...Tools To Use For Painting With Light Photography (OBEP.com) Flashlights and LED’s Flashlights and Led’s are great tools when painting with light photography. The best type of flashlight to use with light painting trick photography is Maglite. Flashlights and LED bulbs both has their advantages and disadvantages. Maglite flashlights have a warm natural yellow color because they use incandescent bulbs. LED’s on the other hand usually has a colder tone color. If one has trouble working with either of these tools, change the white balance for one’s camera to build up the temperature difference. Maglights and LED’s are the primary and novice light painting tool. Fiber Optic Adapter If one comes to a situation where one must use a small or hand sized object, one will see that using a flashlight or LED will not work appropriately. In cases such as this, one will need a fiber optic adapter for their flashlight. The adapter is a cap that fits snuggly over the bulb casing of the flashlight, with a fiber optic cable protruding out of the end. This light painting tool comes in two sizes. A seven inch version and a twenty inch version. Using the Maglite adapter combination will give one the capability to light paint small and hand sized objects with ease and utmost accuracy. Key Chain LED The next best tool to flashlights and LED’s are key chain LED’s. These little gadgets have a button on the top that can quickly turn the light on and off. It can also keep the LED lock...
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...Camera Is A Magic Device Photography is a perfect combination of science and art. It is practice of taking pictures through a small device, which is camera; I can save all great moments in my life. Many times when I’m snapping the picture, I want to notice something, which is not apparent for other, such as specific details in children’s faces. I try to capture every moment in time because I believe that the real feeling won’t came gain. The key point is, you capture what you want to remember right there and then. Photography is my favorite hobby. I think it reflects me. There are two main reasons that make my main interest to practice photography more: reflecting myself, and earning money. Photography is meaningful and reflecting a lot to me. When I picked up the first camera I didn’t know what the photography’s meaning. Until, I saw myself I can’t live without camera. Moreover, some time I feel bad or depressed, but once I carried my camera and traveled in order to capture many pictures I feel relaxed. Usually I prefer to take pictures for landscapes. That is inspired my own creativity more and help me to come up with many new ideas. I think photography makes me have a healthy mind and clear thinking. Through photography, I can gain many benefits while mentally, emotionally, and finically. Earning money is important part in our life. Photography is additional recourses to earning money and making a business. Wedding photography is one of the methods that I used to...
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...College of Criminology Laboratory Exercise Police Photography Name: _____________________________________ Date:______________________ Year level:________________ Rating: __________ Teacher’s Initial:_______________ Exercise #1 Photography and its Importance Objective: To test student memory retention of the previous lesson Instruction: Read the question carefully, give and explain briefly your answer by writing legibly and responsively. 1. Why does Photography useful in the interrogation of suspects? 2. Photography is used to preserve perishable evidence. Why is it necessary to preserve this perishable evidence? 3. What are the elements embodied in the definition of Photography? Do this Element work together to form a Photograph? Explain 4. Why is it necessary to consider lend and filter in taking photograph? 5. What is the effect if the shutter speed, aperture, and film sensitivity setting is happen to be in higher number? College of Criminology Laboratory Exercise Police Photography Name: _____________________________________ Date:______________________ Year level:________________ Rating: __________ Teacher’s Initial:_______________ Exercise # 2 The forerunners in the history of Photography Objectives: To test student memory retention of the previous lesson. Instruction: Read the question carefully: give and explain briefly your answer by writing legibly and responsively. 1. a. Sir James Herschel – b....
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...photojournalism to most people. William Klien has also been revolutionary in the fact that he has his own style of photography that many other people have tried to embrace. Gjon Mili was the first to use electronic flash and stroboscopic light to create photographs, which influenced photographers in terms of creativity within photography and Brassai is known for his incredible night photography of the mystery night time Paris. They are considered to be innovators in photography using different techniques to produce work that is still admired and studied today. William Klein is an American born French photographer and filmmaker. He was trained as a painter but he soon moved to photography which achieved him fame as a fashion photographer for Vogue. Klein’s photographic style is ‘in your face’ and close up often having a theatrical look with many being harshly framed or blurred. His images are grainy and satirical often exploring the more abstract parts of a location like in New York where he shot images showed ‘The big apple’ as a kind of slum. Many American publishers were against this and didn’t believe it showing New York in a good way. His passion for exploring the unexpected can evidently be unappealing but his documentation of New York is considered one of the most revolutionary publications of street photography making him a pioneer of 20th century photography and an inspiration for many modern day photographers. His unique and abstract images were soon noticed by the media...
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...eyes of many, a camera is just a tool that you point at an object to take a picture; to a photographer, it is so much more. According to Dictionary.com, the definition of photography is, “The process of producing images on a sensitized surface by the action of light.” However, there is one point that this simple definition fails to state, and that is photography is used to capture a single moment in time, in one frame. A single picture can tell a multitude of stories, and can hold countless memories. Whether done as a profession, a hobby, or a creative outlet, the art of photography can appeal to everyone in the world. Known as a “camera obscura,” the first elements of photography were shown in 384 BC when Mo-Ti, a Chinese philosopher, created the device (Camera Obscura History). The physics behind his invention was that when a lighted area was separated from a dark area with only a pinhole opening between them, it created an inverted image of the lighted area. This technology was further improved by inserting a lens to create a clearer picture (History of Photography). Since then, the art of photography has continued to evolve. Many photographers still rely on natural lighting in their pictures, however today photographers choose to use digital photo editing with programs such as Adobe Photoshop and Light Room. These great advances in technology and the progress of manipulating pictures using computer programs has led me to the question: How have advances in photo technology...
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...A photograph seizes a twinkling in interval in its veracity, whereas approximately like portraiture or a doodle, conversely precise is fundamentally pebbledash of whatnot the artist cherry-picks to grasp. A broad-spectrum tenure used to embody trends in photography from approximately 1910-1950 when photographers arose to generate workings with sharp single-mindedness and a prominence on prim merits, ill-using, adequately than obfuscating, the camera as a fundamentally power-driven and technological apparatus. Our thesis statement is “Photography in the Philippines is considered an art as a way to construct an aesthetic approach in developing and enriching the students’ talents in camerawork.” 2014 has been an exciting year for photography....
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...Photography Photography is undoubtedly one of the most important inventions in history -- it has truly transformed how people conceive of the world. Now we can "see" all sorts of things that are actually many miles -- and years -- away from us. Photography lets us capture moments in time and preserve them for years to come Today, photography is characterized by a rapid growth in the development of technology and ideas. Each year, millions of pictures are taken and an astonishing array of new films, cameras and imaging systems enter the market. One of the great attractions of the photography field is the ease with which basic skills can be learned. The word ‘photography’ comes from the Greek term ‘drawing with light’. Without light there is no photograph. Photography is about seeing, balancing and interpreting the light. Composition of Photography The Camera: The materials that are usually used in creating a camera are metal, glass, plastic, wood, and mirrors. The Film: Collodion: This substance transformed photography. This a viscous mixture of gun cotton that is dissolved in alcohol that then creates a thin film. It is then mixed with silver bromide, silver iodide or silver chloride. This substance reduced exposure time to seconds instead of hours. Film: The first type of camera film was produced when the collodion was combined with celluloid, a flexible plastic. This film started to be sold with “Kodak” in 1889 along with the worlds first box camera. Chemicals...
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...PHOTOGRAPHY. The word photography comes from two ancient Greek words: photo, for "light," and graph, for "drawing." "Drawing with light" is a way of describing photography. When a photograph is made, light or some other form of radiant energy, such as X rays, is used to record a picture of an object or scene on a light-sensitive surface. Early photographs were called sun pictures, because sunlight itself was used to create the image. Mankind has been a maker of images at least since the cave paintings of some 20,000 years ago. With the invention of photography, a realistic image that would have taken a skilled artist hours or even days to draw could be recorded in exact detail within a fraction of a second. Today, photography has become a powerful means of communication and a mode of visual expression that touches human life in many ways. For example, photography has become popular as a means of crystallizing memories. Most of the billions of photographs taken today are snapshots--casual records to document personal events such as vacations, birthdays, and weddings. Photographs are used extensively by newspapers, magazines, books, and television to convey information and advertise products and services. Practical applications of photography are found in nearly every human endeavor from astronomy to medical diagnosis to industrial quality control. Photography extends human vision into the realm of objects that are invisible because they are too small or too distant...
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...Photography: Preserving Memories at its Finest Photographs are one of the most ravishing work of art. Through these exquisite photos, our visions have achieved extension to the real happenings in the world. We get to capture things that are far from our reach, invisible in our own naked eye, too distant for our eyes to see and too rapid for us to observe and gaze at its beauty. Photography makes this possible in our lives. It has played a very essential role in our lives and in our society. It has many uses in science, business, media and even preserving history. But above all, photography has given us memories to cherish, just like an image of a beautiful smile of a person, an unforgettable happening in our lives and a photo together with our loved ones that we may or may never see and experience again for a lifetime. Photography is the art and practice of creating images with the use of radiant energy and by means of light on a sensitive surface of a material such as film and image sensor (http://www.merriam-webster.com). The word photography was derived from the Greek words photos which means “light” and “graphé” which means “drawing” (http://scphoto.com). Using the two definitions from Greek roots, photography is then described as “drawing with light” (http://scphoto.com). There were several people that have coined these terms but Sir John Herschel was the person rewarded and received the credits as the originator of the terms and as...
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...Guide to Photography Photography Basics n ational geographic complete guide to photography: p hotography and the camera Taking a Picture creating a photograph requires only the single act of 1. Framing the Picture pushing the button that triggers the shutter, which is a ■ Light enters the lens. moving curtain that lets light fall on the digital sensor for ■ Light bounces off reflex mirror and through pentaprism to viewfinder. ■ Photographer sees what the camera sees a set length of time. Everything else is preparation and internal mechanics. Photography, in other words, can be 99 percent anticipation and 1 percent action. The parallel through the viewfinder. between a photographer and a hunter, in which the trigger pull is analogous to the push of the shutter button, is obvious. Both shoot. But a hunter sends out a missile; a pho- 2. Taking the Picture ■ Photographer depresses button. artistic calculation beyond simple aim. Modern digital SLRs, ■ Reflex mirror rises. increasingly user-friendly, allow photographers to concen- ■ Shutter opens at designated shutter speed. ■ Aperture opens to designated measure. ■ Light travels straight to sensors. tographer draws in reflected light. He or she must make an trate more on that aesthetic than on mechanics. COVER: Octavian Radu Topai/National Geographic My Shot Hawaii, U.S. national geographic complete guide to photography: p hotography...
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...Module 1: Digital Photography Critical Analysis Digital Photography 1. Introduction A sailor planting a wet one on a nurse, Man walking on the moon, a student standing up to a line of tanks, and the horrifying moment a plane crashed into a skyscraper. Figure 1 –"V-J Day, Times Square, 1945", a.k.a. "The Kiss" “Man on the Moon, Apollo 11, 1969” "Tiananmen Square, China, 1989" “9/11 Attacks, New York City, 2001” All of these iconic images from history would be nothing but memories without the invention of photography. The power of photography has allowed us to see distant places, events before our lifetime, people from foreign lands and tragedies including war; all through the view of a lens. In just under 200 years, photography has transformed the world we live in enabling us to see not only beyond the boundaries of time and location but also beyond the range of human vision through macro, infrared and high-speed photography. Figure 2 – High Speed Photography, Bullet shot through an apple 1 Module 1: Digital Photography Critical Analysis Photography has changed a lot since its inception, what once was a painstakingly slow process involving specialized equipment and chemicals has become a revolutionary digital medium accessible by virtually anyone. 2. A Brief History of Cameras While the founding ideas behind what would become photography date back as far as the ancient Romans, the real history of cameras starts in the 17th century. Photography’s...
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...TERM PAPER THE SIGNIFICANCE AND DEPTH OF THE MEDIA ON THE TEXTUAL INTERROGATION OF LITERATURE IN ‘MY FATHER’S BLOOD’ NAME: OJEBODE, AYOKUNMI OLADELE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH POSTGRADUATE STUDIES IN LITERATURE REDEEMER’S UNIVERSITY, EDE COURSE CODE/TITLE: ENG 871/ LITERATURE AND MEDIA LECTURER: DR. OFURE AITO THE STILL PHOTOGRAPHY AS LITERATURE IN THE 21ST CENTURY USING TY BELLO’S WORKS Introduction “Art is about collecting experiences and expressing them. For me music and photography are similar art forms. I collect experiences, stir them in myself and express it in my own language. Just like my photography, music is my language.” Ty Bello Today people live in a visually intensive society and a world of spectacular and exciting images. They are bombarded with an orderly and continuously stream of visual stimulation from all manner of media every day. They see mediated images more often than they read words. Images sell everything. This paper offers an analytical framework for understanding how still photography is Literature in the 21st Century, using TY Bello’s still pictures. According to Aristotle, “There can be no words without images”. The world is surrounded with mediated images in such a way that has never been witnessed in the history of mass communication. Every era has expressed itself in its own way since the beginning. Antiquity was the time of legends, epics and mythical narratives. During the sovereignty of this era, meaning was constructed...
Words: 7914 - Pages: 32
...What is photography? Photography is the art, science and practice of creating durable images by recording light or other electromagnetic radiation, either chemically by means of a light-sensitive material such as photographic film, or electronically by means of an image sensor. Typically, a lens is used to focus the light reflected or emitted from objects into a real image on the light-sensitive surface inside a camera during a timed exposure. The result in an electronic image sensor is an electrical charge at each pixel, which is electronically processed and stored in a digital image file for subsequent display or processing. On 1834, in Campinas, Brazil, Hercules Florence, a French painter and inventor, wrote in his diary the word "photographie" to describe his process. As far as can be ascertained, it was Sir John Herschel in a lecture before the Royal Society of London, on March 14, 1839 who made the word "photography" known to the world. But in an article published on February 25 of the same year in a German newspaper called the Vossische Zeitung, Johann von Maedler, a Berlin astronomer, had used the word photography already. The word photography derives from the Greek φωτός (phōtos), genitive of φῶς (phōs), "light" and γραφή (graphé) "representation by means of lines" or "drawing", together meaning "drawing with light". Invented in the first decades of the 19th century, photography (by way of the camera) seemed able to capture more detail and information than traditional...
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...Chapter 8: Aerial photograph interpretation Introduction Almost all modern topographic maps and many other types such as those depicting geology, natural vegetation, and landuse, are based on information obtained from aerial photography. In this chapter we will consider how aerial photograph surveys are flown and then we will examine the photogrammetric properties of single aerial photographs and of stereopairs. We will conclude our discussion by considering how aerial photographs are used in the interpretation of cultural features. In Canada most aerial photography is obtained by air-survey companies under contract to various Federal or Provincial government agencies. All of Canada has been photographed from the air, some of it many times over at different scales and in different seasons and years going back to the late 1920's. Federal aerial photographs (and maps) are available from the Canada Map Office and the National Air Photo Library (both at 615 Booth St., Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E9) while the appropriate Provincial agency in British Columbia is Maps B.C. (Ministry of Environment, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, British Columbia V8V 1X5). Aerial photographs often are used in the same manner as maps and it might be useful if we note at the start the advantages and limitations of each medium. An aerial photograph has the following advantages over a line map: 1. It is a pictorial representation of the ground that shows far greater detail than a line map. This distinction...
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...important as well. The price of a photographer can vary greatly depending on many things but this is something to take into consideration when choosing to hire someone. All of these aspects are important when choosing to start doing in-house professional photography. When hiring someone in-house to do professional photography of products, there is a lot of equipment that would need to be purchased. A camera is the most obvious purchase. The best camera for this job would be a DSLR camera. The two top brands for DSLR cameras are Nikon and Canon’s. Everyone has their own preference and both are around the same price. A DSLR camera can range in price, from $300 - $1000 and up. Then a good lens is important to focus and get the best quality pictures. A good lens for organic products would be a 40mm f/2.8 and these range from $250 to $400. Aside from the camera and lens there are other tools that are needed to take good photographs. Some of the tools that are important for good photography are: softboxes, reflectors, photo editing software, and a backdrop of some sort. Softboxes can be used to help diffuse the light on the product. According to "What Is A Softbox?" (2014), “A softbox diffuses the light into a pleasing soft, even light” (para. 3). Softboxes can vary in price anywhere from $30 to $200. Along with a few softboxes, having reflectors will help lighting as well. Reflectors will help soften the lighting in the photos and will cost around $50 depending on what type is needed...
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