...Legal and Illegal Drugs Gladys Vazquez Rasmussen College The war on drugs started in 1971 by President Nixon, but the fight didn’t start there (NPR, 2012). In 1914 the US enacted the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, which was the starting point to make drugs illegal, but the classification of drugs was more of a social problem rather than a social issue (Brecher, 2006). Drugs can be defined as ANY substance other than food or water that when taken into the body alters its functioning in some way (College, 2011). Cocaine, Heroin, Crack, and Alcohol are not the only drugs that alter the body that can be considered a drug. Caffeinated soda, coffee, diet pills, tobacco, prescription medication, and more all affect the body and alter the mind in a negative way. Going back in time when Christopher Columbus founded America, we wer e introduced to our very first drug known as tobacco (Cushman, 2011). That’s 520 years ago and still an issue in society. Smoking is set to kill 6.5 million people in 2015 and 8.3 million humans in 2030, with the biggest rise in low-and middle-income countries (National Cancer Institute at the National Institues of Health). Each day about 13,500 people worldwide die from smoking-related diseases (National Cancer Institute at the National Institues of Health). Yet it is a legal substance that alters the mind and body, amazing how that works. Alcohol is another substance that is very harmful and alters the mind and body. Some will argue that used as a...
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...Purpose The use of the internet to download and share music files is a very controversial issue. This topic is especially of interest to me because I download music quite frequently. To get a better look at how frequently students do this, and whether or not they feel it is ethical. I decided to conduct a survey. Other questions dealt with alternative options to downloading music and the legal action that ensues doing so. Method I decided to conduct a survey. I conducted a ten question survey of fifty Anderson University students. Distributed to friends and members of the track team, the survey was very straightforward and short. The students I surveyed a wide range of students, both men and women, and from freshmen to seniors. I handed the survey to people I knew and asked them to fill it out and return it back to me. Many of the surveys I handed out were not returned only got back seventeen of the fifty I handed out. Analysis After conducting the survey, I came to the expected conclusion that the majority of students download music regularly. All but one of the students surveyed stated that they download music off a P2P (people to people) file-sharing program. Several people also, however, admitted that they felt that the piracy of music online is unethical. These were people who also said that they download music regularly. Their response as to why they continue to compromise their integrity was based on the fact that they did not feel that the record labels or the...
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...not going to stop anytime soon. Prostitution is already legal in some parts of the world, but not in Canada and the United States. Pro-prostitution think prostitution should be legalized. They state that legalizing it would solve more problems than it would create and people could be protected from diseases, the streets could be kept cleaner, and prostitutes would have a safer working environment. Anti-prostitution demands that legal prostitution will increase the sex industry and human trafficking. Prostitution will hurt peoples. This is because prostitutes can cause a disease such as HIV. Pro-prostitution opposed that statement. Pro-prostitution demands that prostitution gives benefit to the customer because the customer gets their pleasure. It fulfils both people's needs. Even though prostitution is not legal, it will continue to happen. They will find a way around the law, and continue with their business. If it is legalized, laws can be made to keep prostitutes and people safer than they are now. Some people don't think much of prostitutes. Peoples think that the prostitutes who spread the disease. This is because most of the prostitutes are drug addicts which cause HIV. For the few bad ones, they would be the ones who would most benefit from legalization. Prostitutes could be provided with the necessary health and safety items to prevent any diseases or sicknesses from spreading. If prostitution was legal, they could have a designated place to work. This would...
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...of business is signed between two people, one form Bangladesh and another form USA. Let’s assume that that the purpose of the contract is illegal in Bangladesh but legal in USA, then whether it will be contract or not? I think if two people of different countries signed a contract, which is legal in one country but illegal in another country it will be a contract. Because when two parties from different countries enter into a contract, they are governed by international contract law unless they agree to abide by the laws of one of the countries. International contract law concerns the legal rules relating to cross-border agreements. It is frequently applied to international sales contracts. This type of contract law is broadly based on the idea of good faith and fair dealing in contracts. These principles are the basis of contract law in most jurisdictions. Good faith includes fair negotiations, an obligation to cooperate and good faith when terminating a contract. It also ensures that unfair contracts or deals are not enforced. International sales contracts are governed by the United Nation Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods from 1980. The convention was developed in the hopes of promoting international trade by developing a global set of rules for contracts. The convention is a compromise between legal systems of common law, civil law and socialist law. One key element of international contract law includes the provision that the parties'...
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...Illegal Immigrants Hurt our Economy Our nation has often been referred to as a “melting pot”, which is one of the many great things about America. Many people come here for a better life for them and their families and everyone deserves the freedoms and opportunities that America has to offer. As a great nation, laws are in place for the greater cause of our people, meaning that lawbreakers are typically punished and dealt with accordingly; However, it doesn’t seem to hold much truth in today’s immigration laws. Today’s economy is hurting more than ever. With our growing unemployment rate, and our depleting funds, it doesn’t make much sense to keep letting the economy and it’s legal citizens suffer because of lawbreakers. Illegal immigrants are hurting our economy by taking unrightful employment, placing a financial burden on the economy, and lowering the social system of the United States. Illegal Immigrants take the jobs that should be given to our legal citizens. As a result, many American citizens are losing their jobs, while many others are competing for the jobs that illegal immigrants hold illegally.“ Some research estimates that nearly two million Americans a year are displaced by immigration” (Federation for American 2). With Americans losing their jobs at that rate and being replaced by the growing number of illegal immigrants, the...
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...States of America. People believe that by making marijuana legal it can reduce crime and costs of using law enforcement, but the reality is that making marijuana legal can affect many Americans. The cost will just be unbearable due to many addictions, overdose, and juveniles/adults committing delinquency acts because they are under the influence of drugs. Addiction will be the major cause of the United States spending money on overdosed people being admitted to the hospital. Many will not be able to afford visits to the hospital because of their addiction they have nothing left. Car accidents will be immense because being under the influence of any substance can and will impair driving. The cost of making marijuana legal would be ten times more than what the United States is spending on keeping it illegal. Drugs are stimulants that affect the body in many ways. There are many drugs that are legal and many that are illegal. Drugs are used in many ways doctors use it to help people. Then there’s abuse of drugs and addiction of getting drugs illegally to stimulate the body. Marijuana an illegal drug that stimulates the body. Has been the center of attention for a few years now because some Americans believe marijuana should be legal. They believe it can reduce crime and that it can save Americans money as well as making money by selling the illegal drug legally to Americans. Marijuana is the most commonly abused illegal drug in the U.S. and around the world. Those who support...
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...realize is the affects that legal and illegal drugs has on society. Is drug use ever ok? Do legal drugs pose more of a threat than illegal drugs with today’s society? It is a fact more people die from prescription drugs use than illegal drugs. You hear about drugs in social media, movies, from friends and peers. Not everything you hear is true it is up to you to decide. I. Introduction Children are taught at a young age that illegal drugs can harm you and lead you down a path of addiction. But what they don’t tell you is that legal drugs which are prescribed are just as dangerous and kill at least 106,000 people every year.(cdc.gov,2013) II. First main point legal drugs vs. illegal drugs A. Supporting details Do legal drugs pose more of a threat than illegal drugs with today’s society? 1. Subdetails 11 percent of American use prescribed drugs(cdcNovenber2100) 2. Subdetails 10,0000-20,000 Americans dies due to illegal drug use B. Supporting details Is drug use ever ok? 1. Subdetails The media paints an biased picture of legal drug use 2. Subdetails The public does not know the effects of legal drug use III. Second main point Hearing about drugs on the news, from social media, friends, family and peers A. Supporting details the media has always painted a one-sided picture 1. Subdetails social media can encourage someone to try illegal drugs 2. Subdetails...
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...Termination of Illegal Immigrants With the reputation as a national melting pot, America is known for its vast diversity in several aspects: ethnic, religious, and lingual diversity. Since America’s independence, millions of people have immigrated to this country seeking a better opportunity: education, freedom, quality of life and work. The Department of Homeland Security reports that in 2011 there were a total of 1,062,040 new legal permanent residents in the United States (Monger and Yankay). Whereas there are more than ten times that amount of illegal immigrants living in the US, estimated to be 11.5 million … with 35,000 illegal immigrants residing in Washington, D.C (Hoefer, Rytina, and Baker: Dane). Noel Merino defines ‘Illegal Immigrants’ as people who enter the United States unlawfully, or may be admitted on a temporary basis and stay past the date they are required to leave (14). Since America is a land of dreams and opportunity, thousands of people have taken the risk to come here and work without legal documentation which has led to various social problems. Illegal workers taking jobs from legal immigrants, the state and federal government losing tax revenue, unfair use of social benefits, fraudulent documents are counterfeited, and countless employers taking advantage of undocumented employees are all problems caused by illegal immigrants and could be fixed by lawful deportation back to their homeland. The main reason individuals enter the United States unlawfully...
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...Critique of “The Impact of Illegal Abortion” Generally, legal abortion is a controversial problem in our world. I just read an article named “The Impact of Illegal Abortion”, and it was written by The Abortion Access Project, which was an organization committing to access to safe abortion for all women in the U.S. This article indicated some influences of illegal abortion, which shows a strongly persuasion that abortion should be legal. Moreover, I also consider that abortion should be legal based on the impact of illegal abortion. In the past, I always thought that a lot of abortion happened because of legal abortion. Women had never considered that whether they wanted to keep their unintended pregnancies, and they did not need to worry about abortion would bring punishment. After reading this article, I know there is very little relationship between abortion legality and abortion incidence, but abortion legality is strongly correlated with abortion safety. “Estimates of the annual number of illegal abortions in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s ranges from 200,000 to 1.2 million” (Abortion Access Project). Illegal abortion would cause safety problem. In addition, doctors lacking skills and an environment lacking the minimal medical standard would lead to unsafe abortion. More than two hundreds women would die from an unsafe abortion each day. Illegal abortion becomes a big factor of killing women. In my opinion, abortion...
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...llegal immigrants in the United States (US) have long been a topic of debate for policymakers and the public. The rationale about them is that they do not pay taxes; they add to the costs of taxpayers and use up funds in resources meant for assisting citizens and legal immigrants (the legal citizens). Therefore, they are perceived as a threat to the US economy. The true impacts of illegal immigrants on the US economy are discussed by debating over the economic benefits as well as economic costs of these immigrants. The negative impacts, discussed first, presented the decreases in low skilled jobs’ wage rates for legal immigrants and citizens instigated by illegal immigrants, the social services such as educations and healthcare that they utilize and add to taxpayers. Then contrary to the negative impacts, the positive impacts reveal benefits of low production costs, increases in the local market sales, undocumented tax generation, impact on growth and employment brought forth by illegal immigrants. These impacts, both negative and positive, are independently analyzed and weighed against each other. The discussion does show a slight net positive impact on the US economy in contrast to the normal belief about illegal immigrants. There was a time when people came freely and settled within the land, but as societies became more civilized and community laws established, immigration became a point of concern for the advanced societies. They did not just want any person to enter the...
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...Legal or illegal immigrants(Illegals) make up 1/8 of the population of f the United States, and every year 1.5 million new immigrants arrive in the United States (Camarota 51). While the majority of illegal immigrants come in through Mexico, many others come through Mexico from other Central American countries (Tancredo 86). While illegal immigration may seem harmless it is a serious threat to the United States. Illegal immigration harms the United States economy. The flow of illegal immigrants takes jobs from legal citizens. Illegal immigrants work for a wage well below what the average legal American will work for. For every one hundred illegals that get hired, sixty-five legal workers lose their jobs (citizensforlaw.org 1). Although...
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...of freedoms people throughout the world covet, therefore attempt to enter the United States of America with hopes of sharing these freedoms. Some immigrants come with a legal passage by an ever-growing generous nation jumping through a large number of hoops and legalities, others on illegal terms in large numbers. Now, is it fair for a nation that has been built on such a vase array of different cultures and world travelers to turn away any new comers like to say “we are full?” Is it ok to punish these people for trying to make a better life for themselves and their families? Is it also fair to the tax paying individuals of this great nation to support such a noble cause from blood sweat and tears of our brows? In this debate we will discuss both sides of the argument, pros and cons of illegal immigration in the United States of America, in hopes to bring about a more clear understanding. Illegal immigration is the migration of people from one country into another illegally, violating laws of that country or state. Illegal immigration is universal and present in developed and underdeveloped countries (Palivos, 2010). The negative effects of people migrating to the country illegally is felt in various forums such as employment and over population, and although many laws have been enacted to prevent illegal entry, not every state within a country conforms to the same laws making someone ask the question as to whether the laws are fair but not equal based on immigration status...
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...Final Paper – Illegal Drug Use ITT Technical Institute - Boise Introduction My position is that illegal drug use is harmful and dangerous. I hope to show in this paper some of the many physical effects illegal drug use can have on the human body. Second, I will show how the use of illegal drugs impacts families in general. Lastly, I will cover the effects of illegal drug use on society as a whole. Background I understand the counter position; others would say that the three most dangerous drugs are drugs that are currently legal. I agree with this statement somewhat, but it is actually the illegal use of the legal drug that is so harmful in this case. So many people and the media focus on illegal drug use and the effects of them that they totally ignore the problems associated with the illegal use of legal drugs and the many problems associated with this type of drug abuse. I believe that the illegal use of prescription drugs, cigarettes, and alcohol, are just as harmful as the drugs that the Federal Government has deemed to be an “illegal drug”. "The misuse of pain medication is probably one of our greatest drug addictions in America right now," Mike Gimbel, a drug expert from St. Joseph Medical Center, said in 2011 (Gimbel, 2011). Another drug that is sometimes used illegally or abused has been around for decades. "Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in our country. I mean, we have over half a million people a year that die as a result of smoking...
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...issue. Illegal Immigration is and has been against the law however its beneficial as it contributes to the success of some corporations, the nation and the people of this country. For instance, certain businesses and corporations seek out to hire immigrant workers. Coming here, the men need a job to provide their family and will take any decent job available for them. Businesses hire immigrants without looking whether or not they are illegal because they are willing to...
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...United States, there has always been a problem with illegal immigrants. The schools seem to be more over crowded because of all the extra immigrant students. Illegal immigrants reap some of the benefits that United States citizens have without having to do any of the work. Because of people, coming here and taking advantage of the excellent opportunities found within the United States. One attempt is the recent bill known as The Dream Act. Being a US citizen is a privilege, not a right and this action is trying to change that. The dream act should not be passed because of the burden it places on school systems, the strain it has on the economy, and they will end up enjoying the rights legal citizens are given. Illegal immigrants do pay taxes inside the United States indirectly but being as how they do not pay income and personal property taxes legally. The social security administration says that around 75% of illegal immigrants are on a payroll and paid by a check like legal citizens. But these immigrants get onto that payroll by using stolen social security numbers of legal citizens or the deceased. In the end, this will cause citizens to have to pay more. Did you know that as American taxpayers we pay over $113 million a year for illegal immigrants? The dream act should not be a law that should pass for the reasons following. Claim 1: Taxes The extra money that we will need for these children of the illegal immigrants to go to the schools will increase our...
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