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Foxconn: A Brave New World

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Thanks to the globalization, the companies in more developed country outsource the standardized and low value-added production to factories in the less developed countries. It brings job opportunities and stimulates the economic growth in poor regions, but the problem of sweat factory also get severe. Those factories are accused of practicing the exploitative factory system in which labours work for long hours in poor working conditions but earn only a low income. Foxconn is a typical example of sweaty factory. Due to the inhuman treatments, 18 desperate factory workers committed suicide to express their frustration in 2010. In the following, I will use Foxconn as an example to further investigate into the problem of exploitation.
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For example, the preface of its Handbook stated that “Hurry toward your finest dream, pursue a magnificent life. At Foxconn, you can expand your knowledge and accumulate experience. Your dream extend from here until tomorrow.” Youngsters in country side come to the prosperous cities to obtain more opportunities and achieve a better life. However, the salary is low and the standardized tasks in the assembly line require no specific skills and knowledge. The workers will not gain sufficient capital and helpful experience which help them climb up social ladder. …show more content…
Karl Marx predicted the workers will finally discover the truth and bring the class struggles. The working class will fight against the ruling class in order to make a change. In this case, workers suffered from the exploitation and unfair treatment of the factory. Some of them cannot bear the tortures any more, but they realized the limitation of an individual to fight against the system. Therefore, they committed suicide one by one to express their frustration about the current situation and vent their anger on the ruling class. Their death has grabbed the attention of public worldwide and has provoked strong condemnation over the management of Foxconn. As a result, the condition of factory workers is slightly improved. Marxism believes that the class struggle will lead to changes in social structure and achievement of communism, but it is invalid in this case and the real word at this time and this

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