...Zeus Asset Management Inc. Harvard Case Solution & Analysis QUESTION 1 ZEUS’s INVESTMENT PHILOSOPHY The investment philosophy of the management of Zeus is based on the fact that the results of the investment or the return over the investment could be only achieved over the years by following a risk averse and conservative approach to the management of the risk. This ensures that the portfolio manager of the company works hard to deliver the best performance that is relatively the same as compared to the benchmark’s performance. The equity fund seeks for growth which is for the long term, when the earnings from the stocks are expected to grow above average rates. ZEUS’s PRIMARY INVESTORS The primary investors of Zeus consist of both the individuals and the institutional investors. The institutional investors come from corporations, endowments and foundations. On the other hand, the individual investors consist of high net worth and the risk averse investors that want to invest their assets for long periods and achieve growth. INDIVIDUALLY MANAGED ACCOUNTS & MUTUAL FUNDS The minimum requirement for the individually managed accounts is $ 2 million. Zeus used to customize the portfolios for these clients according to the investment objectives of these clients and afterwards it balanced the volatility and the time horizon of these investments. For other types of people or groups that did not have the minimum capital requirement, then these individuals could invest...
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...Better? Exploring the 2011 Collective Bargaining Agreement in the National Basketball Association" Xiao Chen Johnson & Wales University A Review of " Did the Players Give Up Money to Make the NBA Better? Exploring the 2011 Collective Bargaining Agreement in the National Basketball Association" It's a long but clear title; and I use two whole lines to write it. I'm a basketball fan. When I planned to find a prime resource to read and write about it, I'm aware of some researches or business events involving my interest and business, so I chose this article. After reading the whole essay, I felt perplexed because it wasn't a general primary research that I could recognize at once and the author used some data from sports association. Finally, I thought it's available deliberately. I have two sample reasons: one is that the author collects the valuable data; the other is that the author analyze and flow the idea to the conclusion. Statement of the Problem What is the implied research question in this study? The answer is obvious. Just like the title, this research is to talk about effects of the 2011 Collective Bargaining Agreement in the National Basketball Association. As we knows, because of the new bargaining agreement, players will earn less money that before, and make contribution to the league, but people doesn't it affect or not. This research gives the author's analysis. Review of Related Literature The author, David J. Berri, is a professor of economics...
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...RANDOLPH B. COHEN Dimensional Fund Advisors, 2002 In June of 2002, David Booth faced a dilemma. His firm, Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA), had in recent times shown stellar performance after going through some relatively rough patches in the late 1990s. Growth was steady and profits strong. Yet, Pensions and Investments ranked DFA a mere 96th in size among investment companies (see Exhibit 1). While DFA had never viewed maximizing assets under management as a goal, the ranking did suggest that it might be possible for DFA to achieve more as a firm than it currently was. Should Booth and DFA continue on the path that had brought them this far? Or was this the time for a major initiative that could catapult DFA to a status among the largest firms in the business? The Company and its Clients DFA was an investment firm based in Santa Monica, California. Founded in 1981 by Booth and Rex Sinquefield, two former students at the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, DFA was dedicated to the principle that the stock market was “efficient”—that is, while over any given period some investors by luck would outperform the market and others would underperform, no one had the ability to consistently pick stocks that would beat the market. Such beliefs were associated with proponents of index funds, and, indeed, Sinquefield had run one of the very first S&P 500 index funds while at another firm. But DFA was not simply an index fund manager. In addition to efficient markets, DFA’s...
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...Introduction: Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) implies markets to be rational, incorporating new information to reflect in stock prices rapidly, considering direction and size of the share price movement. Consequently, leaving no opportunities for investors to beat the market and acquire abnormal returns. Predictable information raises the stock prices prior to its occurrence, and rapidly adjusting at the event date. Addendum to EMH, Random Walk Theory proposes market prices abide no pressure from past-price movements thus pursue a random course, making impossible to forecast future-price movements as they are an independent of past-prices. Fama (1970) establish three-level grading system portraying degree of market efficiency, based on investment approach endowing abnormal returns: Market anomalies are inconsistent with EMH and a consequence of deviations and incomprehensible patterns in smooth running of stock markets. Anomalies are statistically considerable and additionally proffer investors with risk adjusted economic returns. Once documented and scrutinized in literature, anomalies tend to disappear, overturn, or attenuate; doubting their subsistence in past, as being statistical irregularity, or have been arbitraged away. This essay will begin by defining limitations of CAPM and introduce three-factor model. Additionally, it will discuss the fundamental anomalies (Value and Size effects), calendar anomalies (January, Weekend and Time-of-the-month effects) and...
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...A PROJECT REPORT ON Detail Study Of HDFC Mutual Fund Submitted For the partial fulfillment of the requirement for The Degree of MBA Submitted by: MD NABEEL Registration No. –070651940 MBA –IV Trimester SESSION (2007-2009) INTERNAL GUIDE JYOTSHNA RAI IIPM - School Of Management BIJU PATNAIK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY ROURKELA, ORISSA. DECLARATION I do hereby declare that the project entitled “DETAIL STUDY OF HDFC- MUTUAL FUND” submitted as a part of the requirement for the partial fulfillment of Master of Business Administration at BIJU PATNAIK UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, ORISSA is an original piece of work done by me under the guidance of • Mr Manmohan Mohapatra (Branch manager) • Mr Sanket Swaroop • Mr Vikash Gupta. At HDFC Mutual Fund , Rourkela has not been submitted for award of any degree else where in part or full. Name:-Md Nabeel Regd :-0706519040 [pic] certificate of the Guide This is to certify that the work entitled “DETAIL STUDY OF HDFC- MUTUAL FUND” is a piece of Summer Project Report done by MD NABEEL, student of MBA IV Trimester IIPM SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, Kansbahal , Rourkela bearing Reg. No 0706519042 under my guidance and supervision for partial fulfillment of MBA curriculum of BIJU PATNAIK UNIVERSITY...
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...An assessment of the implications for competition of a cap on auditors' liability July 2004 OFT741 1 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report contains the OFT's advice to Government on the implications for competition in the audit market of proposals to permit auditors to limit their liability by way of negotiated caps. The current liability position 1.2 At present auditors may not limit their liability for fault due to negligence or incompetence in audit work. Alongside regulation and reputation, liability acts as a discipline on audit quality in a context where shareholders and other third parties rely on information from an audit which is paid for by the company being audited. We are not aware of evidence suggesting that the courts in the UK have made, or are liable to make, excessive damages awards against auditors. Professional indemnity insurance is available, and LLP status – the chosen corporate form of many audit businesses – exists to protect partners' personal assets. The competition arguments 1.3 It has been argued that a cap on auditors' liability would however be procompetitive because it would lead to: • • • 1.4 a reduction in the barriers to entry and growth facing smaller audit firms the maintenance of competition between larger audit firms, including for non-audit work, and less risk of collapse of one of the Big Four. On the basis of the evidence available to us, however, none of these arguments appears compelling. First, the current liability...
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...Table of Contents |SR. NO. |TOPIC |PAGE NO. | |1 |Introduction |6 | | |concept of mutual fund | | | |investor earn from mutual fund | | | |advantages of mutual fund | | | |disadvantages of mutual fund | | | |frequentiy used term | | |2 |Types of Mutual Fund Schemes |15 | |3 |Organization of a Mutual Fund |30 | |4 |Fund Management Style & Structuring of Portfolio |33 | |5 |Individual Scheme Analysis ...
Words: 24333 - Pages: 98
...Stock Investing FOR DUMmIES 2ND by Paul Mladjenovic ‰ EDITION Stock Investing FOR DUMmIES 2ND ‰ EDITION Stock Investing FOR DUMmIES 2ND by Paul Mladjenovic ‰ EDITION Stock Investing For Dummies® 2nd Edition , Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 111 River St. Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2006 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400, fax 978-646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, 317-572-3447, fax 317-572-4355, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley Publishing logo, For Dummies, the Dummies Man logo, A Reference for the Rest of Us!, The Dummies Way, Dummies Daily, The Fun and Easy Way, Dummies.com and related trade dress are trademarks or registered trademarks of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the...
Words: 125643 - Pages: 503
...Transforming Steel Retail Hardware Distribution R P Manatkar Sr. Manager – Channel Management and Product Promotion rmanatkar@wires.tatasteel.com Marketing & Sales, Tata Steel, Global Wires, Dattapara Road, Borivali (E), Mumbai 400066, India Abstract: The steel hardware retail supply chains in India are in ordinary state. Longer lead time, large inventories, non availability of stocks; poor retail network, poor infrastructure, and poor customer service are some of the issues faced by this industry. The different work entities in this industry are operating in silos. It requires integration to beat bloodthirsty pressures to remain competitive. In spite of advances in Telecom/ Information Technology, there is hardly any change in the operations of hardware shop supply chain owners due to various reasons. The advances in operations management, communications and information technology, as well as a rapidly growing array of logistics options, leaves good opportunity for hardware suppliers to reduce operating costs and improve overall efficiency. This paper highlights the practical issues faced by retail hardware suppliers / channel partners and proposes solutions to address the issues. It also highlights some of the best practices of the organised retail which could be useful to retail hardware channel members. The right Supply Chain solution can create a strategic competitive advantage by streamlining the distribution network, leveraging industry best practices tailored...
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...Corona Beer: From a Local Mexican Player to a Global Brand Case Analysis Chris Brown, Jennifer Roath, Janissa Pheann BUSA 499 November 30, 2009 Table of Contents: Business Overview............................................................................................................p.3 Products.................................................................................................................p.3 Structure................................................................................................................p.3 Leadership.............................................................................................................p.3 Historic Strategies.................................................................................................p.3 Strategic Issues......................................................................................................p.3 PESTEL Analysis.............................................................................................................p.4 Political.................................................................................................................p.4 Economic..............................................................................................................p.4 Social.....................................................................................................................p.5 Technological......
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...any amendments made at the standardisation events which all examiners participate in and is the scheme which was used by them in this examination. The standardisation process ensures that the mark scheme covers the candidates’ responses to questions and that every examiner understands and applies it in the same correct way. As preparation for standardisation each examiner analyses a number of candidates’ scripts: alternative answers not already covered by the mark scheme are discussed and legislated for. If, after the standardisation process, examiners encounter unusual answers which have not been raised they are required to refer these to the Principal Examiner. It must be stressed that a mark scheme is a working document, in many cases further developed and expanded on the basis of candidates’ reactions to a particular paper. Assumptions about future mark schemes on the basis of one year’s document should be avoided; whilst the guiding principles of assessment remain constant, details will change, depending on the content of a particular examination paper. Further copies of this Mark Scheme are available from: aqa.org.uk Copyright © 2011 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. Copyright AQA retains the copyright on all its publications. However, registered centres for AQA are permitted to copy material from this booklet for their own internal use, with the following important exception: AQA cannot give permission to centres to photocopy any material that...
Words: 8688 - Pages: 35
...Ernst & Young “Business Leaders of Tomorrow” Case Contest Bigg Glowbell (BG) Case Study Table of Contents Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Assignment Background .................................................................................................................................. 2 Bigg-Glowbell Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 3 The Company History ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Revenue and Profits ........................................................................................................................................ 5 Bigg-Glowbell Global Locations ....................................................................................................................... 6 Bigg-Glowbell Organization, Products and Services ........................................................................................ 7 Ownership ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 Strategic Issues ..............................................................................................................................
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...LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT Report on Summer Training [Title] Investment avenues Submitted to Lovely Professional University In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the award of Degree of Master of Business Administration Submitted by: Tanu rani 10904883 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY JALANDHAR NEW DELHI GT ROAD PHAGWARA PUNJAB acknowledgement I present this project report on “INVESTMENT AVENUES” IN AXIS BANK LTD., Kashmiri gate, near hasan building with a sense of great pleasure and satisfaction. I undersign with pleasure take this opportunity to thank all those related directly or indirectly in preparation of this project report. I started working on this project under the invaluable guidance of Honorable 'Mr. ROHIT BANSAL SIR for which I am very much thankful for her valued time given for the purpose. Without her co-operation our project work would have been difficult to complete. I express our sincere thanks to Mr. PARITOSH GUPTA, (Branch Manager) in Axis Bank Ltd., Wardha and staff in that organization. I am also thankful to Mrs. RASHMI MITTAL MAAM [Dean of our college] to allow us to carry out this project. Date: Place: Fortnightly Progress Report School Name----Business...
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...Return, Risk and The Security Market Line - An Introduction to Risk and Return Whether it is investing, driving or just walking down the street, everyone exposes themselves to risk. Your personality and lifestyle play a big role in how much risk you are comfortably able to take on. If you invest in stocks and have trouble sleeping at night, you are probably taking on too much risk. (For more insight, see A Guide to Portfolio Construction.) Risk is defined as the chance that an investment's actual return will be different than expected. This includes the possibility of losing some or all of the original investment. Those of us who work hard for every penny we earn have a hard time parting with money. Therefore, people with less disposable income tend to be, by necessity, more risk averse. On the other end of the spectrum, day traders feel that if they aren't making dozens of trades a day, there is a problem. These people are risk lovers. When investing in stocks, bonds or any other investment instrument, there is a lot more risk than you'd think. In this section, we'll take a look at the different kind of risks that often threaten investors' returns, ways of measuring and calculating risk, and methods for managing risk. Expected Return, Variance and Standard Deviation of a Portfolio Expected return is calculated as the weighted average of the likely profits of the assets in the portfolio, weighted by the likely profits of each asset class. Expected return is calculated...
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...At a Glance NITRODUCTION OBJECTIVE OF THE REPORT SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY EXPECTED FINDINGS AND HYPOTHESIS A Competitive Study on BRAC EPL Investment Limited 1 INTRODUCTION Internship program is the opportunity that allows a student to work in a certain period of time with an organization. For that the student may know about the real corporate life and the process of implementing all of his/her study and experience that he/she have obtained in the period of the graduation program. So overall the internship program is the mutual agreement through the student, The University and The Corporation or The organization that make the chance for the student to gather knowledge about the real corporate life. I perform my internship program at BRAC EPL for three month. Basically I was posted in the Portfolio Management Department (PMD) of BRAC EPL Investment ltd. Here I perform different types of jobs that the organization imposes to me. The supervisor of my University and my instructor of BRAC EPL has chosen the topic of my internship report in a different way and in different perspectives which contain the familiar issue that, what I have done here at the period of my internship period. But in a formal way I have prepare my report in three main parts. Those are…. Merchant Bank in Bangladesh. Company overview as well as the overall process of Portfolio Management department. Product and services of BRAC EPL Investment Ltd. Customer satisfaction on the basis of BRAC...
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