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Flaws Within Club It


Submitted By temen1234
Words 951
Pages 4
Flaws within Club IT
Kevin Temen
BIS/219 Business Information Systems
January 6, 2008
Michael Stomens

Flaws within Club IT
As organizations expand, more often than not businesses find themselves reconstructing their organization to fit the demands of consumers while integrating key components that can increase productivity and efficiency. Nevertheless, there are still companies that fall short of success because of the lack of, or failure to keep up with current trends in technology as well as the management’s ability to organize and delegate its personnel. Although Club IT’s resources are adequate, flaws within the nightclubs infrastructure are evident. With more companies and organizations plummeting in today’s economic recession, it is evident that the margin for error is growing thin. In an effort to contend with the competition, it is imperative that Club IT take the necessary steps in ensuring their problems are resolved while continuing to focus on maximizing profit.
Within Club IT’s infrastructure, it is evident that the organizations resources are limited. With no information technology sector, nor a human resources department, or anyone specifically assigned to any of these departments, Club IT is fortunate to still be conducting business. In addition, the company’s current supply chain is ineffective and costing the organization more money, failing to meet the customers’ demands. Fortunately for Club IT, their decision to target young teens to adults has proven to sway in the company’s favor. However, the question still remains, how long will they stay in business considering they have yet to implement new strategies on improving their business? With more companies failing each year, it is imperative that Club IT identify the problems that exist within their organization, and determine the best approach before their problems are

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