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Liam O 'Flaherty's The Sniper'

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Analysis Paper on The Sniper

Franklin Delano Roosevelt once said “Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them”. These famous words explain that many people forget to remind themselves that individuals have fought for their freedom and risk their lives in order to serve their country. War impacts multiple soldiers whether they are healthy heros of the nation or die attempting to defend our country. All soldiers brave enough to possess the heart and loyalty to a country will always be a hero. From the most advanced Snipers of the world to the most courageous Infantry, war between two countries is always a tragedy. Whether it is a goury war between two countries or a country itself, many soldiers are expected to make split second decisions. …show more content…
Being one of the many ten children, Liam was a good student and also studied the Roman Catholic priesthood. He later renounced his religion and before he knew it, he enlisted in the British Army during World War 1, in 1915. When Mr. O’Flaherty was serving, he suffered a weapon explosion that not only injured him, but led to depression, which also led to his discharge. After his discharge, he decided to explore the world, visiting both North and South America. Soon enough, he came back to Italy and became an Atheist, thus, joining the Irish Republican Army. While forging a treaty to make an Irish Free State, Liam and many others went against the supporters of the treaty and quickly broke apart. Mr. O’Flaherty became known for his short stories and novels. Participating in the first World War, he based multiple novels and short stories around the atmosphere and experiences of the

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