...The Blunt Truth Many people wonder what marijuana is and if it should it be legalized. Marijuana comes from the hemp plant, it is the dried leaves of female flowers. Marijuana has been called a gateway drug for years, making many people believe that if they use it they will then become addicted to hard drugs. However, unlike cigarettes that contain tobacco and other illegal drugs such as speed, cocaine, and heroin, marijuana is not addictive. Marijuana is a misunderstood plant that many people assume is dangerous. The usage of marijuana (also known as cannabis) can actually be very beneficial not only to oneself but also to their country. The legalization of marijuana in the United States would benefit the States society economically, socially, and medically. The economic benefits that the legalization of marijuana would bring to the U.S are enormous. Oregon, Colorado, and Washington have already legalized marijuana for both medical and recreational use. When the rest of the U.S legalizes marijuana and places the high tax on it, it will create a larger budget for every state. In the state of Colorado, According to the article Experimenting with Pot: The State of Colorado's Legalization of Marijuana “By regulate marijuana like alcohol the state collect about $134 million in taxes from medical and recreational marijuana sales in fiscal year 2014-2015” HICKENLOOPER, G. W. (2014). If all of the states in the U.S was able to bring in at least that much extra revenue imagine what...
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...The Legalization of Marijuana Known for being a psychoactive substance, marijuana, which derives from the flowering tops of the cannabis plant, is the most commonly used drug in the western world (Marijuana-Tobacco Facts). Although the use, distribution, and procession of marijuana are illegal under U.S. federal law there have been over 20 states that have legalized the use and distribution of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Furthermore, Colorado and Washington State have even legalized the use of marijuana for recreation (US New Laws). So while marijuana may be classified as a schedule one drug, meaning that it is believed to have a high abuse potential, a lack of accepted safety, and no accepted medical use, it is apparent that the use of marijuana is having a growing acceptance in the U.S., especially in regards to its potential economic and health benefits (Schedule I). It was found in a recent study conducted by the Drug Policy Alliance that about 42% of people in the U.S. have used marijuana at least one point in their lives, clearing indicating that our current federal laws are not stopping people from using marijuana (Health & Family). In actuality, the illegalization of marijuana is more harmful than the drug itself, since marijuana users have to constantly find ways around the law in order to obtain their desired product (marijuana/hash/sensimilla). By having no other choice than to turn to the Black Market, marijuana users can potentially put themselves...
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...Americans are in favor of marijuana legalization. Marijuana use being illegal has brought danger to our communities. In addition to that, the legalization of marijuana would create a new field of business. The legalization of marijuana would also make marijuana readily available to those who need it. Marijuana should be legalized and regulated by the U.S government because doing so would make american communities safer, stimulate the American economy, and benefit hospital patients. The legalization of marijuana will stimulate the economy. Dealers of poor character can often discourage people from buying marijuana due to the fear associated with the transaction. If marijuana was put into the hands of legitimate privately owned business, it would increase the number of people buying marijuana because many people would not be as frightened anymore. Some American states can also specialize in the production of marijuana, creating a new export for...
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...Ortiz Period 1 3/12/2012 Legalization of Marijuana Should marijuana be legalized? There is currently a debate regarding whether Marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana should be legal in the U.S. This is because there has been a lot of automobile crashes and even deaths. This is all under the influence of alcohol while others are smoking weed and with that it decreases the deaths and the crashes there is. In order to solve this issue of legalizing Marijuana, there should be a law passed. The first reason that Marijuana should be legalize is because it drops in deadly crashes, this is under the influence of alcohol. And it’s tested that when your high there is a less percentage of crashing. According to the article “Medical pot tied to safer roads” Legalization of Marijuana” “is associated with nearly 9 percent decrease in traffic fatalities. Most likely as a result of its important and alcohol consumed by young adults”. This shows that the author suggest that they should put a law, because with the alcohol and the drunk driving has killed a lot of people and has caused a lot of damage as well other people are smoking weed and the traffic in fatalities has decrease a 9 percent in its car accidents. This shows that while you’re under the influence of alcohol there are more possibilities to crash then while been high and driving. As a conclusion there should be a law passes about medical Marijuana. The second reason that “Marijuana should be legalized” is because...
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...impose a problem? Marijuana is not as bad, as thought to be. In fact there are many positive things that come from marijuana use, and many negative things that come from it being illegal. Although marijuana is made up of a drug, THC, it should be legalized. Laws on marijuana put a burden on the United States. First, there are many more crimes being committed other than crimes evolving marijuana each year. According to Paul Rushman, more people are arrested for marijuana crimes than all violent crimes each year, imposing a major burden on U.S. law enforcement (2004). Legalizing marijuana would result in the ability of law enforcement to focus on more serious crimes than those of marijuana crimes. Secondly, the U.S. government must send a considerable amount of money to enforce marijuana laws. Since 1997 the government spends $7.5-$10 billion yearly as well as 2.4 million would allow law enforcement’s time to be better spent over all. Third, marijuana legalization would save billions of dollars each year, that could be better spent (Taylor, 2005). With the legalization of marijuana the $7.5 -$10 billion could be put toward education; public health, and other government projects. Legalizing marijuana would lessen the burden of both time and money marijuana has imposed on the U.S. The drug in marijuana, THC, has medicinal purposes. For instance, Victims of cancer and HIV have benefited from the use of marijuana. In cases such as AIDS and cancer the use of marijuana has increased...
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... Marijuana, formally known as cannabis, is a plant that contains a chemical called THC that produces certain psychological and physiological effects when inhaled or ingested. Although the use and possession of marijuana is considered illegal in most of the country, many people still consume the drug every day. The recent legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational use in some states has caused a nation wide debate. Marijuana users and supporters argue that the drug’s benefits out way the possible risks, while non-supporters argue that the potential addictiveness and health issues associated with the drug are strong enough reasons to keep it illegal. The effects of marijuana are less harmful than most other drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. Yet, marijuana is the most common drug that Americans are arrested for possessing. Our current U.S. drug policies and federal laws on marijuana are inadequate and in need of change. I support the legalization of marijuana throughout the nation because of the drug’s medicinal benefits, and its potential to stimulate the current economic recession by creating new jobs and tax revenues. The Controlled Substance Act (CSA) is a federal U.S. policy that ranks drugs into five categories based off their abuse potential, medical applications, and overall safety. In the United States, the CSA classified marijuana as a schedule I substance claiming the drug offers no medical benefits and has a high potential for abuse (Marijuana). However...
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...it because a customer reported a smell of marijuana upon entering the office at the scrapyard. When the police entered the yard office they found a small amount of marijuana around a gram. Camera footage reviled that this marijuana was used only by the owner after his shift. He lived a block away where he had a family of a son, daughter and wife. His wife was aware of his use and had no problem with it and he chooses to keep it at the yard to keep it away from his children. Now the owner of the yard is unemployed with no way to support his family (Nadelmann). The same war that failed to control booze has failed to control marijuana. Where there is a demand and money to be made there will be a supply these principals are consistent (Cohen). The war on drugs has failed in the United States and a probable solution would be a federal legalization of marijuana. The current drug war claims to help but it really hurts more then it helps. The drug war is a giant web of failed policies so huge today is such a part of America is hard to envision an alternative (Cohen). Currently enforcing marijuana laws cost around 10 to 15 billion only indirect costs (Webb). When the idea for medical marijuana was created many states who choose this option started to see a rise in their state income. In many states such as Colorado this extra money has been used to help with public schools. Colorado who recently choose to legalize recreational use of marijuana has seen in five months 200 million dollars...
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...Simpson ENG 1201-928 04 May 2018 Should Marijuana Be Legalized in All States for All Uses? When people hear the words “weed” or “marijuana,” they often think and say that it is bad or no good because of the events that occur when people use it. They also are aware that the drug is illegal across most of the United States of America. What most people do not understand is the positives that making marijuana legal across the nation entails. An abundance of controversial topics exist throughout today’s society, and the debate of whether or not marijuana should be legalized for all uses in all states is just one of many of them. Today, nine states and Washington D.C. have the drug legalized for all uses. However, other states only...
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...Why Marijuana should not be made legalized * Introduction * Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, with nearly 17 million Americans age 12 and older reporting past‐month use, and 374,000 people entering an emergency room annually with a primary marijuana problem. * Proposals such as legalization that would promote marijuana use are inconsistent with this public health and safety approach. * This is in contradiction with the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and any economic argument that applies to the legalization of marijuana applies most other illicit drugs. * Tax incentives argument * Alcohol Tax Incentives to Cost incentives * The debate over how much tax money recreational marijuana laws could produce is playing an outsize role in the campaigns for and against legalization — and both sides concede they're not really sure what would happen. * The argument is for: * it could prove a windfall for cash-strapped states with new taxes on pot and reduced criminal justice costs. * The report shows that marijuana legalization -- replacing prohibition with a system of taxation and regulation -- would save $7.7 billion per year in state and federal expenditures on prohibition enforcement and produce tax revenues of at least $2.4 billion annually if marijuana were taxed like most consumer goods. If, however, marijuana were taxed similarly to alcohol or tobacco, it might generate...
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...DECRIMINALIZATION OF MARIJUANA ******* English 112 ********** April 18, 2012 Presently, Marijuana is illegal in the United States due to the racially motivated Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. This law was proposed by Harry J. Anslinger the acting commissioner of Federal Bureau of Narcotics. In his testimony to Congress he stated, "There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others" (ukcia.org, (n.d), para. 1). Since this time, the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 has spawned more strict laws that have many unintended side effects. After many decades, effective federal propaganda has won public support for these laws. Only recently, U.S. citizens have started to question why marijuana is illegal. I feel that it would be beneficial to discard these laws and beliefs of the past. We need to analyze how the legalization of marijuana would positively affect the United States and its citizens in the following fields: medical, criminology, and financial. I support the legalization of marijuana not because I use this herb, because I do not and would not even if it was legal much like a majority of our populous. I have taken this stance because of the benefits that would arise from legalization. Marijuana has been criminalized for private citizens since 1930’s bringing...
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...Legalization vs. Illegalization of Medical Marijuana Since as early as 2900 BC, marijuana has been previously known as a medicine. It was not until the 1900s when the illegalization of the hemp plant began. Starting in 1911, when Massachusetts became the first state to illegalize marijuana, other states followed between 1915 and 1927. Eventually, a campaign against marijuana ran by Harry J. Anslinger lead to the federal government outlawing marijuana completely. However, the 1990s began a new outlook on medical marijuana when cannabinoid receptors and endocannabinoids were discovered. These discoveries lead to the first state in the United States, California, to legalize medical marijuana for patients with serious illness in 1996. Since then, eighteen other states in the U.S have legalized medical marijuana as well. Individuals all across the U.S. remain skeptical of this drug, and the question remains, do the factors give a reason to legalize it or not? Medical marijuana, a growing controversial topic in the United States, has both advantages and disadvantages concerning its medical use, medical effects, and legalities. Medical marijuana contains tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which reacts with cannabinoid receptors activating protection of over-activations or over-inhibitions of neurotransmitters. A study in 1999 by The Institute of Medicine found that THC produces dose-related analgesia that out-lasts codeine. In result, medical marijuana has shown to be effective for patients...
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...1. Relief of Spasticity 1 2.2. Treatment of movement disorders 1 2.3. Medical Marijuana as Pain Killer 1 3. Economic Benefits 1 3.1. Increased Tax Revenues 2 3.2. Fiscal Equalization with Alcohol and Tobacco 2 3.3. Reduction of Public Expenditures 2 4. Conclusion 2 5. Reference List 3 Affidavit 1.Introduction Prohibition of Marijuana is an ongoing debate and is one that will need to be dealt with in a serious manner in the coming years, in Europe as well as in the United States of America where Colorado and Washington legalized Marijuana this year. But other states merely legalized it for medical purpose only. In Europe however the possession and consumption of Marijuana is still illegal despite of one exception, the Netherlands where the possession of small quantities is allowed. In our society, most people regard Marijuana as a starter drug or even a drug on the same level with hard drugs. Unfortunately, what people do not see are the medical, economical and social benefits related to the legalization of Marijuana. This paper examines these three mentioned areas and shows what potential an abolishment of the marijuana prohibition has. 2. Medical benefits The benefits of a legalization of Marijuana regarding the use for medical purposes • There are several anecdotal reports suggested that marijuana can relieve the spasticity related with multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury and also animal...
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... 11/01/2014 Marijuana legalization Many people suggest that legalization of marijuana would lead to greater drug use especially with children. Drug trafficking will increase and violent crimes as well. There could be more users than ever before and could create more pressure on law officials to keep our streets safe. It’s really sad to note that drug dealers, who live out in the cities have no alternative but to find real jobs in order to live. I believe that crime could possibly increase, however, over time it would decrease once society and law officials adapt to the legalization. I say this because tobacco and alcohol cause enough problems and there is a strong possibility that marijuana could be added into the mix. Many arguments are made about the legalization of marijuana and I do agree that drugs other than marijuana should be kept illegal. Although marijuana legalization in the United States may have some complications, but if consumption could somehow be controlled, it would drastically reduce crime in our cities. In order to clarify, I will provide you truth a few marijuana misconceptions. Marijuana causes no known brain damage short or long term. THC is not addictive unlike any other illegal substance. THC only temporarily causes memory loss of current events. THC is known to make people less aggressive so less likely to be violent or to cause crime. I have not witnessed or heard of anyone overdosing and dying from marijuana use, so I don’t really...
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...| Marijuana Legalization: Why Marijuana Should be Legalized in All Fifty States English 102 Final Paper Table of Contents I. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… 1 II. Is Marijuana a “Gateway Drug?” ……………………………………………………... 2 III. Arguments against Legalization ………………………………………………………. 3 VI. Recent Legalization Efforts …………………………………………………………… 4 V. Medicinal Uses of Marijuana …………………………………………………………. 5 VI. Economic Arguments Against Criminalization ………………………………………. 7 VII. Marijuana Cultivation and DTO ……………………………………………………... 8 VIII. From Decriminalization to Legalization …………………………………………… 8 IX. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………… 10 Marijuana Legalization: Why Marijuana Should be Legalized in All Fifty States I. Introduction The issue of marijuana legalization in the United States is a charged one that brings forth supporters and opponents arguments alike. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Uniform Crime Reports, one marijuana-related arrest occurs every forty-two seconds in the United States. The government conducted over 1.53 million drug-related arrests in 2011, 90% for possession alone, and nearly 50% due to marijuana (FBI Uniform Crime Report). State governments are currently responding to shifts in public opinion, especially given the recent legalizations that passed in Colorado and Washington. According to Gallup Polls, more Americans supported the legalization of marijuana than not in 2011 (50% vs. 46%)...
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...Medical Marijuana Laws and their Effects Keith Reese COM/156 7/23/2014 Jennifer Preus Medical Marijuana Laws and their Effects In 1936, George Herliman produced the propaganda film “Tell Your Children”, later titled “Reefer Madness”(“IMBD”, 1990-2014). This film, financed by a church group to display the exaggerated consequences of marijuana usage, was intended to inspire fear in parents and children alike. Though marijuana legalization has become a front burner topic, one would assume that our technological advances would invoke more rational responses from the general public seeking facts to support claims. However, the same type of fear induced media messages are employed today by anti-marijuana groups and politicians to sway public opinion. Contrary to the seemingly credible publications throughout the media, the legalization of marijuana, medical or recreational, does not increase crime. As the debate regarding the legalization of marijuana, both medicinal and recreational, has heated up, several groups have been formed to speak out about the perceived consequences. Former Congressman Patrick Kennedy has co-founded the anti-marijuana group, Project SAM, with Kevin Sabet who also is the director of the organization. After the Justice Department allowed Colorado and Washington to move forward with their respective marijuana legislation, Kennedy claimed, “we can look forward to more drugged driving accidents,...
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