...The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/researchregister The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0954-478X.htm TQM 17,2 RESEARCH AND CONCEPTS Components of successful total quality management ´ ´ Juan Jose Tarı Department of Business Management, University of Alicante, Spain Abstract Purpose – According to the literature, quality management consists of a set of components: critical factors, tools, techniques and practices. The purpose of this paper is: to identify the components of total quality management (TQM), in order to make them known to managers and thus facilitate successful quality management implementation, and to show the situation of 106 ISO 9000 certified firms concerning these components. Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve this objective, a literature review and a survey based on 106 ISO 9000 certified firms in Spain were developed. Findings – The results reflect that certified firms must develop their people orientation 1and use techniques and tools to a higher extent in order to progress towards total quality. Originality/value – The value of the paper is point out which TQM components are important to successfully implement TQM and identify the situation of these components in ISO 9000 certified firms in a particular area. Keywords Total quality management, ISO 9000 series, Spain Paper type Research paper 182 The TQM Magazine Vol. 17...
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...Controls in the Implementation of ERP Systems Severin V. Grabski. Michigan State University, U.S.A. grabski@pilot.msu.edu Stewart A. Leech. The University of Melbourne, Australia saleech@unimelb.edu.au Bai Lu. Colonial Mutual Group, Australia blu@colonial.com.au Abstract. The implementation of ERP systems has been problematic for many organizations. Given the many reports of substantial failures, the implementation of packaged ERP software and associated changes in business processes has proved not to be an easy task. As many organizations have discovered, the implementation of ERP systems can be a monumental disaster unless the process is handled carefully. The aim of this study is to identify the risks and controls used in ERP implementations, with the objective to understand the ways in which organizations can minimize the business risks involved. By controlling and minimizing the major business risks in the first instance, the scene can be set for the successful implementation of an ERP system. The study was motivated by the significance, for both the research and practice communities, of understanding the risks and controls critical for the successful implementation of ERP systems. Following the development of a model of risks and controls, a field study of an ERP system implementation project in an organization was conducted to provide a limited test of the model. The results from the field study provided support for risks and controls identified in the literature. The results...
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...i FACTORS LIMITING EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF TRAINING PROGRAMMES IN PARASTATAL ORGANIZATIONS IN TANZANIA: A CASE STUDY OF TANZANIA ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED, DAR-ES-SALAAM AND COAST ZONE IGNATIUS SHENGENA MNDEME A DISSERTATION SUBMITED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT) OF THE OPEN UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA 2011 CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned certify that I have read and hereby recommend for acceptance by the Open University of Tanzania a dissertation entitled, “Factors limiting implementation of Training Programmes in Parastatal Organizations in Tanzania: A case study of Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited, Dar-es-salaam and Coastal Zone”. In partial fulfillment for the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Human Resource Management). Supervisor…………………………………… Dr. Chacha Matoka Date………………………………………….. iii COPYRIGHT No part of this dissertation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author or the Open University of Tanzania in that behalf. iv DECLARATION I, Ignatius Shengena Mndeme, declare that this dissertation is my own original work and has not been submitted for a similar degree at any other University. Signature ……………………………. Date ………………………… v ...
Words: 12912 - Pages: 52
...STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Sandeep Krishnan Personnel and Industrial Relations Area D-18, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: sandeepk@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26327816 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 Manjari Singh Personnel and Industrial Relations Area Wing 12-D, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: manjari@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26324914 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 1 Abstract: A three-stage model for the process of strategic human resource management is developed in this paper. The three stages cover strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The inter-linkages in this dynamic model have been explored. The organisational factors that have enabling or deterring influence on the success of each of these three stages have been discussed. The paper highlights the key role played by HR professionals in these three stages. 2 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalisation, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and the never-ending changes that organisations are...
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...STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Sandeep Krishnan Personnel and Industrial Relations Area D-18, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: sandeepk@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26327816 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 Manjari Singh Personnel and Industrial Relations Area Wing 12-D, Indian Institute of Management, Vastrapur, Ahmedabad 380 015, Gujarat, India. Email: manjari@iimahd.ernet.in Tel: ++91-79-26324914 Fax: ++91-79-26306896 1 Abstract: A three-stage model for the process of strategic human resource management is developed in this paper. The three stages cover strategy formulation, implementation and evaluation. The inter-linkages in this dynamic model have been explored. The organisational factors that have enabling or deterring influence on the success of each of these three stages have been discussed. The paper highlights the key role played by HR professionals in these three stages. 2 STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: THREE-STAGE PROCESS AND INFLUENCING ORGANISATIONAL FACTORS Organisations are increasingly looking at human resources as a unique asset that can provide sustained competitive advantage. The changes in the business environment with increasing globalisation, changing demographics of the workforce, increased focus on profitability through growth, technological changes, intellectual capital and the never-ending changes that organisations are...
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...MKWI 2010 – Unternehmensberatung im IT-Umfeld 611 CRM Evaluation An Approach for Selecting Suitable Software Packages Ina Friedrich1, Jon Sprenger2, Michael H. Breitner2 1Accenture GmbH Campus Kronberg 1, 61476 Kronberg ina.friedrich@accenture.com 2Institut 1 für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Leibniz-Universität Hannover Königsworther Platz 1, 30167 Hannover {sprenger|breitner @iwi.uni-hannover.de} Introduction Customer Relationship Management (CRM)1 has been discussed in the literature since the nineties. IT evaluation on the other hand dates back to the eighties starting with a more contemporary approach (Farbey et al. 1999, p. 191). As reported by earlier works, the success rate of CRM implementation projects is up to today still not satisfactory (Becker et al. 2009; Finnegan and Currie 2009). Reasons for failing the expectations of involved parties are diverse, but can be summarized under the three dimensions: people, process and technology (Figure 1). Due to the described quality problems and the speed of evaluation results becoming outdated, new CRM solutions or updated versions of established products continuously enter the market. CRM solutions range from simple address and activity management applications to integrated software packages linking front office and back office functions (Chen and Popovich 2003, p. 673). Hence, there exists a multitude of different characterizations for CRM. For the context of this paper a definition by Goldenberg (2000) is used, who describes...
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...Supplement, 61-66 Published Online December 2012 in SciRes (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/ce) DOI:10.4236/ce.2012.38b014 Critical Success Factors for Online Distance Learning in Higher Education: A Review of the Literature Bussakorn Cheawjindakarn1, Praweenya Suwannatthachote2, Anuchai Theeraroungchaisri3 1 Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand Email: bussakornonline@gmail.com, praweenya@gmail.com, anuchai@gmail.com 2 Received 2012 The aim of this paper is to specify the Critical Success Factors (CSFs) for Online Distance Learning (ODL) in Higher Education (HE). Research methodology was analyzing and synthesizing the literature review. The literatures were reviewed to determine items relevant to online learning success as implementation, criteria and indicator. A total of 19 papers, published during 2000-2012, were selected from Chulalongkorn University reference databases. Data analysis method was using one of the popular analysis techniques for qualitative research works or the content analysis. The results on the CSFs for ODL can be grouped into 5 factors: 1) institutional management, 2) learning environment, 3) instructional design, 4) services support and 5) course evaluation. Each of these 5 factors includes several important elements that can assist to enhance efficiency of online learning courses in higher education institutions. It is a concrete approach to lead...
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...Holmes et al. Implementation Science 2012, 7:39 http://www.implementationscience.com/content/7/1/39 Implementation Science DEBATE Open Access Translating evidence into practice: the role of health research funders Bev Holmes*, Gayle Scarrow and Megan Schellenberg Abstract Background: A growing body of work on knowledge translation (KT) reveals significant gaps between what is known to improve health, and what is done to improve health. The literature and practice also suggest that KT has the potential to narrow those gaps, leading to more evidence-informed healthcare. In response, Canadian health research funders and agencies have made KT a priority. This article describes how one funding agency determined its KT role and in the process developed a model that other agencies could use when considering KT programs. Discussion: While ‘excellence’ is an important criterion by which to evaluate and fund health research, it alone does not ensure relevance to societal health priorities. There is increased demand for return on investments in health research in the form of societal and health system benefits. Canadian health research funding agencies are responding to these demands by emphasizing relevance as a funding criterion and supporting researchers and research users to use the evidence generated. Based on recommendations from the literature, an environmental scan, broad circulation of an iterative discussion paper, and an expert working group process, our agency developed...
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...Abstract This study firstly examines the current literature concerning ERP implementation problems during implementation phases and causes of ERP implementation failure. A multiple case study research methodology was adopted to understand “why” and “how” these ERP systems could not be implemented successfully. Different stakeholders (including top management, project manager, project team members and ERP consultants) from these case studies were interviewed, and ERP implementation documents were reviewed for triangulation. An ERP life cycle framework was applied to study the ERP implementation process and the associated problems in each phase of ERP implementation. Fourteen critical failure factors were identified and analyzed, and three common critical failure factors (poor consultant effectiveness, project management effectiveness and poo555îr quality of business process re-engineering) were examined and discussed. Future research on ERP implementation and critical failure factors is discussed. It is hoped that this research will help to bridge the current literature gap and provide practical advice for both academics and practitioners. Keywords: Critical Failure Factors, ERP Implementation, ERP Life Cycle. 1. Introduction An ERP system is an integrated software solution, typically offered by a vendor as a package that supports the seamless integration of all the information flowing through a company, such as financial, accounting, human resources, supply chain, and customer...
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...knowledge within their arenas, and have the support of a team of professionals who will conduct valuations by examining data through benchmarking, performance, and detecting any administrative gaps that inhibit optimum performance. Grounded on data and administrative primaries our interim manager will develop actions plans, and begin the application of performance approaches. Spectral Staffing interim manager can also support in staffing and employing as well as ease the change process by providing training and mentoring for new employees. Identification of an operational gap By conducting a gap analysis, we can compare expectations with current levels to identify if an operational gap exists within an organization. Use of the gap analysis tool to assess operational excellence in areas that include: * Human resources * Information technology * Business direction and processes Through the “identification and extrapolation of key learning issues from the literature and empirical findings, organizations can better improve their business processes and thereby their effectiveness, whilst preventing others from making costly mistakes that may not necessarily be purely financial” (Irani, Sharif, & Love, 2007, p. 2435), but may serve the surrounding community as a benefit. The need for a marketable due diligence can typically can provide a progressive assessment of the targeted prospects, converging on the company and market...
Words: 2115 - Pages: 9
...Management College of Southern Africa An Exploration into the effectiveness of Performance Management and Development System Policy on Employees of Tintswalo Hospital Raymond Nordic Sibuyi MBA 2014 An Exploration into the Effectiveness of Performance Management and Development System Policy on Employees of Tintswalo Hospital By Raymond Nordic Sibuyi Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration in the Department of Business Studies Management College of Southern Africa (MANCOSA) Professor: K.S Milondzo 2014 Declaration I, Raymond Nordic Sibuyi, do hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my investigation and research and that this has no not been submitted in part or full for any degree or for any other degree to any other university. __________ __________ R.N Sibuyi ...
Words: 25214 - Pages: 101
...Process Evaluation DRAFT Report School Community Liaison and Security Programme Prepared for the National Committee for Families and Children (NPA M&E Sub-Committee);and Ministry of Education, Youth & Sports John D. Flowers Table of Contents Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 1.0 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.1 2.2 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.3 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.6 Background ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Project Description and Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Purpose of the Consultancy ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4 Key Activities and Main Deliverables .................................................................................................................... 4 Evaluation Design and Framework .....................................................................
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...Qureshi Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Technology and Engineering, M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara, India Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a set of total quality management (TQM) and supply chain management (SCM) practices through an extensive literature review and to identify the relationships among them by comparing the identified TQM and SCM practices. Design/methodology/approach – An extensive overview of the practices of TQM and SCM is carried out using published research papers and some major TQM and SCM practices were extracted. These identified practices are then compared to explore the relationship between them for better understanding and application. Findings – The results reveal six major TQM and SCM practices from as many as 50 TQM practices and 40 SCM practices. The paper further compares these practices and found that management support and commitment, customer focus, and supplier partnership are the most common practices found in both TQM and SCM literature, and have the strongest impact in the integration of TQM and SCM across organizations. Research limitations/implications – This paper focuses only on the literature review of previously published studies, further empirical study can be undertaken using these six identified practices which may allow...
Words: 8153 - Pages: 33
...Impact of Training Practices on Employee Productivity: A Comparative Study Rohan Singh Madhumita Mohanty Faculty of Management Studies, Siksha O Anusandhan University Bhubaneswar, India rohansingh@khalsa.com Head of the Dept, MHRM IISWBM Kolkata, India drmadhumitamohanty@gmail.com Abstract — The paper studies the effects of training on employee productivity. This paper provides a review of the current evidence of such a relationship and offers suggestions for further investigation. An extensive review of the literature in terms of research findings from studies that have been trying to measure and understand the impact that individual HR practices like training have on employee productivity across various sectors. The focal point of our review is on training practices and employee productivity and their relationship. In conclusion, we can say that taken as a whole, the research findings are varied. Some studies have found a positive association, some negative and some no association whatsoever. The paper concludes with directions for future research by applying different level of analysis on exploring the impact of training practices on employee productivity. of these resources, training is one of the main activity in order to have qualified, flexible, and proactive employees (Bartel, 1994; Raghuram, 1994; MacDuffie and Kochan, 1995) and to achieve the correct running of each stage of the process of knowledge management (Alavi and Leidner...
Words: 3966 - Pages: 16
...Auditing Method 2. Challenges For H.R. 15. Methods Of Hr Audit Department Eight Challenges 16. Research Approaches To Audits 3. Meaning & Purpose Of Hr 17. Hrm Auditing Process Audit 4. Purposes Of Hrm Auditing 5. Objectives Of Hr Audit 6. Benefits Of HR Audit 7. Frequency Of HR Audit 8. The Principles Of Effective Hrm Auditing 9. Types Of HR Audits 10. The Scope Of Human Resource Audits 11. Hrm Audit Measures 12. HR Standards 13. Task Auditor INTRODUCTION • “How does a firm know if its human resource practices have an impact on business results? • “..most professional service firms and organizations complete an extensive audit of their financial statements on an annual basis, but the programmes involving “people”, such as recruiting, training or pay-for-performance are seldom given the same scrutiny.” • “..the starting point for enterprises wishing to manage their human capital successfully and seeking a labour competitive advantage is activities of the HR department.” CHALLENGES FOR H.R. DEPARTMENT EIGHT CHALLENGES IDENTIFIED BY DAVE ULRICH (1997) Globalization The H.R department will need to create models and processes for achieving global activeness, effectiveness and competitiveness. Managing the Value Chain for Business Competitiveness Innovation Faster Decision Making Price or Value Advantage Effective linking with Suppliers Growth of the organization By increasing customer, acquisition and mergers Building organizational capabilities Reviewing existing...
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