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Lehman Brothers


Submitted By aneuda1215
Words 673
Pages 3
Lehman Brothers
Holdings Inc.

The control break downs of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. included the massive amount of money borrowed to fund its investments. A considerable portion of this investment was in real estate, which made the investment defenseless against a fall in the market. Lehman also used one of its small companies to reallocate investments off its books. The firm was active in the market for Residential Mortgage Backed Securities (RMBS). The process involved buying several residential mortgages, combining them and selling them as securities. RMBS buyers actually purchased claims on the cash flow generated by the securities. Lehman produced a great amount of these securities, making the demand high for mortgage originators. This led mortgage originators to extend credit to people who were not credit worthy, or did not have enough income causing these people to have upside down mortgages on their homes when housing prices plummeted in 2006. In 2000, the stock market started to decline and the Federal Reserve significantly reduced interest rates. These lower interest rates caused inexpensive mortgage payments, which lead to a large demand for homes. Homeowners took advantage of the low interest rates and refinanced their mortgages.

In 2008, Lehman announced that they would file for bankruptcy after a huge loss in the market, a loss of investors and their inability to find an adequate buyer. Soon after, their collapse set the market into panic mode. The Department of Treasury and the Federal Reserve were scrambling in an effort to keep the financial system from collapsing. Wall Street’s remaining investment banks sold themselves to bigger entities or converted into bank holding companies to secure federal protection.

In March 2010, Lehman’s bankruptcy examiner issued a 2,200 page document that outlined the details of how Lehman used

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