...Edited Book: Last name, Initial of editor. (Publication year). Chapter title. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Location: Publisher. Baxter, L.A. (1987). Cognition and communication in the relationship process. In R. Burnett, P. McGhee, & D. Clarke (Eds.), Accounting for relationships: Explanation, representation, and knowledge (pp. 192-212). London: Metheun. Example of a Book by One Author Last name, Initials of editors. (Publication year). Title of book: Capital letter also used for subtitle. Location: Publisher. Conville, R.L. (1991). Relational transitions: The evolution of personal relationships. New York, NY: Praeger. Example of a book by two or more authors Last name, Initials. & Last name, Initials. (Publication year). Title of book: Capital Letter also used for subtitle. Location: Publisher. Brown, P., & Levinson, S. (1987). Politeness: Some universals in language usage. Cambridge, CT: Cambridge University Press. Example of an organization as author Name of the organization. (Publication year). Fidelity Investments. (1993). Example of Edited book-not first edition Last name, Initials. (Publication year). Title of chapter (edition number ed.). Location: Publisher. Cappella, J. N. (1994). The management of conversational interaction in adults and infants. (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Example of Journal Article, One Author Last name, Initials. (Publication year). Article title. Journal title, volume number(issue...
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...has put significant pressure on the Australian government to solve the issue. The first piece is a news article, “Risking kids worth it”, directed towards an audience of Australians who are voting citizens, and have knowledge on the issue. In addition to voting citizens, the audience also includes government representatives as the government policy comes under serious questioning. The writer’s contention is that the Gillard’s Government change in policy of freeing women and children from detention has caused an influx in asylum seekers, especially children. Unlike the first piece, the second piece is a letter to the editor, “Free ride not wanted”, directed towards a broader audience of not only voting Australian citizens, but also the nonvoting younger citizens, who have interests in the issue and will one day be voting. The writer’s contention is that Australia’s response to asylum seekers in need of help has been dealt in an improper manner and the situation needs to be looked at. The news article “Risking kids worth it” has two parts to its whole meaning, “risking kids” and “worth it”. The former shows that putting kids in danger or jeopardy and the latter shows that is there a benefit or value. The whole title together displays the subject matter being that of placing kids in a hazardous or perilous environment make of any importance or worthiness. The letter to the editor “Free ride not wanted” also has two parts to its whole meaning, “free ride” and “not wanted”. The former...
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...The editorial piece ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ written by the editor, published in ‘The Daily Tribute’ 16th July 2009, is written in response to this “puerile cultural vandalism”. The editor slams council officials and the local government for “[dragging their] heels for months” and then “[refusing] to offer support” to local businesses and individuals. One day after the publication of this editorial piece, Michaela Whitehouse, a member of the East Park council, writes in response to the article. Whitehouse intends to set the facts straight and to “address [the editors] less enlightened remarks” through her angry yet controlled tone. The editor presents his article with the bold, cliché title ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ capturing the attention of ‘The Daily Tribute’ readers. Accompanied by a picture dominated by “lurid and tasteless sexual diagrams and obscenities”, the editor is able to establish the demoralising effects of graffiti. The graffiti resembling the “ugly” from the title, demonstrates that these “thugs” are not interested in what their finished product looks like; they will continue to “desecrate” properties at their own accord. The opening paragraph of the editorial embeds strong and attention grabbing language enforcing the difference between hardworking “entrepreneurs” and “dual-mortgage bearers” and “thugs” who “desecrate” the freshly painted wall of “heavily pregnant” women. The editor not only raises sympathy for Patrick and his “heavily pregnant wife”...
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...editorial piece ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ written by the editor, published in ‘The Daily Tribute’ 16th July 2009, is written in response to this “puerile cultural vandalism”. The editor slams council officials and the local government for “[dragging their] heels for months” and then “[refusing] to offer support” to local businesses and individuals. One day after the publication of this editorial piece, Michaela Whitehouse, a member of the East Park council, writes in response to the article. Whitehouse intends to set the facts straight and to “address [the editors] less enlightened remarks” through her angry yet controlled tone. The editor presents his article with the bold, cliché title ‘The good, the bad and the ugly’ capturing the attention of ‘The Daily Tribute’ readers. Accompanied by a picture dominated by “lurid and tasteless sexual diagrams and obscenities”, the editor is able to establish the demoralising effects of graffiti. The graffiti resembling the “ugly” from the title, demonstrates that these “thugs” are not interested in what their finished product looks like; they will continue to “desecrate” properties at their own accord. The opening paragraph of the editorial embeds strong and attention grabbing language enforcing the difference between hardworking “entrepreneurs” and “dual-mortgage bearers” and “thugs” who “desecrate” the freshly painted wall of “heavily pregnant” women. The editor not only raises sympathy for Patrick and his “heavily pregnant wife”...
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...published quarterly. As medical science is fast expanding, this journal is a platform for the researchers for their publication as it reaches globally. It publishes original research articles in the field of Medical and Health and its Allied branches. Journal invites original articles, short communications, case reports, Letter to Editor and review articles on recent advances in medical and health. Manuscripts submitted to this journal, should not have been published or under consideration for publication in any substantial form in any other journal. The views expressed in the articles published in this journal are those of the authors alone. Under no circumstances shall the editor be liable for any direct, incidental, special and consequential loss and damage that results from the user’s reliance or non reliance of information provided in this journal. Editors do not necessarily agree with the said views and the same should not be taken to reflect either the views or the policy of this journal. Material published in this journal is the exclusive copy right property of IJHRMIMS. This is an ideal platform for researchers who are willing to publish their articles. We have a dynamic editorial team who have good scientific knowledge and research skills. Scope of the Article All Research articles in Anaesthesiology, Basic medical sciences, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Cancer biology, Cardiology, Cardio Thoracic Surgery, Community Medicine, Diabetology...
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...Research in Information Technology The Bi-annual Publication of the ACM Special Interest Group for Information Technology Education In This Issue: The Editor’s Note Information for Authors Feature Article: Risk Forecast Using Hidden Markov Models, by Charles Pak and James Cannady, Nova Southeastern University 1 2 4 Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Rob Friedman, New Jersey Institute of Technology email: friedman@njit.edu The Editor’s Note RIT continues its efforts to disseminate fresh ideas and new knowledge based on our scholarly pursuits in user-centered computing. Our mission is to publish peer-reviewed articles that present original research findings germane to the theories and practices of information technology. We seek papers that present substantive additions, comments and challenges to the theory and practice of programming, networking, information management, web systems and user-centered design. This issue presents an example of research continuity and progress. Charles Pak and James Cannady have expanded their previously published research into Hidden Markov Models as an approach to apprising IT security analysts, managers and administrators of changes to the nature and intensity of the threats that plague our increasingly networked world. As the authors conclude, “The research results of this study offer a valuable contribution to the field of information security. When risk can be forecasted before the actual risk materializes, stakeholders can effectively...
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...advertisement, letter to the editor and feature article. According to the board of studies, we have been provided with real life examples of commonly used texts in the community. These appear in support documents. The usefulness of advertisement is to appeal the common values to the audience such as freedom, mateship, individualism, family life and support for the less fortunate. The advertisement’s language/visual feature and structures are need to suit for community need because it is target to the audience in order to convey a range of message to audience. E.g. from the support document, the advertisement indicates the centrecare is a useful text for presenting to appeal family value by persuading towards family whose targeted to take care of foster children. E.g. in the advertisement, it persuade people to take care of children to offer training, professional support and generous financial package. It uses the heart to symbolise the love to take care of children and in the slogan beneath the heart, it uses second person narrative ‘you’ and Rhetorical question to make attention to audience to take care of children. It uses the layout of two columns to see the information clearly and easy to locate information and follow directions. Because of the language features and structures, the advertisement is useful to convey to persuade people of their idea to take care of children. The second text we studied about is letter to the editor. The letter to the editor is a one of...
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...Growth will cost us dearly: Growth will cost us dearly is an article written about the Melbourne growth statistics that were released in March. Margrit Alm, who is from Eltham, has written it to the Herald Sun. It is a letter to the editor, and a strong opinion piece. The author wants to evoke feeling in the targeted audience, who are all of an age to remember Melbourne in the 1960s and before a great rise in economic and population growth. The author is clearly against the growth of population, and the tone of the article reflects this with rhetorical questioning paired with subtle and slight fear mongering. Alm lives in a suburb of Melbourne, so therefore she has a bias towards how the city is changing. The headline persuades the targeted...
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...APA Reference Style Guide Notes: Please "copy" the title of a book/an article/whatever (as far as the spelling of words such as "behavior"/"behavioral" are concerned (and this also goes for direct quotations) exactly as in the original. • • • When referring to any work that is NOT a journal, such as a book, article, or Web page, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns. Do not capitalize the first letter of the second word in a hyphenated compound word. Capitalize all major words in journal titles. If within the same paragraph, reference is made to the same author(s) for a second and further time(s), the year of publication is omitted in the second and further references - as long as it does not lead to confusion. Compiled by OpenJournals Publishing and assisted by Prof George Sieberhagen (North-West University) Basic in-text referencing In-text reference where the author of the source is known …the result of this is a ‘technical super identity’ (Erikson, 1967, p. 20). Azar and Martin (1999) found that… (As part of the sentence) …thus Cox (1966, p. 52) refers to the modern urbanite as… Simply use whatever you used as author in the reference, as well as the year of publication. Only insert the page number when using a direct quote. Do not include suffixes such as Jr. In-text reference to more than one author should be ordered alphabetically. In-text reference to...
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...Letter to the editor on School Bullies Erica Patterson DeVry University Prewriting for Letter Assignment 1. Theme/Topic: Bullies in School 2. Angle: I agree with Mr. Smith the editor when he stated bulling in schools can be reduced. 3. Purpose and Thesis: I am writing to support Mr. Smith the editor ideas along with adding additional ideas. Thesis: I agree with Mr. Smith because he stated school bullying can be reduced and it can! I think in order to reduce bullying in school every school official should have a clearly understanding what bullying actually is. 4. Reader/Audience Profile: The reader’s expectations consist of keeping them interested in what I am presenting, and to make them believe what I am presenting is true. I plan to accommodate them by presenting very good accurate information and using the correct tone throughout. I think the readers will have agreeable attitudes towards the issue of school bullying. I think the readers will feel the same way when it comes to how schools are lacking to respond to bullying issues around the schools. I think the readers will influence my letter by commenting and adding on to what I am presenting. 5. Context: I will just include relevant information that affects the support that I am providing in my letter. 6. . Personal Experience: I have been bullied as a child. There was a girl who attended the same elementary school and she bullied me every single day. I am not sure why she...
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...Grand Canyon University American Psychological Association [APA] Style Guide for Writing Introduction Students of Grand Canyon University (GCU) are required to use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) for preparing written assignments, except where otherwise noted. All students should have a personal copy of the APA Publication Manual, which is available through the GCU Bookstore or local bookstores. In the interest of providing resource material for student use, this guide to APA style and format has been developed and made available. It is based on the current 6th edition of the APA Manual. However, the guide only highlights aspects of APA style and format, and so it is recommended that students use the APA Manual as a resource when writing APA-style papers. An APA template has been provided in the Student Success Center’s Writing Center for student download and use. PLEASE NOTE: The curriculum materials (Syllabus, Lectures/Readings, Resources, etc.) created and provided by GCU in the online or Web-enhanced modalities are prepared using an editorial format that relies on APA as a framework but that modifies some formatting criteria to better suit the nature and purpose of instructional materials. Students and faculty are advised that GCU course materials do not adhere strictly to APA format and should not be used as examples of correct APA format, or in place of the APA Manual, when preparing written work for class. APA...
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...our final project is a portfolio consisting of revisions of the blueprint for progress that you submitted in unit 6, the letter to the editor that you wrote in unit 5, and the presentation that you created in unit 7. The presentation can take the form of a blog, podcast, brochure, slide show, or one of the other multi-media forms covered in the tech labs Ritu McDowell[19:31 ET]: •What did you learn about yourself as a writer? As a thinker?•What did you learn about the process of writing?•What skills did you develop that might help you in the future?•What did you take from the larger conversation with others?•How did your feedback from peers and your instructor affect the revision of your blueprint, letter to the editor, and presentation? Ritu McDowell[19:32 ET]: 5 sources Ritu McDowell[19:32 ET]: •You are writing a paper that makes an argument. Its goal is to persuade others of the value of your Big Idea.•You are using outside research to support this argument, but your paper and presentation should focus on your own ideas and use your own analysis of this outside research to make the argument.Essay:Content: Includes a compelling introduction with a logical persuasive thesis statement and a conclusion that effectively wraps up the essay. Supports main points effectively and clearly (no logical fallacies, outside sources used to support arguments where appropriate) and skillfully refutes counter-arguments without ignoring data that contradicts the student’s thesis. Shows original...
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...an accurate representation of me as a person through several snippets that fall into a variety of categories. In my exposé section, I use facts, statistics, and interviews to discuss sexual assault. The essay “Shush” is written in the style of a newspaper article. From an author’s standpoint it is not biased; the point of the essay is driven home through the quotes in the article that were acquired through interviews. Another section is sports. In the essay “Two losses, one game” I tell the story of my last basketball game, the...
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... | Presents facts, information in a clear way by being neutral in choice of words and tone. Neutral a. Neutral, uses descriptive/informative word choice, e.g. said, told b. The passive voice (one, you, they + be + kort tillægsform: they were told) c. No or only little use of figurative language (billedsprog) d. Lack of words of negative/positive connotations (adjectives, adverbs, nouns, verbs) e. Might be written in the past tense f. Use of technical terms g. Use of the appeal form logos (quotes, studies, statistics) to appear credible h. Clear structure and use of cohesive devices to create structure: http://home.ku.edu.tr/~doregan/Writing/Linkers.html i. | informative articles (like Ritzau, Reuters), summaries, news reports, encyclopaedia,news analysis,background article,manualsabtracts | Directive texts (directive text functions)They are instructive, biased and tell the reader what to think (even if implicitly) They try to appeal to and manipulate the reader’s opinions. | Biased | a. Uses persuasive language like * The imperative mood: e.g. do, don’t do, open, chop, set etc. (bydeform) * Modal verbs: must, must not, should, would, could b. Imagery and figurative language: similes, metaphors c. Rhetorical appeal through: word choice/quotes/references/pictures/diagrams etc. d. Uses pronouns to address/to include/to exclude, e.g., you, we, us, them e. Exclamation marks ! f. Rhetorical questions: “why would I want to scrape around…?”...
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...research that addresses significant environmental pollution issues and problems and contribute new knowledge to science. The editors welcome high quality papers where the pollutants are clearly defined and measured and can be directly related to biological, ecological, and human health effects. This includes air, water, and soil pollution and climate change. New techniques for the study and measurement of pollutants and their effects are also encouraged as well as papers on new types of environmental challenges such as pollution/antibiotic resistances of organisms. Emerging pollutions are of eminent interest, such as microplastics, electronic wastes, light or noise pollution as long as they can clearly be related to the biological effects mentioned above. Papers must be process-orientated and/or hypotheses-based to be considered for population. Papers based on field studies are given priority for publication over micro/meso cosmos studies. Papers, such as meta analyses, that report findings from re-examination and interpretation of existing data are welcome. Modeling papers are welcome only to a certain extent, i.e., they must be related to a specific pollution issue or process that is potentially of ecological and/or human health implications. Critical review papers and commentaries are also of high interest as are letters to the editor. The editors do not wish to publish papers that describe results from routine surveys and monitoring programs that are primarily of local...
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