with the business of Labros Inc.
Carter Summers began working for Labros. Inc. in January 2015. He was recruited by Grant from Innovative Solutions, a website development company for local businesses and charities. Grant recruited Summers because of his good reputation at Innovative Solutions. Summers was a good employee, according to Grant and worked hard to recruit client and develop client relationships with the company. Summers also used own personal funds to help client

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