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Leadership and Management


Submitted By alexandrajenna1
Words 2759
Pages 12
ILM Level 3 Award in Leadership and Management:

|Centre Number: |R31609 |
|Centre Name: |Leeds Metropolitan Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) Centre |
|Student Name: |Alexandra Hunt |
|Leeds Met Student ID: |33251825 |
|Student Date of Birth: |15/01/1991 |
|Student Email Address: | |
|Gender: |Female |
|Assessment Summary |
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|This task requires you to develop and demonstrate your skills or potential skills in leading and building an effective team. In order to gain the ILM 3 |
|Award in Leadership and Management you will need to complete and pass a number of questions in this short question test. |
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|Note: To complete the task you will need to draw upon your personal experiences in, for example; a part-time job, voluntary work, other groups (e.g. sports|
|teams), and leadership you have observed, are familiar with or have read about. |
|Understanding Leadership Styles |
|Assessment Criteria: |Describe the factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations |
|Question 1: |Describe 2 factors that will influence the choice of leadership styles or behaviours in workplace situations (approximately 100 |
| |words) |
|If the person is in a situation where a decision needs to be made fast for example a paramedic may use an autocratic leadership style due to being in an |
|emergency and needing to work objectively and quickly. |
|During my 12 months placement I was working as recruitment consultant, a paternalistic leadership style on reflection was what I used when speaking to |
|potential candidates, as it involved me using a lot of enthusiasm and persuasion. I need to use perceptive skills in order to pick up how the candidate was|
|reacting and if it was a warm lead or a dead cold call. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Explain why these leadership styles or behaviours are likely to have a positive or negative effect on individual and group behaviour |
|Question 2: |Following on from the previous question, please explain why these leadership styles or behaviours are likely to have a positive or |
| |negative effect on individual or group behaviour (approximately 100 words) |
|A con of using autocratic leadership style would mean that you may miss good ideas, and does not encourage team work, so often taking on a heavier work |
|load yourself as you put the team in a position where they are needing constant supervision and approval from the autocratic leader. |
|A con of paternalistic leadership is that the selling only lasts as long as you are on the phone or are around for, and some candidates/people are not easy|
|selling targets, you also may waste your time persuading them without gaining any commitment - which came across me time and time again when working as a |
|recruitment consultant. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Assess own leadership behaviours and potential in the context of a particular leadership model, using feedback from others |
|Question 3: |Assess your own leadership behaviours and potential in relation to a leadership model discussed on the programme. Your reflection |
| |should be based on what previous team members have fed back to you (approximately 100 words) |
|At university currently we are participating in a module called consultancy project, whereby as group we have to write a report, research and offer |
|recommendations to a real life client. Over the 4 months we have had 2 peers assessments and my feedback fits into the empowering leadership style, I have |
|gained 100% commitment from the client and my team, I have motivated all my team members giving them guidance and reassurance when writing the report and |
|they do trust my decisions that I have made. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Describe appropriate actions to enhance own leadership behaviour in the context of the particular leadership model |
|Question 4: |Describe at least 2 appropriate actions to enhance your own leadership behaviour in the context of a leadership model discussed on |
| |the programme (approximately 100 words) |
|To enhance my leadership skills I think I firstly need to take a more asking approach instead of getting so stressed myself without even consulting the |
|other group members. Sometimes I tend to take it all upon myself without building the rest of the teams effort. |
|Sometimes also using an autocratic style might be worth it, due to recently working with a team member who does not seem to put as much effort in as the |
|others, to improve the group and work on my leadership styles he may respond to getting things done and meet objectives if I set them for him, this is |
|something I will take with me and use to improve my group work with. |
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|Understanding the Communication Process in the Workplace |
|Assessment Criteria: |Explain the importance of effective communication in the workplace |
|Question 1: |Explain the importance of effective communication in the workplace (approximately 100 words) |
|If communication in the workplace is bad it can have several effects such as decreased productivity, low morale and mistakes made. Communication is the key|
|to running a successful business or project, it dismisses the opportunity for any important project to jeopardised (Allen Webster) |
|High Productivity: the goal of any business, poor communication causes a breakdown in productivity resulting in profit loss or time loss. |
|Morale: Not understanding a task causes low morale, as it makes employees feel confused and question wether they can contribute to the job role or not |
|which leads to low self esteem. Tasks must be received in a clear concise manner focusing on the manager or the leaders communicative skills when |
|surpassing important information. |
|Mistakes: Written communication is essential and when writing emails which are now such a frequent task, you must be careful in choice of wording to ensure|
|the email is not misunderstood or it can lead to unnecessary mistakes in the workplace. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Describe the stages in the communication cycle |
|Question 2: |Describe the stages in the communication cycle (approximately 100 words) |
|The basic flow of communication: |
|Sender --> Message --> Transmission --> Recipient --> Receiver |
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|In this flow the sender sends a message to the receiver and then they can share feedback on the communication process. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Identify possible barriers to communication in the workplace |
|Question 3: |Describe two possible barriers to communication in the workplace (approximately 100 words) |
|Environmental Barriers: The things that surround us, which prevent us from receiving the speaker’s message for example, other peoples conversation, time |
|pressures, the weather, physical discomfort in the room you are sat in. - External barriers. |
|Environmental barriers are related to the listener such as how the listener is feeling at the time. |
|Attitudinal Barriers: The thoughts and feelings going on inside our heads which prevent us from listening, for example boredom, you do not like the person |
|who is speaking, - internal barriers. |
|Attitudinal Barriers have a lot to do with the mood and beliefs of the listener. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Explain how to overcome a potential barrier to communication |
|Question 4: |Explain how to overcome a potential barrier to communication (approximately 100 words) |
|Effective communication requires listening and strong concentration. So it is important when receiving information, to ensure that the conditions are |
|conducive to listening. ILM 3 has taught me that when important conversations are taking place and you are not in the right frame of mind due to |
|attitudinal barriers be prepared to take them offline. You can also use the 6 steps to hearing attention, to improve your communication when needed most. |
|For example an improved step I should take is be aware when it is getting to deep for me, and I tend to switch off when it gets to complicated or complex. |
|This is something I need to work on to improve my communication skill set and follow through on challenging tasks that I need to complete. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Describe the main methods of written and oral communication in the workplace and their uses |
|Question 5: |Describe the main methods of written and oral communication in the workplace and their uses (approximately 100 words) |
|Written Communication: This should be used when needing to provide detailed information, such as figures and facts. Written communication is useful during |
|briefs, it is useful when conducting a presentation to send extra written information out, the main use is when needing to refer back to it throughout a |
|project or at a later date you can do, without having to ask the same questions again or repeat yourself. |
|Oral Communication: This can be used during presentations, over the phone and is main form off communication. It is verbal, vocal and visual. You can |
|convey the information you want to surpass on with passion and conviction and can be sure to get your message across clearly without any errors by using |
|the tones in your voice. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Identify the main advantages and disadvantages of written methods of communication |
|Question 6: |Identify the main advantages and disadvantages of written methods of communication (approximately 100 words) |
|Advantages: Can store and be used at a later date. |
|Easy to provide detailed information such as facts and figures |
|Easy to pass on information from a third party. |
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|Disadvantages: Do not know if the information as been received unless a reply is needed. |
|Writing skills are often difficult develop |
|Poorly written documents can cost money. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Identify the main advantages and disadvantages of oral communication |
|Question 7: |Identify the main advantages and disadvantages of oral communication (approximately 100 words) |
|Advantages: Easy and quick |
|Can communicate your point without much room for misunderstanding. |
|Can be given constructive feedback after a presentation from managers or vies versa |
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|Disadvantages: Need effective listening to be active and cannot always predict |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Explain how non-verbal communication can influence the effectiveness of oral communication |
|Question 8: |Explain how non-verbal communication can influence the effectiveness of oral communication (approximately 100 words) |
|A mixed message can occur when a persons body maybe ‘talking’, and when people do speak their bodies sometimes can say different things. For example eye |
|contact is sign of confidence which much be used when attending interviews. |
|At times a persons body maybe talking when they are actually sitting in silence. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Explain the value of feedback in ensuring effective communication |
|Question 9: |Explain the value of feedback in ensuring effective communication (approximately 100 words) |
|Constructive feedback is a positive way to improve somebodies skill set. When feedback is communicated effectively it can keep some goal orientated. When |
|feeding back you must focus on specific behaviours rather than making general statements however still aiming to keep it impersonal. Always ask questions |
|to ensure the person understands the feedback and make sure they do not feel like that have been attacked in a negative way. The value of constructive |
|feedback is the key to improvement. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Assess own performance in a frequently used method of communication. Outline actions to improve own performance in communicating |
|Question 10: |Assess your own performance (identifying your strengths and weaknesses) in one frequently used method of communication. Possible |
| |methods include; verbal communication, e-mail, telephone etc. Then state two ways in which you could improve your performance as a |
| |communicator when using this method. |
|Written Communication |
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|Strengths - I have managed to establish relationships over email a varied amount of time throughout my 12 month placement, and I have managed to keep a |
|professional working relationships with these people, via Linked In, and I feel confident that if I needed there support I would be able to rely upon them |
|for advice and support even 12 months later. This shows I have conveyed my personality through email and have managed to be personable and approachable |
|through my writing skills. |
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|Weaknesses |
|My spelling and grammatical errors I something I need to be aware off, I tend to rush many emails, and this cannot look when speaking to a professional |
|body as it undermines the content of my email. |
|Due to emailing tutors and friends from all over the world, I need to make sure I distinguish the difference between a friendly more informal email to a |
|formal email, for example ending an email with Kind Regards and Many thanks, can change the way you want your whole email to come across. So being specific|
|with my language is key. |
|I have learnt during the ILM course to use the P.O.W.E.R |
|Understand How to Establish an Effective Team |
|Assessment Criteria: |Explain the benefits of effective working relationships in developing and maintaining the team |
|Question 1: |Explain the benefits of effective working relationships in developing and maintaining the team (approximately 100 words) |
|Bellman and Ryan define an extraordinary group as on which: |
|‘Achieves outstanding results while members experience a profound shift in how they see their world’. |
|Extraordinary groups are not only productive as employees, but also develop personally during there participation. |
|Authors suggest that effective team work can exhibit these common factors, |
|Full engagement, shared leadership, embracing differences etc |
|Assessment Criteria: |Describe behaviours which could develop and maintain trust at work |
|Question 2: |Describe behaviours which could develop and maintain trust at work (approximately 100 words) |
|During team work you spend many hours in creative and energised environment - you get to know each others strengths and weaknesses and become a small |
|support network for each other. This enables the employees to form connections which go deeper than usual work relationships. Through my own experience of |
|working in a team this year, it has evolved into a long term friendship on a personal level outside of the group work at university. |
|Assessment Criteria: |Explain the role of communication in developing effective team working |
|Question 3: |Explain the role of communication in developing effective team working (approximately 100 words) |
|Strong communication during team work can ensure that the team know and understand your visions and goals, and how you see the project going. This can make|
|it easier when needing to combine an overall aim and setting various objectives. It means that you can achieve something together with no confusion and a |
|mutual agreement. |
|Communication and personable behaviour can lead to strong support networks around, and creating a more confident and friendly environment to work in. |
|Assessment Criteria: |Explain the differences between a group and a team |
|Question 4: |Explain the differences between a group and a team (approximately 100 words) |
|A team is internally organised, with specific goals and usually specific roles for different members of the team. A group is a collection of people with |
|something in common something as simple as being in the same place or having a shared interest. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Describe the stages of an established model of group formation |
|Question 5: |Describe the stages of Tuckman’s model of group formation (approximately 100 words) |
|Tuckman believes that all teams pass through four stages of development, gradually becoming more effective as the dynamics of the team change dramatically |
|from periods of inefficiency and uneasiness through to a high period of performance. |
|The four stages are as follows. |
|Forming: Uncertainty about roles, looking outside for guidance. |
|Storming: Growing confidence in team, rejecting outside authority |
|Norming: Concern about being different, wanting to be part of a team |
|Performing: Concern with getting the job done |
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|He believes that a team will not be fully effective unless it reaches he stage of performing. Unless the four stage process is completed teams may |
|degenerate too back into storming. |
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|Assessment Criteria: |Explain how a manager could benefit from knowing team members’ preferred roles as defined in an established team role model |
|Question 6: |Explain how a manager could benefit from knowing team members’ preferred roles as defined in an established team role model, such as |
| |Belbin’s model (approximately 100 words) |
|If a manager can determine what roles are preferred by each team member they are able to have a strong insight into what is going on and who to go to for |
|certain questions. For example if somebody is strong and enjoy financial analysis it makes it easier for the manager to delegate this to the team rather |
|them than having to form together and get to know each other before assigning each other roles. Also if something goes the wrong the manager knows who to |
|go to. |
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|Belbin believes that new team members should be selected so that there is a balance both in terms of skill sets and team roles - if the manager knows what |
|is missing he will be able to make an outside confirmed choice of what is needed in the team. |
|Also each role has its weaknesses. Knowing these weaknesses is useful for planning to avoid potential difficulties and for helping individuals develop - I |
|personally feel this is the managers role. |
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Leadership and Management

...This article is titled, Lessons in Leadership: Car dealer David Wilson learned by doing. It is about a car dealer by the name of David Wilson who is in the club of Horatio Alger Award winners. His rise from a farm in Traer, Iowa, to ownership of one of the largest auto groups in the United States exemplifies the 19th-century authors story of individuals overcoming adversity through perseverance and strong ethic values. Today this 65- year- old man is not just practicing but passing on and teaching his 2,000 employees lessons of leadership modeled by others to him over his work life. He talks about how you have to work to achieve the things you want in life and that they are not just handed to you. The article tells a story about Wilson's family not being about to afford a baseball mitt for him in the fourth grade, so he went out and earned the money himself by mowing lawns. Wilson had many jobs in his early age, but it wasn't until after he graduated college where he met a man by the name of Dick Grey, who was the owner at the car dealership that Wilson started working at right out of college. Wilson stated in the article, that Grey didn't just teach leadership, but he installed leadership by his actions. During his experience with Grey he learned that actions, not title, make leaders. The author does a very good job of providing evidence and supporting the main points. By giving real life example and talking about Wilson's past experiences he catches the readers attention...

Words: 902 - Pages: 4

Premium Essay

Management Leadership

...Management Leadership Paper Gloria Brim MGT/330 March 14, 2011 Larry Meade, Faculty This thesis will cover the roles and responsibilities of organizational managers and leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. We will differentiate between management and leadership within the organization; the roles of organizational managers play in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture. We will explain how the four functions of management and strategies management can use to create and maintain organizational culture. The University Of Washington School Of Dentistry is dedicated to excellence in education, research, and community care. The school is the leading provider of dental care in the Pacific Northwest. According to University of Washington (2010), Primary mission is to educate a progressive oral health network, develop community collaborations and bring advance in science to address the pressing needs of our state, nation, and world. The manager of the department of oral surgery organizes and allocates human capital. She takes into consideration of the type of personalities that works in the department. She will try and match characteristic that will enhance productivity between coworkers in the current open position. The human capital has to meet qualifications and fit in with the present employees. If an employee is not working to full capacity, she will try to work with him to correct the issues. If it is apparent the working...

Words: 1100 - Pages: 5