...KaShawna Davis 4/2/15 PROC 5850 Case Study 1- H. C. Starks H.C. Starck Business Case 1. Why are the lead times so long? There are several rationalities to explicate why the lead times at H.C. Starck, Inc. are indeed long. A diverseness of accounts can be established, in which all were noted by respective members of the H.C. Starck, Inc. team or via illations established by management. To start out, H.C. Starck, Inc. underwent lead times that were longer than anticipated because there was an impression that the manufacturing time was excessively long, although there wasn’t any arduous data rendered to confirm such. As well, Lee Sallade, who was the Director of Operations for H.C. Starck, Inc., conceived that concentrating on lead times was very crucial; concentrating on it exclusively would be a substantial error in all views. Lee Sallade sensed that in addition to ascertaining lead time; the overall cycle time should be calculated for, which may have caused the lead times enduring for such an extensive period of time. Lee Sallade stressed that cycle time and inventory were hugely significant to the company, but both were enormously unmanageable to “keep in line” subsequently H.C. Starck, Inc. deemed such a substantial amount of tantalum inventory. Finally, Lee Sallade sensed that overseeing data was essential to success, and Lee Sallade was worried that many of the operational decisiveness of the company were based on myths or “hear say” and that, “rigorous data collection...
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...University of South Alabama Running head: CANCER PAIN MANAGEMENT Cancer Pain Management Cancer is rapidly becoming a chronic illness, and an estimated that 10 million individuals in the United States are survivors of cancer (Sun, Borneman, Piper, Koczywas, & Ferrell, 2008). According to 2008, cancer statistics from the American Cancer Society, about 2 565,650 people die in the United States from cancer every year. Approximately 1.6 million new cases of cancer are expected to be diagnosed in the United States this year (American Cancer Society, 2012). This is why the health care needs of cancer patients are unique, and many are at risk for developing late or long-term side effects and pain from their primary treatments. These long-term effects may also hinder optimal physical, psychological, and cognitive functioning for patients (Sun et al., 2008). Pain is experienced by 30% to 50% of cancer patients receiving treatment and by 70% to 90% of patients with metastatic or advanced disease. In almost every cancer-related case pain is inadequately managed due to a lack of patient and professional knowledge of optimum management (Sun et al., 2008). This paper will discuss how nurses can help provide adequate pain management in advanced cancer patients. Patient and family needs Support for the patient and family may include education and information, coping skills, counseling and psychotherapy, and family meetings, etc. Patients, as well as their family have psychological needs...
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...Mr Charles Winston is a forty two year old Afro-Caribbean male with end stage pancreatic cancer. He is married with two children and had previously worked as a solicitor- he has been admitted to the local hospice. For the purpose of this assignment the focus will be on pain, the importance of being pain free and what this would mean for Charles will be discussed through-out this case study. The World Health Organization (2008) say that freedom from cancer pain must be regarded as a human rights issue. Charles's pain was poorly controlled on admission so it took several hours for the nurse to assess and come to an agreement with Charles about how to manage his pain. The End of Life Care Strategy, written by the Department of Health have published the following guideline; " Ensure that pain amongst people approaching the end of life are kept to an absolute minimum with access to skilful symptom management for optimum quality of life." (Department of Health, 2008, p33). Historically, pain was seen as an emotion rather than a sensation that was experienced by the heart and not the brain (Meldrum, 2003). Pain in today’s society is seen as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage (International Association of the Study of Pain, 2011). Therefore, pain is not only experienced on a physical level such as intensity, location and quality but also with emotional feelings such as anxiety, frustration and depression. Pain is a multidimensional...
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...Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation UCTEA Chamber of Surveying and Cadastre Engineers TMMOB Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası Jeodezi ve Jeoinformasyon Dergisi Vol.2 Iss.1 pp.19-28 May 2013 Journal No.107 Doi: 10.9733/jgg.120913.2 www.hkmodergi.org Analysis of surface textures of physiographic features extracted from multiscale digital elevation models via grey level co-occurrence matrix Dinesh Sathyamoorthy* Science & Technology Research Institute for Defence (STRIDE), Ministry of Defence, Malaysia Abstract Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Page: 19 - 28 May 2013 This paper is aimed at employing grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) to analyse the surface textures of physiographic features extracted from multiscale digital elevation models (DEMs). Four GLCM parameters, energy, contrast, autocorrelation and entropy, are computed for horizontal (0°), vertical (90°) and diagonal (45 and 135°) cell pair orientations. For the respective DEMs and physiographic features, varying patterns are observed in the plots of the GLCM parameters due to varying surface profiles and the changes that occur over the scales. Due to the smoothing of the terrain during multiscaling, the features have increasing values of energy and entropy, and decreasing values of contrast and entropy, indicating decreasing roughness. Mountains have the highest roughness as compared to the other features over the scales, while basins have the lowest roughness. For each parameter, similar trends...
Words: 7014 - Pages: 29
...Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 94 (2010) 1553–1571 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/solmat Review Business, market and intellectual property analysis of polymer solar cells Torben D. Nielsen a, Craig Cruickshank b, Søren Foged c, Jesper Thorsen c, Frederik C. Krebs a,n a b c Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Frederiksborgvej 399, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Cintelliq Ltd., St. John’s Innovation Centre, Cowley Road, Cambridge CB4 0WS, UK ´ Inspicos A/S, Kogle Alle 2, 2970 Hørsholm, Denmark a r t i c l e in fo Article history: Received 5 February 2010 Received in revised form 11 April 2010 Accepted 20 April 2010 Available online 8 May 2010 Keywords: Business analysis Market analysis IPR analysis Intellectual property analysis Polymer solar cells Organic solar cells OPV Roll-to-roll processing Polymer solar cell modules Patents abstract The business potential of polymer solar cells is reviewed and the market opportunities analyzed on the basis of the currently reported and projected performance and manufacturing cost of polymer solar cells. Possible new market areas are identified and described. An overview of the present patent and intellectual property situation is also given and a patent map of polymer solar cells is drawn in a European context. It is found that the business potential of polymer solar cells is large...
Words: 20847 - Pages: 84
...originalexperientialconnectedwholelovingdepntnh na e e us r enticgreengenuinetrustedconsciousspetainableethicalinnb rintegralrespectfulplanetaryrestorativethri o alc x l ie i ieo nableenchantinginnerintegralrespecltfuelrcntinsciousrestorativeauthenticgreencontributingengagingworthwhileinspiringspiritualcreativedeverseoriginalexperientialconnectedwvholre xp rati eth e th ina yr to ig ce erseoriginalexperientialconnescoredwholelovingdepthmeaningspecialnaturalauthenticgreengenuinetrustedconscioussustainableethicalininal rintegralrespectfulplantatraresconscio ee y et r inn langengagingwo ive fu d ectedwholelovingdepthmetaningspecialnaturalethicaltrustedplanetarysustainabeeenchantinginnerintegralrespectfulconsciousrestorativeautheertn greencontrtifbutin ct n i ic ive ulp ea sp l tegra resp c utingoriginalworthwhti uaerinspiringspiritugrelcnrgeauiineeditvdcrsscensguatginngethicplienerentiralrle onnectedwholelovingdepthtrustedconsciousnaturalethicalinnerintegrallrespeectfulconsciousresto illc a e e n t v trus e e one iou s...
Words: 22851 - Pages: 92
...U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT 2011 NON-EQUITY MODES OF INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT U N I T E D N AT I O N S C O N F E R E N C E O N T R A D E A N D D E V E L O P M E N T WORLD INVESTMENT REPORT 2011 NON-EQUITY MODES OF INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT New York and Geneva, 2011 ii World Investment Report 2011: Non-Equity Modes of International Production and Development NOTE The Division on Investment and Enterprise of UNCTAD is a global centre of excellence, dealing with issues related to investment and enterprise development in the United Nations System. It builds on three and a half decades of experience and international expertise in research and policy analysis, intergovernmental consensus-building, and provides technical assistance to developing countries. The terms country/economy as used in this Report also refer, as appropriate, to territories or areas; the designations employed and the presentation of the material do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. In addition, the designations of country groups are intended solely for statistical or analytical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage...
Words: 156270 - Pages: 626
...Titre de l’édition originale STEVE JOBS : A BIOGRAPHY publiée par Simon & Schuster, Inc. Maquette de couverture : Bleu T Photo de couverture : Albert Watson © 2011 by Walter Isaacson Tous droits réservés. © 2011, éditions Jean-Claude Lattès pour la traduction française. Première édition novembre 2011. ISBN : 978-2-7096-3882-1 « Seuls ceux qui sont assez fous pour penser qu’ils peuvent changer le monde y parviennent. » Publicité Apple « Think Different », 1997 Table des matières Les personnages Introduction : La genèse de ce livre 1- L’enfance : abandonné puis choisi 2- Un couple improbable : les deux Steve 3- Tout lâcher : harmonie, ouverture, détachement… 4- Atari et l’Inde : du zen et de l’art de concevoir des jeux 5- L’Apple I : allumage, démarrage, connexion 6- L’Apple II : l’aube d’une ère nouvelle 7- Chrisann et Lisa : celui qui a abandonné… 8- Xerox et Lisa : les interfaces graphiques 9- Passer en Bourse : vers la gloire et la fortune… 10- Le Mac est né : vous vouliez une révolution 11- Le champ de distorsion de la réalité : imposer ses propres règles du jeu 12- Le design : les vrais artistes simplifient 13- Fabriquer le Mac : le voyage est la récompense 14- Entrée en scène de Sculley : le défi Pepsi 15- Le lancement : changer le monde 16- Gates et Jobs : quand deux orbites se croisent 17- Icare : à monter trop haut… 18- NeXT : Prométhée délivré 19- Pixar : quand la technologie rencontre l’art 20- Un homme comme les autres...
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