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Lady Bugs Research Paper

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Genetically Modified crops are destroying your health as well as bees, birds, lady bugs and butterflies
Like bees and butterflies, lady bugs are also an important part of our ecosystem and are essential to the biodiversity of our food supply. "Lady Bugs are tremendous carnivores that can eat lots of significant agricultural pests including aphides and mites without posing other risk to human health” says Doug Taron, curator of biology at the Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum in Chicago."

As essential as lady bugs are to biodiversity of our food supply, new research shows that Cry1Ab toxins (B. thuringiensis—BT toxin), Monsanto’s best selling herbicide ‘Roundup’ and crops that are resistant to Glyphosate are toxic to lady bugs:
gmo-roundup-bt-toxin-are-destroying-our-health-killing-birds-bees-lady-bug-butterfliesStudies …show more content…
Soon after, another study published in the Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences revealed that neonicotinoid pesticides kill honeybees by damaging their immune system and making them unable to fight diseases and bacteria:

Enough number of studies suggests that Bt toxin found in the blood of 93% pregnant women and their unborn fetuses kills human embryo cells and is linked to leukemia and anemia:
A study back in February 2012 showed how BT toxin kills human cells. Shortly after, another study published by the Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases has linked Bacillus Thuringensis (Bt) to blood abnormalities like anemia and a type of blood cancer known as leukemia.

Beside the side effects of Bt toxin, other studies have linked the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup called glyphosate with cancer, fatal kidney disease, allergies and organ

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