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Mixed Results: Multiracial Research

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In “Mixed” Results: Multiracial Research and Identity Explorations author Gaither (2015) explains the notion that multiracial individuals often feel pressure to choose one central race to identify with while also investigating the idea that the individual’s multiple identities actually allows them to assume flexible cognitive and behavioral tactics. Additionally, Gaither’s (2015) article assess previous research pertaining to multiracial individuals; she examines the behavior and cognitive functions related to being multiracial, and also studies the connection of multiracial identities with flexibility. In its entirety, this research shows that multiracial people generally take a more open approach to interacting with others. There were many …show more content…
Moreover, through this literature I was able to learn that multiracials do not fit into a racial stereotype unless they are exposed to it. They do not mold to a specific set of stereotypes. This research was surprising to me as a multiracial person because prior to reading it I did not know other people exhibited the ability to be flexible cognitively or through their behavior. To know that the entire multiracial community has this ability has provided me with a sense of belonging. In fact, in my Duke application I spoke about my ability to be cognitively flexible during social situations, in order to provide a diverse answer to solve issues. I have frequently felt that it is difficult for me to connect to monoracial research because it brings a feeling of betrayal to my mixed identity. When faced with multiracial research I feel more open to embrace the facts presented. The study of multiracial individuals is something I deeply connect with because it brings awareness of alterity. Multiracial studies are important to me because they shine a light on my …show more content…
When reading works about multiracials, it is imperative that you exhibit a holistic approach when trying understanding their unique diversity. I believe that this method of understanding could be translated across many different subject matters. It is possible that the approach Gaither (2015) speaks about in her closing statement, “It is time for research to adapt to changing demographics-much like multiracials continually adapt to their surrounds.”, has the ability to change research of disabilities and religion to hold a more diverse and open

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