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I Cor 14 Analysis

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In I Cor 14 Paul discusses the supremacy of prophecy over speaking in tongues, because tongues without translation is useless to the hearer, while prophecy promotes knowledge and understanding. In Act 4 we see that the gift of tongues was given, so that those from around the world, who had gathered in Jerusalem could hear the Gospel in their own language and understand the truth of God’s saving grace. The devotion points out that communication with understanding allows us to enjoy fellowship as human beings. One may say that communication without understanding is not communication at all. Paul reminds us of this in I Cor 13, when he tells us that great speech without love is akin to a resounding gong or clanging cymbal. Effective communication requires, listening and empathy, not just talking. We must work to hear what is being communicated to us so that we can effectively communicate back. Using rephasresing, and statement like, “so what I hear you saying”, help us to better with understanding and to make sure that what we say is being understood. Many times in my professional work …show more content…
I remember in College, a friend was struggling with a deep personal matter, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit to share a personal example of God working in my life that I had never shared with anyone else. The next week when I ask him how thing were, he was excited that God was moving him in the right direction. As we talked he was amazed that I was not aware of the specifics of his issue, since my personal experience had spoke directly to his concern. These were clearly words from God for him at that moment. Many times as I try and share my faith, I often feel, like I do not have the words to share, but as I pray that God will lead me, I have found that He gives the right words, or scripture that is needed at that

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