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Allec Brust Analysis

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Pages 4
Fear is a natural instinct. Fight or flight? The instinct and question are built into primal human nature. Fear isn’t wrong, it is what drives survival. It alerts the individual or individuals to a potential dangerous situation and allows them to assess what exactly is in their best interest to do. Fear is built to brings peoples attention to a problematic situation and to come up with a solution for it. Fear also doesn’t exist without evidence, especially in today’s day and age. There has to be a driving force behind those fears. Many would argue that the multiple terrorist attacks on western countries are the cause of fear against refugees. Allec Brust, author of “Trump’s immigration plan is fear-mongering”, would argue that it is not these …show more content…
Brust stands in direct opposition to Trump’s actions and desires that his audience take a hard second look at what the President is doing as well.
Brust is using this article to respond to President Trump enacting an executive order that banned people from coming to the United States from seven countries, whose populations are mostly Muslim. There is little doubt about this, since it is emboldened within the title of the article “Trump’s immigration plan is fear-mongering”. Brust goes on to double-down by claiming, “It is a Muslim ban. Period.”. It cannot be argued that this ban directly affects Muslims, since it is only Muslim-majority countries that the executive order lists as “banned”. But this situation has been a topic at the forefront of every political conversation since that horrific day in September of 2001. And this situation cannot be looked at in a vacuum. President Trump has also been forced to respond to a situation, one which is particularly critical to our nation’s safety. There has recently been a string of …show more content…
The thesis stands alone in its own reserved paragraph, four paragraphs into the paper. Burst makes no qualms about it by contending, “There is an issue with banning predominantly Muslim countries, and there is an issue banning countries in a refugee crisis.”. Burst makes it clear that he is in stark opposition to the actions of President Trump. He feels what the President is doing is not necessary. He believes it is more important to help the refugees than it is to have concern for our nation’s security and the safety of its people. Brust takes it a step further, remarking that, “This is labeling. This is discrimination. Labeling 7 predominantly Muslim countries as terrorist hot spots is the very definition of fear-mongering.” Not only does he feel that these actions are wrong, but he feels that they are also a grave offense against all

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