...Kenya VN Term Paper 3 Introduction The republic of Kenya is located on the equator along the east coast of Africa, with a population size of 44.86 million and a population growth rate of 2.6%. The per capita GDP for the country is around $2,818.00, but with a Gini coefficient of 47.7 the wealth of the country is not evenly dispersed, leaving many to survive on much less (Cite 3,5). Forty-two percent of the population lives in poverty and 30% of them were considered undernourished in 2014 (Cite 7). There has been in a demographic shift over the past 10 years, with the crude death rate dropping to eight and the crude birth rate slowly decreasing to 35 (Cite 6). Because the death rate is slowing faster than the crude birth rate, there will be a major change in the demographic of the country through the next few generations. The country faces many hardships that can accompany population growth, such as natural resource demand, food scarcity, poverty and malnourishment. The population growth in Kenya has increased demand on food and has exacerbated the problems that the current food shortage has already created. We can project the percentage of growth in food demand as a function of percent change in income multiplied by the income elasticity, then add the sum to the percent change in the population for the country. With this information we can estimate the amount of food demand increase that a country will be facing. Kenya’s growth in food demand is 6.79%, which creates...
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...American International Journal of Contemporary Research Vol. 4 No. 1; January 2014 Kenya’s Social Development Proposals and Challenges: Review of Kenya Vision 2030 First Medium-Term Plan, 2008-2012 Ezekiel Mbitha Mwenzwa Department of Social Sciences Karatina University P. O. Box 1951, Karatina, Kenya. Joseph Akuma Misati Department of Sociology Maasai Mara University P. O. Box 861 20500, Narok, Kenya. Abstract Kenya faces several development challenges including poverty, disease, unemployment, negative civic engagement among others. The development bottlenecks worsened following the introduction of the IMF/World Bank-propelled Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) of the late 1970s and early 1980s. While the SAPs had envisaged benefits, they largely became part of the problem rather than the solution to development in Kenya. Accompanying these were negative civic engagements, particularly, ethnic conflict and political maladministration especially after the re-introduction of multiparty politics in the early 1990s. These drawbacks notwithstanding, development planning went on culminating in the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERSWEC) 2003-2007 in 2002 and its successor, the Kenya Vision 2030 in 2007. While the former was implemented, the latter is on course with the First Five Year Medium-Term Plan running from 2008 to 2012 recently concluded. The blueprint is driven by three pillars, namely; The economic, social and...
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...INTRODUCTION Kenya vision 2030 aims to create a cohesive, equitable and just society based on democratic principles grounded in the existing, rich and diverse cultures in Kenya. The vision 2030 is based on three pillars namely Economic, Social and Political. The economic pillar seeks to ensure prosperity for all Kenyans through economic development programs in key sectors aimed at achieving an average gross domestic product (GDP) of 10% per annum up to 2030. The social pillar aims at building a just and cohesive society with social equity in a clean and secure environment. The political pillar aims at the realization of a democratic political system founded on issue based politics that respects the rule of law and protects rights and freedoms of every individual in the Kenyan society. Kenya envisages the achievement on vision 2030 through a series of successive five year medium term plans covering the span of the Kenya vision 2030 and the first having been implemented from 2008 up to this year 2012. Before the end of this year another 5 year Medium Term Plans will be produced covering the period 2013-2017 while subsequent Medium Term Pans will cover there are periods 2018-2022, 2023-2027 up to 2030. The MediumTermPlans are designed to fast track the flagship projects identified under vision 2030 various programmers and key policies. The medium term plans calls for increased levels of savings and investments to facilitate the economic growth and development envisaged...
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...Kenya Vision 2030 A Globally Competitive and Prosperous Kenya October 2007 THE NATIONAL ANTHEM Swahili Ee Mungu nguvu yetu Ilete baraka kwetu Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi Natukae na undugu Amani na uhuru Raha tupate na ustawi Amkeni ndugu zetu Tufanye sote bidii Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu Nchi yetu ya Kenya Tunayoipenda Tuwe tayari kuilinda Natujenge taifa letu Ee, ndio wajibu wetu Kenya istahili heshima Tuungane mikono Pamoja kazini Kila siku tuwe na shukrani English O God of all creation Bless this our land and nation Justice be our shield and defender May we dwell in unity Peace and liberty Plenty be found within our borders Let one and all arise With hearts both strong and true Service be our earnest endeavour And our homeland of Kenya Heritage of splendour Firm may we stand to defend Let all with one accord In common bond united Build this our nation together And the glory of Kenya The fruit of our labour Fill every heart with thanksgiving FOREWORD The unveiling of Kenya Vision 2030 marks an important milestone in our country’s development as it comes soon after the successful implementation of the “Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation” (ERS) over the period 2003 to-date. The Kenya economy has now recovered from the slow growth rate of 0.6 percent in 2002 to a projected growth of over 7 percent in 2007. Indeed, the last five years represent the best phase of sustained economic growth in our country in all sectors of our economy notably; agriculture...
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...Kenya Vision 2030 REPUBLIC OF KENYA July - August, 2007 This publication is a summary of Kenya’s new long-term national planning strategy, officially known as Kenya Vision 2030. The publication briefly states the main goals of the Economic, Social and Political pillars that underpin the Vision 2030. It also provides a run-down of major, (or flagship) projects to be embarked upon in the Medium Term period of the Vision, i.e from 2008-2012. The final version of Vision 2030 will be completed after this and other consultations. Kenya Vision 2030 THE CONTEXT OF KENYA VISION 2030 Kenya Vision 2030 is the new country’s development blueprint covering the period 2008 to 2030. It aims at making Kenya a newly industrializing, “middle income country providing high quality life for all its citizens by the year 2030”. The Vision has been developed through an all-inclusive stakeholder consultative process, involving Kenyans from all parts of the country. The vision is based on three “pillars” namely; the economic pillar, the social pillar and the political pillar. This vision’s programme plan comes after the successful implementation of the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (ERS) which has seen the country’s economy back on the path to rapid growth since 2002, when GDP grew at 0.6% rising to 6.1% in 2006. The relationships between the pillars can be seen in Exhibit One below. The economic pillar aims at providing prosperity...
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...AGRICULTURAL LAW AEC304 CONVENOR – Felix Odimmasi OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE The course is intended to help the student to explore the legal environment of Agricultural Law by providing a comprehensive survey of the development and regulation of legislation and doctrines which affect the development of Agriculture as a distinct driver of the economy in Kenya. CONDUCT OF THE COURSE The course shall consist of both coursework and examination. The coursework will be in the form of a researched seminar presentation, a term paper and a continuous assessment test each constituting 10% of the final mark, thus a total of 30% of the total mark. The exam will constitute the remaining 70%. COURSE CONTENT | |TOPIC |WEEK |COMMENT | |1 |Nature and sources of Kenyan Law | | | | |Definition and Classification of Law | | | | |Sources of Law | | | | |Law making processes | | | | |Administration of the Law ...
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...Rafaella Rusmigo Erasmus Student MUP 12/7/2015 Kenya Abstract Throughout time, we have seen countries evolve from many different circumstances, most of which circumstances were from colonial exploitation. European colonialism dates back to the age of exploration and the discoveries that were found overseas from the mainland of Europe. The colonists were brutal to the natives called savages, ruthless to the innocent, and exploiters of the native people and their native lands. In Africa, the Europeans had penetrated it in the 1600-1700’s. In the 1800’s the entire continent did not have a single free independent nation state, all of Africa belonged to the Europeans. Kenya was significantly impact by the imperialists. The historical evidence of Kenya’s economy, culture, and social standards comes from the British rule from 1888-1963. The main purpose of this document is to understand the fundamentals of British colonialism and the British conquest in Kenya. Through examining important points in the history of Kenya, we will found out what are the legacies of the colonial period for Kenya and if they are still relevant to the country today. Republic of Kenya Kenya is a country in East Africa with its territory lying on the equator and overlies the East African Rift covering a diverse and expansive terrain that extends roughly from Lake Victoria to Lake Turkana and further south-east to the Indian Ocean. It is bordered by Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west...
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...Agroforestry in the drylands of eastern Africa: a call to action Bashir Jama and Abdi Zeila World Agroforestry Centre LIMITED CIRCULATION Titles in the Working Paper Series aim to disseminate information on agroforestry research and practices and stimulate feedback from the scientific community. Other series from the World Agroforestry Centre are: Agroforestry Perspectives, Technical Manuals, and Occasional Papers. Correct Citation: Jama B and Zeila A. 2005. Agroforestry in the drylands of eastern Africa: a call to action. ICRAF Working Paper – no. 1. Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre. Published by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Eastern and Central Africa Regional Programme United Nations Avenue PO Box 30677 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 7224 000, via USA +1 650 833 6645 Fax: +254 20 7224 001, via USA +1 650 833 6646 Email: b.jama@cgiar.org Internet: www.worldagroforestry.org © World Agroforestry Centre 2005 ICRAF Working Paper no. 1 Photos: World Agroforestry Centre Staff Articles appearing in this publication may be quoted or reproduced without charge, provided the source is acknowledged. No use of this publication may be made for resale or other commercial purposes. All images remain the sole property of their source and may not be used for any purpose without written permission of the source. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the World Agroforestry Centre. The geographic designation employed and...
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...NATIONALISM IN KENYA Conflict and resentment defined the the colonial experience between the white settlers and native Africans. With Nairobi evolving from a shantytown in the early 1900s into a major urban centre for East Africa, white settlers slowly migrated to the country lured by the prospect of land. They settled in the fertile highlands outside Nairobi, an area later dubbed the "White Highlands." Both the Maasai and the Kikuyu tribes lost large amounts of land to these European settlers. Their resentment grew deeper with each acre lost and the inevitable conflicts would not fully be resolved until independence. Successful large-scale farming depended to a great degree upon an adequate labour force, namely Africans. They, however, did not see any advantage or gain in working for the European encroachers. In response, the colonial authorities introduced hut taxes and other laws that forced the Africans into low-paying wage employment. This marked the introduction of a cash economy into a land dominated by the barter system. World War I provided a hiatus in white settlement but after the war Britain gained possession of this region under the Treaty of Versailles and began a policy of inequitable land distribution that further fuelled growing African resentment. The government offered land in the Kenyan highlands to war veterans at inexpensive prices but only white veterans, not African veterans, could take advantage of this offer. White settlers streamed in and increasing...
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...INTERNATIONALIZATION OF THE TOURISM SECTOR IN KENYA INTRODUCTION Tourism in Kenya dates back to pre-independence days and history has recorded that as early as the 1930's, overseas visitors and explorers had started coming to Kenya mainly for big-game hunting expeditions while others came in search of solitude and adventure. These expeditions were locally referred to as "Safari" thus lending the travel world literature with a new vocabulary. Among the early visitors were statesmen, royalties and celebrities such as Theodore Roosevelt, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and Ernest Hemingway respectively. At that time, there was in existence a fairly developed but basic tourism infrastructure. The available accommodation was spartan but sufficient for both the visitors as well as the settler community in Kenya. However soon after independence, the Kenya Government realized the enormous potential of the tourism industry and hence undertook to upgrade the existing infrastructure as well as investing in additional facilities. To achieve its goal, the Government encouraged local and foreign entrepreneurs to invest in the tourism and hospitality industries thus paving the way for the future development of the sector. In spite of increased competition from other destinations, Kenya remains one of the most popular tourist destinations in Africa. Tourism in Kenya is mainly based on natural attractions, which include wildlife in its natural habitats as well as beautiful beaches amongst...
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...The tourism industry has developed into one of the most powerful industries in the world. The impacts of tourism development growth can produce both benefits and costs to the host nation. In order to eliminate the negativities caused by tourism, and provide a more sustainable future for the ever-expanding industry, Government’s need to be actively involved throughout. However, the extent of their involvement is disputed. The Government’s of such nations must try to develop initiatives that will not only carry on boosting their economy through the maturity of tourism, but sufficiently limit the damage to the environment, all whilst protecting their own nation’s cultures, and in doing so; creating a more sustainable future. The WTO (1993) defines sustainable tourism as ‘meeting the needs of the present tourists and host regions whilst protecting and enhancing opportunity for the future.’ It also illustrates that sustainable development strategies must stress the need for due regard to be given to the ‘long-term appropriate use of natural and human resources’. Essentially, in order to achieve sustainability in tourism, the long term effects and impacts need to be assessed over the mass market. By developing sustainable forms of tourism in some areas, other areas that may be affected as a result of this are simply ignored. As Klemm (1992) suggests, ‘the real challenge for the future it to provide sustainable tourism for the mass market’. As the mass market is not given enough consideration...
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...LAWS OF KENYA The ConsTiTuTion of Kenya Revised Edition 2010 Published by the National Council for Law Reporting with the Authority of the Attorney General 2 Constitution of Kenya [Rev. 2010 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA ARRANGEMENT OF ARTICLES PREAMBLE CHAPTER ONE—SOVEREIGNTY OF THE PEOPLE AND SUPREMACY OF THIS CONSTITUTION 1—Sovereignty of the people. 2—Supremacy of this Constitution. 3—Defence of this Constitution. CHAPTER TWO—THE REPUBLIC 4—Declaration of the Republic. 5—Territory of Kenya. 6—Devolution and access to services. 7—National, official and other languages. 8—State and religion. 9—National symbols and national days. 10—National values and principles of governance. 11—Culture. CHAPTER THREE—CITIZENSHIP 12—Entitlements of citizens. 13—Retention and acquisition of citizenship. 14—Citizenship by birth. 15—Citizenship by registration. 16—Dual citizenship. 17—Revocation of citizenship. 18—Legislation on citizenship. CHAPTER FOUR—THE BILL OF RIGHTS Part 1—General Provisions relatinG to the Bill of riGhts 19—Rights and fundamental freedoms. 20—Application of Bill of Rights. 21—Implementation of rights and fundamental freedoms. 22—Enforcement of Bill of Rights. 23—Authority of courts to uphold and enforce the Bill of Rights. 24—Limitation of rights or fundamental freedoms. 25—Fundamental Rights and freedoms that may not be limited. Rev. 2010] Constitution of Kenya Part 2—riGhts and fundamental freedoms 3 26—Right to life. 27—Equality and freedom from discrimination...
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...biomass energy Introduction Kenya faces a number of economic, social and environmental challenges. During a period of 40 years, the country fell from one of the most promising developing countries in sub-Saharan Africa, both in terms of growth and social development, to a stagnated economy struggling to find a new roadmap of sustained growth. Between 1972 and 2003, for example, despite real GDP growing at an annual average rate of about 3.3 per cent, per capita real GDP only grew at about 0.2 per cent per annum, reflecting growing population The high growth rate in 2004 is partly attributable to the adoption of a new data system, the SNA 1993, which added hitherto poorly captured economic sectors such as SMEs and the horticultural sector. Available data also revealed that real per capita income in 2003 (about US$426) was well below the figure the country achieved in the late 1970s. In 2003, the economy continued with its gradual economic recovery by posting a real economic growth rate of 1.8 per cent, up from 1.2 per cent in 2002. The recovery strengthened further in 2004 when the economy grew 4.3 per cent4 and in 2005, 5 per cent. Despite these gains, however, the country’s poverty status remains largely unchanged. It is estimated that it would take 350 years for real capita income to double from its level in 2003. Cost of energy The high cost of energy is one of the biggest bottlenecks to economic activity in the country (KIPPRA, 2005). Kenya continues to lose out on foreign...
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...Assistant County Commissioners in Land Administration in Kenya Position Paper Introduction The new Constitutional Dispensation has radically altered land administration in Kenya. Through Chapter 5, the Constitution of Kenya (CoK), 2010 delineates the normative principles that are to guide land administration in Kenya. These principles, which have been expanded upon by subsequent legislation made in pursuance of Chapter 5, identify the roles and responsibilities of various authorities involved in land administration. It should be noted that the entire gamut of laws that regulated transactions in land have either been repealed or amended to accommodate these principles of land administration. These laws include the Indian Transfer of Property Act of 1892, the Land Titles Act, the Registered Land Act, and the Government Lands Act, and the Registration of Titles Act. The new laws enacted in their place are: the Land Act (2012), the Land Registration Act, and the National Land Commission Act. Land administration is conducted under the auspices of public administration. Prior to the 2010 Constitution, land administration was handled by the Ministry of Lands as well as the Provincial Administration. The Cok, 2010 envisages that land administration should be streamlined and conducted by a specialized body- the National Land Commission. Drawing from the Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2007, the National Land Commission is expected to implement the land policy in collaboration with relevant...
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...Conflict Analysis of the 2007 Post-election Violence in Kenya Mara J. Roberts * September, 2009 Abstract Kenya has been riddled with conflict and violence throughout its brief history as a nation. The 2007 post-election violence in Kenya, however, was of a different magnitude. In this paper, I perform an analysis of the conflict to examine why widespread violence erupted in the wake of Kibaki’s presidential reelection. I look at the history of the conflict, examine stakeholders, and employ a variety of conflict analysis tools in an attempt to get to the root of the cause of the conflict. Key Words: Kenya post-election violence, land dispute, tribal conflict, * Director of Conflict Recovery, New Dominion Philanthropy Metrics 1 “I don’t know whether Kibaki won the election” -Sam Kivuitu, Kenya Election Committee Chair, Jan 2, 2008 1. Introduction The carnage was horrific: 1,500 dead, 3,000 innocent women raped, and 300,000 people left internally displaced. Most of these atrocities happened in the first 14 days after the 2007 Kenyan general election. The severity of this conflict unfolded in a span of 59 days between Election Day, December 27th, 2007 to February 28th, 2008, when a political compromise was reached. The magnitude of the trauma and structural violence that took place in Kenya after the fourth multi-party general election took both Kenyans and the international community, alike, by surprise (Maupeu, 2008). In retrospect, the violence...
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