...NAME OF ACTIVITY:- ACTIVITIES OF EVERY DAY LIVING – Pairing and Folding of Identical Socks. Materials: A small Basket containing Several Pairs Of identical Socks Objectives/ Learning Goals:- • Direct objectives: Teaches the child how to pair and roll his/her socks • Indirect objectives: - Teaches the child to be independent - Develops problem solving and observation skills - Supporting the need for order with systematic use. - Improves co-ordination of movements - It promotes hand-eye coordination Control of Error:- None Age range:- 3 upwards Adult/Child ratio:- 1:1 Date of Lesson:- June 6th,2014 Time of Lesson:- 2pm Anticipated Duration:- 10 minutes Actual duration:- 27 minutes (+20 min observation) Setting:- Home Environment Pre-requisites:- • understanding of the cycle of activity • Knows where to find socks • Knows how to put on socks Advanced preparation for the lesson: - Place several identical and paired clean socks and place into a Basket/Tray • Find an appropriate location in the ‘Activities of Everyday Living’ area of the environment. • Familiarise yourself with the activity and steps involved. Step-by-step guidelines:- • This is an individual presentation. • Introduce the activity at the shelf, name it and link to the child’s prior learning (if appropriate). • Have the child place it on the table and Let the child know he will have a turn • Take one pair at a time out of the basket and...
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...What is the usable living area of 4 room house (output) 2. What is the length of room 1 (length1) - input 3. What is the width of room 1 (width2) – input 4. What is the sq footage of room1 (sqft1)– float variable 5. What is the length of room 2 (length2) - input 6. What is the width of room 2(width2) – input 7. What is the sq footage of room2(sqft2) – float variable 8. What is the length of room 3(length3) – input 9. What is the width of room 3(width3) - input 10. What is the sq footage of room3(sqft3) – float variable 11. What is the length of room 4 (length4)- input 12. What is the width of room 4 (width4)– input 13. What is the sq footage of room4(sqft4) – float variable 14. Add each sq footage together for total living area – float variable Formulas – sq footage=length*Width Total living area=sq footage1+sqfootage2+sqfootage3+sqfootage4 B. Program Design – Following the directions in the assignment, clearly write up your problem design in this section and comment your pseudocode. Input date module Write “What is length of room 1” Input length1 Write “What is the width of room 1” Input width1 Write “What is the length of room 2” Input length2 Write “What is the width of room 2” Input width2 Write “What is the length of room 3” Input length3 Write “What is the width of room 3” Input width3 Write “What is the length...
Words: 478 - Pages: 2
...TotalArea(float variable) I must use the formula to find the area of a rectangle which is area = length * width. Example A = L * W A = 15 * 4 A = 60 If the four rooms of the house is a different measurement then we must calculate the area of each room. Once that is calculated, add all the areas of each room together to get the total area of house. Total area of the house = AreaRoom1 + AreaRoom2 + AreaRoom3 + AreaRoom4 B. Program Design – Following the directions in the assignment, clearly write up your problem design in this section and comment your pseudocode. Main Module Declare RoomName as string Declare Length1 as float Declare Length2 as float Declare Length3 as float Declare Length4 as float Declare Width1 as float Declare Width2 as float Declare Width3 as float Declare Width4 as float Declare AreaOne as float Declare AreaTwo as float Declare AreaThree as float Declare AreaFour as float Declare TotalArea as float Write “Area Program” Write “This program computes the total area of a house.” Call Input Data Module Call Perform Calculations Module...
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...morning, hoping to get picked up to work that day. Sometimes I wonder how someone is picked over the guy standing next to him. Sometimes I wonder why they stand there at all - when people have 100 men to choose from, the odds of working that day are stacked pretty high. Then I stop and think about what they are going to be asked to do that day in exchange for $50-$100. They’ll be asked to do jobs that their more affluent counterparts feel are “below” them or that they “don’t have time” to do themselves – painting the outside of the house, de-winterizing the back yard for the family barbeque, trimming the hedges and mowing the lawn, cleaning up after a septic tank overflows. It is work that takes physical strength, the willingness to get dirty, to sweat in the hot sun, and to be physically exhausted when you walk in the door at night, and they line up on the side of the road every morning hoping to be picked. In his poem So Mexicans Are Taking Jobs from Americans, Baca writes about how Americans focus on the negative aspects of immigrants, but don’t look at the reality of what they contribute to our society, nor the reality of what the hard-working men and women face at the end of the day. Baca writes the poem in a tone that mocks Americans for their ignorance, hoping people will see the reality of the situation and stop pointing fingers at innocent men and women who are willing to work hard to feed their families. In the poem, Baca writes, “I hear only a few people got...
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...instrumental in shaping the city’s old and new histories, social interactions, and the international affair the world has with the “Big Easy”. No stranger to death, destruction, and tragedy, New Orleans mixes it all up in a funky stew that makes magic out of everyday life, where every day there is a jazz funeral somewhere, every day is a second-line, and skeletons don’t hang out in...
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... In the various stories throughout this course there are common themes represented in many. Modern ideas and traditional beliefs often disagree and this is shown in Chinua Achebe’s “Dead Men’s Path,” Chitra Divakaruni’s “Mrs Dutta Writes a Letter,” and Subhadra Sen Gupta’s “Good Girls Are Bad News.” These stories illustrate the conflict between modern ways of thinking versus traditional beliefs and if the ability to change is present. Every culture has their traditions and practices that make them who they are. These traditions are learned from past generations and continually passed on. It takes many years to change common customs as well as open minds. When something is practiced decade after decade it makes it harder to accept change, especially for the older generations who are very much set in their ways. This is demonstrated in all three stories. In “Dead Men’s Path” it is the young headmaster, Obi who wants to move forward and eliminate the path from the school as he thinks it is not necessary. Obi believes the school’s appearance is more important than years and years of tradition. In “Mrs Dutta Writes a Letter” it is the mother who moves from India to America with her son that cannot accept the modern westernized ways of living. Finally, in “Good Girls Are Bad News” it is the whole village that looks down on Bineeta for smoking a cigarette in public which was not proper for a girl at that time. “Dead Men’s Path” takes place in Ndume, Africa in the late...
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...The Garbage Island documentary was published in September 6, 2012. Vice company is the founder of this documentary. Vice and he's crew members travel in the Pacific Ocean to the North Pacific Gyre, where they hope to see "Garbage Island". While they are traveling through sea they test the water when they see a patch of trash in the water. They test the water to see how contaminated it is due to the trash that traveled through that area. This documentary is really effective for conveying its message because of how they show how the water is being contaminated from the toxic trash and how living organism is being affected through the contaminated water. The experts in the documentary were scientists and a journalist. The scientists job was to...
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...years of age or over, as requested by the office processing the application. Please use a pen, and write neatly in English using BLOCK LETTERS. Tick where applicable 3 If you need more space for any answers, give details at Part T – Additional information Integrity of application The Department of Immigration and Border Protection (the department) is committed to maintaining the integrity of the visa and citizenship programs. Please be aware that if you provide us with fraudulent documents or claims, this may result in processing delays and possibly your application being refused. 80 Part A – Applicant details 1 Important information about privacy Your personal information is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988. Important information about the collection, use and disclosure (to other agencies and third parties, including overseas entities) of your personal information, including sensitive information, is contained in form 1442i Privacy notice. Form 1442i is available from the department’s website www.border.gov.au/allforms/ or offices of the department. You should ensure that you read and understand form 1442i before completing this form. Please provide your details as they appear in your official documents. For example, passport, identity document, travel document, birth certificate. Note: If you have one name only, please write it in the ‘Family name’ field. Family name Zhang All given names Xurui Sex Female ...
Words: 4821 - Pages: 20
...example in Annie Dillard’s “Living Like Weasels”, it seems my perception of what she was focused on was not the same as what the instructor was trying to get me to see. These readings are not black and white so you have to use some creative thinking to understand them and it is apparent my creative thinking is out in left field. This has shown me that I really need to work on this area, I can write all I want but if I can’t understand what someone else has wrote that is going to hinder me not only in this class but future classes and outside of school. Development plays into the above, for example; as the writer changes from describing a weasel to using the weasel as an object to try and get an underlying message across the reader has to be able to analyze this in order to develop their own opinion of what the writer is trying to convey. It is the writer’s ability to persuade the reader to believe in their thesis....
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...Maya Angelou is not only an author; she is a poet, playwright, screen producer, and many more. Growing up, Maya’s life was filled with ups and downs. In spite of her trials and tribulations, Maya Angelou has found a way to accomplish many goals. Throughout her career, she has not only written books, but she as acted in and directed several plays, lived in Ghana for four years, raised a child by herself, and worked as hard as he could to give her and child the best life. Maya Angelou, Marguerite Johnson, was born on April 4, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri (Gale Group 4). She initially lived in St. Louis with her mother, Vivian, who was a nurse, and a maid, and her father Barly, a doorkeeper and navel dietician (Gale Group 4). As she was growing up, Maya’s mother never cared for her as a mother should. Often, her mother would leave her and her brother and would not return for days at a time. This, of course gave Maya no other choice but to take full responsibility for the household and her brother. When she was thirteen, Angelou’s mother decided to leave St. Louis without telling her. It was on that day that she went to live with her grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. Maya’s grandmother was a very strict lady and made sure that Maya and her brother would grow up to be the best people they could be. Maya’s grandmother made a great impact on her and her brother’s lives. Because of her grandmother, Maya can often be quoted as saying “ If you don’t appreciate the things you have, other...
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...Like reading, writing is one of the most basic processes that is important for people to express themselves. Writing allows us to grow as individual and help the civilization to advance toward other levels. Since centuries it was been demonstrated that someone with the faculty to read and write has the basic tools to develop himself and reach whatever goal he propose to himself. Writing could be fun process, but not an easy one. I can confirm that trough personal experiences all my life long. I started to have interests in writing when I was around 13-15 years old. I was following older kids living in my neighborhood who were writing poetry to seduce girls. Due to that, I was initiated into the reading process to have enough background to...
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...wanted to do---write and live on a farm. Today I’m doing both. I am not in E.B. White’s class as a writer or in my neighbors’ league as a farmer, but I’m getting by. A: Compared with the life in the city, how do you like the life here in the countryside? B: I can say my wife and I have finally found contentment here in the country after years of frustration with the city and suburban living. A: Could you talk about your life here? B: Well, it is a self-reliant sort of life, and a satisfying life too. We grow nearly all of our fruits and vegetables. Our hens keep us in eggs. In the summer we canoe on the river, go picnicking in the woods and take long bicycle rides, and we ski and skate in the winter. We get excited about sunsets. A: How nice it is! It’s really a desirable life. Then have you encountered any /some difficulty? B: Yes. The good life can get pretty tough (15). In the first winter, we were buried under five feet of snow from December through March. One storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn (33). When spring came, it brought a flood. The river overflowed, covering much of our land for weeks (37). A: You are so busy, then do you have time for writing? B: I manage to spend 50 to 60 hours a week at the typewriter or doing reporting for the freelance articles I sell to magazines and newspapers (24). Thanks to my wife, she does a lot of housework, and sometimes she does research and typing for me, writes an article herself...
Words: 557 - Pages: 3
...By:Gage Tomlin What did the people of Egypt believe in and how did they grow up? The people of Egypt are polytheistic and believe that there is an after life. Egyptians think that the pharaoh is a living god. The pharaohs of Egypt last for long periods of time which is called a dynasty there were many dynasties in Egypt. The Egyptians preserve the dead bodies when people die but first they have to take all of the intestines and brains and put them in jars. They wrap the dead bodies in a tough fabric material and it is called mummification. They have tombs which are like under ground safes where they put the dead bodies after they have done the whole process. In modern time we would just put the body in a coffin and most of the time bury them by there stone. In modern time we sometimes embalm people which preserves the body until the funeral....
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...Each individual short story has its’ own point of view and voice. Within short stories there are different types of narrative and also different types of irony being used. Each individual author has their own way of telling a story; also they have a certain way to portray their story to an audience. For two specific short stories Everything That Rises Must Converge and Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter we can analyze to see what point of view and voice is being used. Everything That Rises Must Converge is a story that takes place in the 1960’s. A recent college graduate, Julian who escorts his mother to her weekly weight-loss class at the YMCA. His mother attends these classes to reduce her high blood pressure. He escorts her there every week because she refuses to take the bus alone since integration. His mother is extremely prejudice and Julian was the total opposite. In Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter this story is about the life of Mrs. Dutta, an old, widowed Indian woman who had moved into her son’s American home two months prior. Mrs. Dutta struggles with not running a house and in the midst is writing a letter to a dear friend back home contemplating weather to be truthful or to be honorable to her family. First I would like to review witch point of view is being used both stories. For the first short story Everything That Rises Must Converge, the story is being told from a third person point of view. The story has someone who is not any of the characters stating the events...
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...res, because we are unexpectedly standing in a dark room where a person named William is sitting with a computer, some notes and facts. A third person narrator tells the story, but we hear Williams’s thoughts through out the story, and because of that we directly recognize us with him. William Is married to Ginny and have 7 children, all of them which are girls. “He glanced up at the bookshelf above his computer at his girls: Sophie, Witney, Norah, Becky, Christine, Maria, Britney. “Page 1 line 16-18. His relationship with his wife is almost only about making children. ”Well done, darling, she said. Then, “I know this isn’t much fun for you.” Page 2 line 82. She loves it, and thinks he doesn’t. Their relationship is seems to be like a more like “Friends with benefits” than a marriage, because right after they had sex Ginny would leave again. Williams job is writing about biographies of pop-singers, whom he doesn’t enjoy. He would have preferred to write about the film stars, but wasn’t quick enough to get the job and therefore, he has dedicated his life writing about singers. It is also told he can’t write. This has a big effect on his life. He is feeling down and don’t really feel happy, and try to forget it “Writing was Impossible for William if there was a view onto the...
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