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Law 531


Submitted By shoshoo
Words 1117
Pages 5
Management of Regulatory Risks
Regulatory risks are risks a company assumes when it fails to comply with government regulations, whether federal, state or even international. Non-compliance with regulations puts a company at risk of tort liability, diminished earnings, negative publicity and if a sever case exists, the company’s final demise and exit from the market altogether. By setting a system of preventative, detective and corrective measures, a company is able to survive the materialization of such risks and emerge with minimal losses. By going the extra mile in planning a number of anticipatory measures, a company demonstrates its social responsibility and willingness to be an abiding member of the community. This paper will focus on ways to identify regulatory risks of non-compliance and how to set preventative, detective and corrective measures to handle these risks.
Alumina Inc. is a US based company in the aluminum industry. Its main market is the US, but it has also managed to find a presence internationally in eight other countries. Five years ago, Alumina was found to be in violation of the government set PAH concentration limits for discharging effluents, the company was ordered to clean up and the damage was contained. By setting up a committee that routinely monitors the changes to regulations and stays abreast of or in compliance with new standards, Alumina can demonstrate to the community that it is a socially responsible company that cares about its surroundings and hence minimize liability torts. If it fails to do so and faces an event such as that faced by the owners of Exxon Valdez, Alumina could be found guilty of a breach of duty where “the defendant falls short of standards or breached that duty for the plaintiff to recover on the basis of negligence” (Jennings, 2006, p.388). Based on this breach, plaintiffs may argue that they were

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