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Early Childhood Settings

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A panel of professional individuals invited by the Minister of Children and Youth Services in Ontario in January 2007 started the Best Start Expert Panel on Early Learning for Every Child Today. This document better known as ELECT was created a few years ago (2014), to improve the quality and stability, which was, meant to be the framework for Early Childhood Settings for the province. ELECT transfers a direction for developmentally appropriate learning, which has established six core principals to guide in the practice of early child development. In addition it provides a continuity of development for children from birth to the age of eight.

In the document ELECT it describes how children learn and develop, and provides knowledge …show more content…
When one knows exactly what to expect in a typically developing child, it makes it easier for an educator to realize when a child is having difficult with challenges and what his or her needs are. The educator will be able to identify with the tools taught in Elect to recognize special needs or delays in development. Also by observing the child through continues documentation can help assess the child’s progress. Another benefit would be to observe the children to help improve the learning and teaching skills for practitioners. This will strengthen the bond between the teacher and parent, which will then enhance the respectfulness of family structure, values and …show more content…
Therefore, children learn best when playing, by interacting they explore the world. The scientific reason behind play is said that it starts from infancy (Gopnik, Meltzoff & Kuhl, 1999). Baby’s react to how the objects move and function, they form information and categorize patterns and build expectations about the world around them.

“Play is how children make sense of the world and is an effective method of learning for young children. Ideas and skills become meaningful; tools for learning are practiced; and concepts are understood.” (ELECT p. 9)

These are some examples that a childcare worker may observe when in their care.

• Caregivers spend all day with the children and may observe behaviors that a parent may not see or even recognize.

• Observing the child’s motor skills during play time and or activity time.

• A child who is delayed in understand and or processing a simple task.

• A child who only wants to play alone.

• A child who may be advanced and can’t interact with his or her

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