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My Identity Research Paper

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Everyone in society has different identities that helps describe who they are. We all have different roles that make us unique and are influenced by occurrences that happen within the home and outside the home. Some of our identities can make us much stronger individuals or weaken us by being judged. My identities however, have made me a much stronger person to achieve goals, wishes, and successes. In this paper I will go more in detail on how my identities made me became more appreciative of where I come from and the experiences from childhood up to now. My culture has shaped my understanding of how important the values and traditions done at home can bring the family very close. My generational status really has influenced my decision on …show more content…
The reason I say this is because I am a first generation college student. My family has high expectations for me to do well in school and give me strong support. Knowing that I will be the first has impacted me very positively because it means I am the first to explore everything in a whole new institution. It also makes me want to be the best role model for my younger sister who is indecisive about attending. I also think very futuristic because my parents did not go far in their education back in Mexico. That is to say that my mother only went up to the second grade of elementary school and my dad graduated from fifth grade. Their status living in Mexico was horrible because their parents would not let them go to school and would only want them to be at home helping do chores. The fact, that they did not finish their school, influences me to try harder knowing that I have financial benefits being a U.S. citizen compared to those who are not. My older sister, for example, was born in Mexico so she was not able to finish her education because financial resources were not offered during her time. Like so, comprehending their immigration status to mine plays another particular role in my …show more content…
When I think about immigration status I think mostly about different life problems that affected my family with economic and mental difficulties. Truth is that my parent’s life story living in Mexico was very overwhelming. I was born in the United States, however my parents are immigrants born in Mexico. My parents got married at such an early age around 16 years old because they wanted their life to change. They had my older sister in Mexico, but they knew they did not want her raised there. So they illegally immigrated to the United States with goals to have a better job, be financially stable, and have more children. When they first got here the struggles were massive. My parent had to live in the streets because they did not know that rent was paid here every month. My dad went through a major breakdown not being able to find a job and a shelter. They went through depression, stress, and anxiety, especially because they only know how to speak Spanish. However when my uncles arrives everything changed and my parents were able to grow ever since then. Knowing how my parents got here and the struggles that they faced to find a better life for us all, impacts me to make a life change for them to. It makes me want to go far in life and help them as much as I

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