...purposes, with that being said I think Marijuana should be legalized permanently as it has many beneficial uses, including easing pain, it would help the United States get further out of debt. Legalizing Marijuana would also create jobs for many people lowering the unemployment rate in the United States. Marijuana whose scientific name is Cannabis Sativa has been mentioned in manuscripts dating back to 2700 B.C. in China. The Jamestown settlers recorded that they had first planted the crop in 1611, as they used the hemp from the plant’s fibers to make rope and canvas. Marijuana also known as ‘weed’ was used to make clothing, as the plant was very durable. During that time Marijuana was used more for survival far more than any other purpose. Marijuana came into play with the scarcity of alcohol during the prohibition era. The use of the drug rose from there, and became a large problem in the Unites States. The United States is one of those countries that can immensely benefit from the legalization of Marijuana use. In the United States, Marijuana is the most widely used controlled substance on the market. Selling the drug and at the same time raising the economy of the country would be the perfect plan for the United States to get out of the debt that surrounds us. The dealer of the drug would be closely monitored and would have a mandatory license with the government checking the crops for harmful fertilizers, which could make the customer seriously ill. High demands for...
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...It has been sad that people will go to great lengths to acquire drugs which cause a certain “high“ experience .Even legalisation protests ,e.g. the world movement to legalise weed which is currently taking place all over the internet.so we took initiative to find out what Botswana’s youth thought on the issue of legalising illicit drugs. Interview 1 Interviewer: do you do drugs? Scholar: no I don’t. Interviewer: Have u ever wanted to do drugs? Scholar: Because I am not a fan of drugs. I feel that they would destroy my life I start Interviewer: Do u think legalisation of illicit drugs is a solution to abuse? Scholar: But how can that be a solution? No. Relying on any type of drugs to be happy is not right and is no way to live life, Interviewer: Why do u say it’s not right ?Isn’t life about what makes one happy so what if it is right to that person as it is the only way she/he can have a happy life, are they still wrong? Scholar: Life is what u make of it, so when u take drugs then you are letting something else control your life, you are giving away your power to something as petty as drugs? No thank you. Interviewer: Is there an upside legalisation? I mean don’t u think the intake of drugs could be monitored and henceforth reducing chancing of addiction? Scholar: Well I don’t think so because even though alcohol is legal and they try to regulate the total amount a person can take, it just never works, people still get wasted so it would probably be the same. Interview...
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...1)a. Summarize the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana. b. Opponents of the legalization of marijuana argue that marijuana is a gateway drug, because to leads to the use (and abuse) of other, more serious drugs. Research marijuana as a gateway drug. Based on your findings, do you believe marijuana leads to the use of other drugs? Why or why not? Explain your answer. c. Offer your position on this topic: Do you think marijuana should be legalized? Why or why not? Use facts (i.e., sound research) to support your answer. Do you think marijuana is a gateway drug? Levinthal (2014) expressed the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana. When it comes to cons, Levithal stated that the use of marijuana works as a gateway for the abuses of illicit drugs. Moreover, he also mentioned “marijuana users tend to undermine traditional values of school achievement and long-term aspirations” (p.187). In the other hand, Levithal also mentions that smoking marijuana and having small amounts of it has become more accepted in today’s society. Also, marijuana has been approved to be used as medicine, creating a more acceptable...
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...Introduction The question of whether or not to legalize drugs in America has been a strong debate for many decades. Each year there has been a growing number of deaths because of drugs in the United States. With these numbers, there are still wide spread efforts to legalize illicit drugs around the country. This paper will research drug legalization in the United States versus other countries, the positives and negatives, and a reasoned opinion on the topic. When debating the issue of drug legalization and crime, there are questions to ask: Do drugs cause crime and do they inevitably lead to crime? If drugs are made legal, would there be less crime? If the government subsidized addicts, would they still engage in criminal conduct? What would happen if drugs were legalized (Hartnett, 2005)? States like Washington and Colorado have made Marijuana legal, all other states and countries are watching the results. They are watching what legalizing marijuana does for the economy, tax revenue, and crime reduction. There is an international impact with marijuana legalization. History behind the drug war Throughout the history of the drug war, both state and federal law enforcement agencies have cracked down on both drug abusers and drug dealers. During the late 60s, the U.S. government founded the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD). The BNDD worked a study to find a correlation between crime and heroin addiction. They found that 44 percent of...
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...Legalizing marijuana involves both lower stakes and less uncertainty than legalizing any of the other major illicit drugs. Not that the consequences of marijuana legalization would be small or easy to project; legalization would be a big change with unpredictable results. Many have supported the marijuana legalization they actively encourage the non-medical use of drugs. Even worse, they will discover that most of the public who listen to views that are sympathetic to drug legalization and or decriminalization perceive these views to be pro-drug, no matter how often the speakers disavow this interpretation of their views. A principal argument for legalization of drugs generally is the anticipated reduction in crime, violence, corruption and other problems associated with black markets associated with cocaine/crack, heroin, and meth not marijuana, so legalizing marijuana would not do much to solve those problems. Support for the legalization of currently illegal drugs strengthens those forces in the society that want to see the use of illicit drugs go up, including those who benefits from the lucrative but deadly illicit marijuana traffic. Aside from impairment and harm, marijuana prohibitions believe in the gateway theory in which users of a substance are introduced to more harmful drugs through underground trade. Marijuana consumption leads to situations in which users are presented harder drugs. As the theory goes, an individual slowly experiments with more drugs as he or...
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...Should medical marijuana be legalized nationwide? Team A BCOM/275 October 9, 2011 UoP Instructor Should medical marijuana be legalized nationwide? The use of marijuana for the treatment of patients with serious health conditions is currently one of the top contentious debate topics in the United States. Until its prohibition in 1937, marijuana was one the top three most prescribed medicines in the United States. To date, 13 states have statutory laws legalizing medical marijuana; however, it is not legal at the federal level. Several pros and cons exist to support whether medical marijuana should be or not be legalized nationwide. The primary arguments in debating the pros and cons of legalizing medical marijuana nationwide focus primarily on medical benefits, disease prevention, medical risk, substance abuse, and legal issues. Many scientific professionals and patients claim medical marijuana provides some sort of medical benefits. Although it has been a contentious battle between the states and federal governments to legalize or not medical marijuana nationwide, there are three important points to take under consideration; first, marijuana is a potent analgesic in patients with chronic pain. Second, it is a strong anti-emetic for patients receiving cancer chemotherapy treatment. Third and most important, medical marijuana should be legal, so patients do not have to break the law to receive treatment. Across the nation state organizations...
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...The use, sale and cultivation of cannabis/marijuana are prohibited in Australia and all other countries that have signed the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The prohibition of the drug is justified on the grounds that drug use presents a serious danger to health. Despite the prohibition of the drug, cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in Australia. The question of whether it should remain illegal or become legalized remains open for discussion. Hence, this report explores the advantages and disadvantages of cannabis use throughout society, through the following messages; the alternative use for medicinal purposes, the negative affects the drug has on the individual, and their possible harm to community concluding with the...
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...3/6/2011 Andrea Dawkins Persuasive Essay explain the benefits and effects of legalizing Marijuana Andrea Dawkins Persuasive Essay explain the benefits and effects of legalizing Marijuana Americans now-a-days have many ways of pleasuring, entertaining, as well as curing themselves. Some of which include smoking marijuana. Legally smoking marijuana is prohibited in most of the fifty states, but marijuana was legal within the United States brought benefits such as providing revenue, which could help with National Debt or community reconstruction, providing jobs such as farmers, distribution workers, as well as quality assurance workers. An organized marijuana trading business would be as beneficial as it would be safe. The government would be able to both tax and monitor the consumption of weed. Marijuana would be the safest among drugs to legalize because it is not as harmful as other drugs such as alcohol and Tobacco, which are both legal, yet have a higher rate of death then marijuana. With all of these positive aspects about legalizing marijuana what reason would there be to not approve the notion. For years Americans have sought out ways to eliminate or at least reduce National Debt. If we were to tax marijuana the proceeds could go towards National debt as well as community construction. Marijuana is the most frequently used illegal drug in the United States. It is the most commonly used illicit...
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...A drug is a substance that will cause a physiological change to your body when it is consumed. It interferes the brains and affect the way of how a body works. People believe that legal drugs are medicine that they consume when they are sick. These drugs are allowed by the doctors to prescribe to the patients to buy and consume them. Illicit drugs are known as the drugs that are illegal to make, use or sell as they are addictive. Speaking of drugs, people usually relate them to drug abuse, drug addiction and drug-related issues. People do not realize that a number of illicit drugs are actually scientifically proven to be medically useful to treat diseases. There has been numerous of arguments about the legalization of drugs and there is not a solution to this issue yet. There are actually a lot of pros and cons of legalizing drugs which most of the people did not notice of. Drugs may be advantageous in economic perspective by decreasing the...
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...-070 The War on Drugs The “War on Drugs” is a term commonly applied to a campaign of prohibition, military aid and military intervention, with the intention of reducing and eliminating the illegal drug trade. The War on Drugs was officially declared in 1971 by President Richard Nixon and is still very prominent in our society today. The War on Drugs has been studied since its inception and copious amounts of data have been collected from it. The War on Drugs has a long history; since it has been enacted the government has utilized large sums of money funding it, made illicit drug use rise in percentage overall, and created an artificial and thriving black market. There is an ongoing debate on whether the War on Drugs is effective and organizations like the DPA (Drug Policy Alliance) are fighting to change it. However, the Obama administration is continuing the War on Drugs and has changed the name to the “National Drug Control Policy.” The first U.S law that restricted the distribution and use of certain drugs was the “Harrison Narcotics Tax Act” of 1914. This act regulated and taxed the production, importation, and distribution of opiates and Cocaine products. This Act pushed a more restrictive handling of certain drugs that would inevitably lead to the creation of more drug policies and the current drug war. On June 18th 1971, ongoing policies, laws, and counter culture built up and President Richard Nixon declared a “War on Drugs” stating that the drug problem in the U...
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...Name: Course: Professor: Date: Drug legalization. Drug legalization will not by any chance help reduce the effect of drugs on an individual and the society as a whole. The effects brought about by the abuse of drugs are many and well known to us. Some of these effects include, destruction of the human character, a person’s dignity and autonomy is destroyed, the sense of responsibility is swept away, drugs subvert productivity and there is loss of memory affecting to the greatest extent students. Legalization generally means removing a legal prohibition against something that is currently not legal. (Dictionary.com) Then by legalizing drugs; we will be making the sale and use of drugs which is currently illegal to be legal. The sale of drugs will be done freely on every corner of our streets just like candy without anyone bothering the other. Legislation advocates deny that the amount of drug use would be affected, I conquer with the opinion, making drugs legal will increase their availability and use. For instances, “when powder cocaine was hard and expensive to get, it was found in the circles of the rich, famous and privileged”. (William J Bennett) There is an argument that legislation of drugs will reduce the number of street crimes in our streets. Research has proven otherwise. Most drug criminals on our streets were into crime well before they got involved with drugs. Legalizing drugs won’t stop these criminal from because they will continue their criminal activities...
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...But to see what made marijuana illegal we must read what was said in the letter that was given to congress in 1971 by Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Roger Egeberg and sent to Congress. The letter stated “Since there is still a considerable void in our knowledge of the plant and effects of the active drug contained in it, our recommendation is that marijuana be retained within schedule 1 at least until the completion of certain studies now underway to resolve the issue.” In other words, Marijuana was classified as a schedule I drug do to a lack of evidence of it even being harmful. “The original plan was for it to remain under Schedule I only until the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse released its recommendations as to how to proceed. When that commission subsequently concluded that there wasn’t any medical basis for banning marijuana and suggested that it be decriminalized, then-President Richard Nixon ignored the recommendation, and the drug remained...
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...ignorance that they can’t see statics about alcohol and cigarettes being more harmful to the body and people are dying every day because of these two legal substances. This illicit drug has and can help many medical patients that have been diagnosed with cancer to help cure or ease the pain for good. How is it fair that half the states are legalizing it for medical purposes and even for anyone to walk into a dispensary as if they wanted a scoop of ice cream and then walk out like it’s completely ok? If one state allows it, then every other state should. Not one case has been proven that anyone has overdosed or died because of smoking too much marijuana that alone should show the effects of a true killer that is legal: alcohol, versus one that has never made someone injure themselves to the point of death. In high school students learn that marijuana is known as a gate way drug (studymode).This means that once trying this drug eventually it will lead to wanting to try other drugs. This I know for a fact is wrong because anyone you speak to who has used marijuana before for periods of times or still does it or maybe has tried it says that they would never want to do any other “drug” because those are seriously harmful to your body. Many people categorize marijuana along with cocaine and heroin. These two drugs are proven to be more harmful to the body than marijuana ever will be. Those are chemically enhanced and made in...
Words: 1600 - Pages: 7
...Salem Goodrum English 1002 Bovey 19 March 2015 The subject of legalizing marijuana has been a very popular and debatable topic recently. It has been such a popular topic because, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Marijuana is the most common illicit drug used in the United States” (par. 2). You often hear or see people talking about the pros of legalizing marijuana, and not so many cons. I have done extensive research and came up with some powerful cons as to why we should not legalize this drug. The negative issues associated with legalizing marijuana are the physical and mental effects to the body, it typically leads to the further use of drugs that are more harmful, and it has multiple implications on society. This drug is a plant known as a herb. According to Dictionary.com a herb is such a plant when valued for its medicinal properties, flavor, scent, or the like. Marijuana has a never-ending list of names such as “weed”,” pot”,” Mary Jane”, “cannabis”, and many more labels people come up with. “The main hallucinatory chemical in marijuana is THC, which stands for tetrahydrocannabinol; this chemical is responsible for majority of the intoxicating effects. The plant contains more than 500 other chemicals, including over 100 compounds that are chemically related to THC.” (NIDA. Par. 2). Marijuana can be smoked in almost any way involving a lighter. The topic of legalizing cannabis has been a controversy that just will not go away. I am not...
Words: 476 - Pages: 2
...English 24 February 2014 Should Marijuana Be Legalized? I believe marijuana should be legalized because of medical reasons, generation of revenue for the government, and it would cut down on the distribution of illegal drugs over the borders. First and foremost Marijuana should be legalized because of medical reasons. It helps people with certain medical conditions. Some of the conditions include Cancer, Glaucoma, and Anxiety Disorders. Marijuana helps Cancer patients eat, improves the eyesight of people with Glaucoma, and helps calms the nerves of people with Anxiety Disorders. Although it contains no healing properties, it does help to improve the quality of life for some who are suffering. Many drugs kill people; nevertheless, marijuana is not one of those drugs. The late Dr. Ted Madurai has proven in his research after dealing with 10,000 patients in the last 15 years. That 200 different medical conditions respond favorable to cannabis. Medical marijuana may be beneficial to the whole world if given a chance. I feel that marijuana has been used to help people before these modern times. Some people agree that marijuana is an herb no a drug. Look at the benefits of marijuana that’ why it has been studied for years. The drug marijuana stands alone with the properties that are needed to help people with certain medical conditions. Medical marijuana has been proven to help sick and disable people. Secondly, marijuana should be legalized because it generates...
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