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Policing In A Democratic Society Summary

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Through the many reforms of policing in a democratic society, we have yet to find a constant policing system that has been effectively throughout the centuries. Authors Ashley Shultz and James R. “Chip” Coldren, Jr have spent their professional careers promoting research, technical assistance, and reform in policing. The CNA invited such leaders to participate in the Executive Session to address several problems in policing in a democratic society in which then they proposed four key questions to the leaders that’s on the minds of many: 1. what is your future vision for policing in America? 2 What needs to happen to make progress toward this vision? 3 What is happening currently in this regard? and 4 How can we support efforts to make these …show more content…
Ms. Robinson commented on her opportunity to co-chair the President’s Task Force, noting it an enormous honor and the most rewarding work she has undertaken during her long career in criminal justice. The Task Force provided her with a great opportunity to work with real stars in the field, such as Commissioner Ramsey, from the Philadelphia Police Department and COPS Office Director Ron Davis. Reforming the policing in a democratic society provides hope for the future of Law enforcement. These article was broking down in to two panel in which consist the main characters that I feel stayed great points that should be discuss : first panel Commissioner Ramsey, from the Philadelphia Police Department and COPS Office Director Ron Davis.; second panel Sue Rahr, member of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing and Executive Director of the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission; Nancy Rodriguez, Director of the National Institute of Justice; Laura Kunard, Senior Research Scientist at …show more content…
The first who caught my attention first was Mr. Charles Ramsey he discussed some of the many challenges facing the policing community and why implementing change is so hard. Mr. Ramsey stated that the COPS Office staff who were made available to the Task Force provided logistical support that was invaluable as they worked through sessions on getting a consensus on recommendations, However, this was somewhat problem due to the fact that they were not always consensus, and that this took time, skill, and effort. Two Key reasons Mr. Ramsey remarked that implementation is so hard is: 1. nobody fundamentally likes changes and 2. People in the community do not really know what they want. Although theses challenges do not seem very difficult to overcome according to Mr. Ramsey it’s going to take a group effort. Which means letting people within the department know how the changes will help make them successful, as well as communicating what is going on regarding the changes internally and externally. “We have to look at the broader criminal justice system, because changing a few things in the police community is like putting a bandage on a bullet wound. It won’t work –Commissioner Charles Ramsey.” He concluded with there are some bad people that need to be taken off the streets, but there needs to be a way to do this without disrupting the community at

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