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Life Boat Ethics Research Paper

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In any type of moral class, the topic of ethics is always a topic of choice early on in the semester because it is the back bone of most discussions. In the lecture regarding utilitarianism, we spoke about life boat ethics and how essentially, humans, want to chose the outcome with the greatest good for the greatest number of subjects. This example of life boat ethics, or utilitarianism, is a more sophisticated form of hedonism, but it shows that the term hedonism relates to simply the positive or negative outcomes. On a more higher level scale, Bentham states that value hedonism is, “only states of pleasure have positive intrinsic value and only states of pain have intrinsic negative value; anything else of value is mere extrinsic value” …show more content…
As a result, there as been a spike in the popularity of weight loss surgeries in the last couple years due to American’s trying to change their lifestyle and improve their quality of life. At first, the example of weight loss surgery seems to be intrinsically valuable where its meaning its on its own right the best thing to do. Unfortunately, just like anyone who has ever had any type of major surgery, the recovery involves quiet a lot of pain. According to the value hedonism theory, this would mean that surgery would be classified as having a negative intrinsic value. I would argue that because these patients that are receiving the surgery are requesting it for medical reasons. Yes, they will be in pain for a relatively short amount of time, but the long term benefit of the surgery exceeds it. These patients eventually will have the view of positive intrinsic values because the surgery benefit them in many ways. For example, the surgery will make them become healthier human beings, prolong their life, improve their values of life and more importantly help them lose the weight that made them uncomfortable in the first place. A lot of times, these patients that get the weight loss surgery are in so much pain from their excessive weight that the pain from the surgery is far less pain making the end result so much better. Because I view the weight loss surgery as a positive procedure, but not pleasure seeking, rather painful instead, I believe this proves the theory of value hedonism to be false is some but not all situations. Yes, as we know there are situations in which the theory is one hundred percent

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