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Spread Of Paul Research Paper

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Paul was known as the greatest missionary of Christianity. He was one of the first major missionary to preach the Christian gospel to non-Jewish people known as Gentiles. He was also known as being the leader of the first generation of Christians. Paul was born in Tarsus. He was also highly educated. Initially, Paul was known as Saul of Tarsus. However, around the time of the first Christian Pentecostal is where the individual known as Saul of Tarsus became known as Paul. Before Paul became a Christian, he persecuted the Church. He soon met Jesus after the resurrection. On page 52 it states, “Saul was traveling the road north from Jerusalem to Damascus, the capital of Syria, with permission from the Jewish high priest to bring back any Christians from the synagogues there as prisoners on account of their heresy.” Paul had persecuted Christians because of their faith in a failed messiah. This is due to people claiming to be the one to lead the Jews back to their position. However, no one had kept any of their promises. …show more content…
From there Paul attitude had changed towards Jews and this resulted in him changing his name from Saul to Paul. Paul had stated that Christ had appeared before him in the flash of light. This had led Paul to become baptized in Christian faith. Instead of continuing with his duty to bring back Christians from synagogue, Paul had traveled around telling the good news of Jesus Christ. “...Paul spent the rest of his life traveling far and wide proclaiming the good news of the risen Christ. As he did this, he also developed a theology which was an outgrowth of his previous life as a Pharisee and his encounter on the way to Damascus,” (52). Paul was known as the Apostle as stated in Romans 1:1. Romans 1:1 states, “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of

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