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Saul of Tarsus


Submitted By raybern7
Words 2688
Pages 11




BIBL 364



e of Contents

Introduction 3 Saul of Tarsus 3 The Damascus Experience 4 The Call 6 The Conversion Debate 8 Conclusion 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY 11

Introduction The Book of Acts is a literary masterpiece filled with stories of miracles, faith, chronicles of the growth of Christianity, Holy Spirit encounters, and stories of supernatural conversions. It is one of the main books of the Bible studied to learn about the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s ability to use anything and anyone for His purpose. The “call” of Saul was one of the most significant events not only in the Book of Acts, but throughout the Bible. Christians in the Twenty-First Century owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Apostle Paul for his courage and obedience in answering the “call” of God. The spontaneous response to this call has a direct impact on Christians, Jews and non-Jews all over the world. The reason Saul’s call was so important was because it was a fulfillment of Jesus’s Great Commission. Saul’s pedigree as well as his character made him the least likely candidate to become one of the greatest Apostles to the Gentiles. This paper will examine who Paul of Tarsus was, the importance of his call, whether or not he was converted, and the impact his decision to answer God’s call has on Christianity today.
Saul of Tarsus Prior to his calling by God, Saul of Tarsus was highly qualified to perform his duties as a Pharisee. By all accounts, he was a faithful, committed, and zealous Jewish Pharisee who felt justified in persecuting Christians because of his duty of protecting the law. In Philippians, Saul describes his pedigree and perceived justification for

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