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Are Video Games Helpful

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Video Games: Helpful or not for ADHD?
Can playing video games help someone with ADHD? Do how games work affect it? Where the kids affected in a positive way? The kids who play the special games helped the kids stay focused more.

The way the games work help kids stay focused. “Another exorcise requires a player to load a truck in less than five minutes - without getting distracted” (ADDitude). This would help because it helps maintain their focus on loading the truck. According to ADDitude, the way the game works is the player where's a headset and the character/vehicle in the game is controlled by one's brain waves. For example, in a car race the car slows down when the player “exhibits low-frequency patterns…his car slows and other cars …show more content…
“The kids who played Akili’s game showed improved attention spans over the kids who played the normal game.” And “As a result, none of the children in the study were taking medicine for ADHD” (Smithsonian 2). This evidence shows that the video games improved the kids attention. “They were only compared with those playing the other game¨ (Smithsonian, 3). The game designed to help, helped more than the other game tested. With the video game acting similarly to medicine, it could be replaced.
Third body paragraph Some people believe medication and therapy are still the best for kids. Most parents would not like the idea of video games as a treatment, and that it would waste of their time. According to ADDitude “A student can even play the game while doing homework”. By playing the game and doing their homework they would not lose as much time. “Tests of the technology showed that it works about as well as traditional biofeedback equipment used in clinics, but with an important twist - children like it better” (ADDitude). When children like something they will take it more serious instead of crying (most kids do). With medicine it will wear off causing one to take

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