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Resident Officer Program Research Paper

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It takes a special police officer to reside in the same area they police inside, namely, speaking from several years of police experience, usually police officers want to stay somewhere quiet, where the crime rate is low and it is not the area where the officer work. However, these officer in Elgin Illinois started this program in the early 1990’s, where they stayed within the neighborhood of poverty in a donated or subsidized home or apartment. Typically, when officers are off duty they want to be off duty these officers involved in Resident officer program in Elgin (ROPE) knew they would be on call for 24 hours by residing in these neighborhoods (Dempsey, L. S., Forst, L. S., n.d.). Nonetheless, from the start of the program the common problems in the questionnaire were drug activity and gangs, then two years later those primary problems changed to loud stereos and speeding vehicles because of the success of the program. The program …show more content…
S., Forst, L. S., n.d.). In Columbia SC a resident says in their neighborhood there used to be a crack house in the neighborhood in the past, then when a police officer moved in the neighborhood the crack house went away (Oleksy, W. 1996). However, the OND program is now under the good neighbor next door program which includes teachers, firefighter, and emergency medical tech. Nonetheless, the office of community-oriented policing services was established which was responsible for issuing out the grant money in different areas, such as antigang initiatives, COPS in schools and to combat domestic violence. However, the funds have decreased and some of the funds are going toward Homeland security (Dempsey, L. S. Forst, L. S.,

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