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Life Skills Center


Submitted By gaylordbagtakhan
Words 274
Pages 2
Life Skills Center for Youth is a human service organization whose mandate is to empower youth in the community with teachings on issues that cut across several factors affecting the society. This organization tackles issues such as physical, mental and physical abuse. Other areas undertaken include sexual contact, money management, nutrition, community involvement, tutoring, conflict resolution, family building and love. These teachings have an aim of helping the youth in dealing with the past and current challenges that they go through. In addition, the organization also endeavours to endow the youth with hints that will help in improving their self-esteem, conflict resolution techniques and stress management. Such empowerment is vital in preparation for their future lives. The management structure of this organization includes subsystems that are interrelated in their operations to produce resourcefully effective outputs and results. In terms of planning, Life Skills Center for Youth embraces the strategic planning model to ensure that it realizes its mission and vision for the youth in the community. Youth empowerment involves understanding the dynamic nature of the society and the ever-changing challenges in relation to complexity. The management of this organization possess adequate skills and experiences that are essential in the consideration and the selections and program modules and activities. The choices at this stage are those that are best placed to sufficiently tackle identified problems that the youth in the particular areas of interests are facing. Through an assessment of factors necessary in the implementation of any youth empowerment program, the organization appropriately predicts the possible social, economic, political and legal consequences and their ability to embrace them (Lewis, Packard & Lewis,

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