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Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House In The Big Woods

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Amazing Pioneer Family

“She thought to herself, ‘This is now.’ She was glad that the cozy house, and Pa and Ma and the firelight and the music, were now. They could not be forgotten, she thought, because now is now. It can never be a long time ago.” These were the lovely words that ended Laura Ingalls Wilder’s first book called Little House in the Big Woods. She was born in a cherished log cabin on February 7, 1867, in Wisconsin. Hopefully, Laura’s pioneer family traveled throughout her childhood because they wanted a suitable home. As a young woman, She married Almanzo Wilder and they began their own family. After writing articles, she wrote a series of books based her young life.

Laura Ingalls Wilder was part of a pioneer family that moved …show more content…
In 1911, Laura published her first article in the Missouri Ruralist called “Favors of a Small Farm”. After writing the first article, she had many other articles published in the St. Louis Star, McCalls and the Country Gentlemen. In 1915, Laura went to visit her knowledgeable daughter Rose, who was a published writer, in San Francisco. She encouraged, her mother to write a book about her childhood. In 1920, Laura finished writing her first book called the Pioneer Girl. Rose helped her mother edit her books and she helped send the books to publishers. All of the publishers turned down the book. Laura revised her book and changed the book from an autobiography to a historical fiction story about a girl named Laura. Wonderfully in 1932, she found a publisher who was interested publishing her book and it was renamed “Little House in the Big Woods”. Laura’s second book was called Farmer Boy based on Almanzo’s life as a child. Rose continued to edit Laura’s books. After her second book, Laura added seven more books in the series and was seventy-six years old when they were completed. Laura received much fan mail and she tried to respond to each letter as much as possible. Dreadfully, Almanzo, who was her husband for many years, died in 1949. After many of her books were enjoyed by readers, she received many prized awards and recognition because of her amazing books. Laura peacefully died at the age

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