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Life Span Develpoment Paper


Submitted By LIVEDREAM
Words 611
Pages 3
Life span Development paper
Susan Cohen

The development of Infancy and Early Childhood is a combination of biological, psychological and emotional changes that are developed in an individual between the time of birth and to the end of adolescence. During this span of birth and early childhood the most critical stages of development are at work laying down the foundation that will affect the learning skills and social, cognitive and emotional development. Aspects that surround an individual during this very important time will either nurture or hinder their progress of development. The aspects that are detrimental to infancy and early childhood development are the environment of one’s family, cognitive development through early childhood education and parenting styles.

Families Affect The Development of Infants And Young Children.

“Families are the first to teach infants and young children, which fosters development during infancy and early childhood. Early relationships help infants develop a working model, a set of assumptions that become a frame of reference for later life” (Berger, 2011, p. 189). During infancy and early childhood the effects of the family environment is the most influential part of an individual’s development. The culture and environment of the family bring the infant experiences that that either nurture or set back their development. An infant that lives in an environment where he or she receives expectations of aspects such as proper meal nutrition and meal and times along with experiences of positive connection’s with a family that provides love safety and security is more likely to have positive self-concept, self-esteem and a sense of well-being . This child is also likely to have good communication skills and the high academic scores in school. When exposed to a wider range of

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