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Lincoln's Attitudes Through The Civil War

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through the Civil War.
Believing in the Preservation of the Union
Finally, Lincoln’s belief of the preservation of the Union emerged in Lincoln’s speeches during the race for the Illinois Senate seat which allowed the country today to remain united instead of divided. Lehrman wrote that the Peoria speech of 1854 formed “the foundation of his politics and principles, in the 1850s and in his presidency.” Lincoln’s beliefs and values that influenced his presidency originated from his life in Illinois because the Peoria speech was one of the first speeches in the Lincoln Douglas Debates. Lincoln explained,“The Missouri Compromise ought to be restored, for the sake of the Union, it ought to be restored.” [because then]... “the nation [would have] …show more content…
Lincoln attempted to resolve the issue while he was a politician in Illinois before he became President. Lincoln read his acceptance address for U.S. Senator “to a dozen or so friends…[but] on political grounds all but Herndon, disapproved ...Especially of the opening passage about the “House Divided.”” “According to Herndon, Lincoln, ...adamant, said,”... if it is decreed that I should go down because of this speech, then let me go down linked to the truth...” Lincoln feared not to lose based on his beliefs because Lincoln believed that preserving the Union was his top priority a politician before he ran for President. Lincoln stated,“A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.” Lincoln recognized that the Union would cease to exist if the government and the states failed to stay amalgamated, but instead divided between freedom and slavery. For this reason, when Lincoln gave the speech in Illinois against Douglas, he aligned himself against slavery within reason. Lincoln realized that if conflicts regarding slavery neglected to be addressed and resolved peacefully, war would follow, so Lincoln expressed his values early in

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