...reading scripture each day was significantly related to the frequency of spending time each day in prayer with a positive moderate correlation of. 483.The importance of reading scripture each day was significantly related to the frequency of spending time fasting a positive weak correlation of .199. 2. Spending time each...
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...From the second to the fifth century, worship, prayer, and baptism have evolved and transformed drastically. Following Christianity becoming the state religion under Constantine, these communal and public acts of spiritual sacrifice and the profession of faith by numerous individuals have molded and thrust the religion into the sophisticated practice it is currently. There were changes and developments in the forms of Christian worship during the first five centuries of Christianity. Among the factors influencing the changes was the adoption of the New Testament to be the Christian scripture in addition to the rise of the church into public life under Emperor Constantine in the fourth century. Initiation rites of the new converts into...
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...burner air. Within the temples, meditation cushions, beautiful wall paintings, offering box, and the murals depicting the life of the Buddha. Buddhist prayer is completely different than prayer in the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).In the Abrahamic religions a person prays to god or some saint for insight, or forgiveness or for some action to be taken on their behalf. That is, they are praying for some supernatural being to intercede for them. In Buddhism a prayer is more like a mantra in which the person praying is reciting a lesson sutra or guideline which tells them how to behave and act. For...
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...faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 NIV)). After doing so, however, what does a Christian look like in their day to day living? What things does a follower of Christ actively do and participate in that reflects who they are and who’s they are? Two things that are important for me to engage in and display as a Christian are prayer and worship. Part One (Prayer) The Bible does not specifically give a definition of prayer. We can only look at what it says about prayer and the references it makes to prayer in order to understand what it is. By doing so, we can conclude that prayer is simply talking to God, either audibly or inaudibly, and expressing our feelings and thoughts to Him. It is how we communicate with God. Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” We can pray on behalf of ourselves or for someone else. “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16 NIV) Through prayer we either tell God things or we ask Him questions. There are numerous examples in the Bible of individuals asking God questions through prayer. For example, David asks God on several different occasions what kind of military...
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...Karen Childress Grand Canyon University: HLT 302 1-19-2013 Professor Verree Laughlin Abstract Christianity and Islam are the two largest religions worldwide and the most contrasted amongst theologians. In the holistic approach to health care acceptance of spiritual beliefs without bias is mandated of all employees. Acceptance and respect of an individual’s belief system and the rituals required aids in the healing process. Healthcare providers need to address key components of any faith in an open and compassionate manner to promote comfort and healing in all individuals. Respect for how an individual believes, the way they choose to allow growth in their belief system and how an individual chooses to maintain their spirituality are important aspects of the holistic approach to health care delivery Until June 8, 2008 my exposure to any religion had been forced by my parents or used as a way to get out of difficult or unwanted circumstances. On June 8, 2008, I had the first true and lasting heart conversion in my life. The journey since this time has been up and down with many trials and unwanted circumstances and the knowing that the Lord is with me to walk me through. Faith and spirituality are different from religion in my mind and I believe that the Lord meant for them to be different. Religion, to me, is legalistic rituals with rules that tell you what you should and should not do to get to heaven without any power to carry them out. Faith and spirituality...
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...the views and beliefs of the author of this paper, and provision of health care and care providers. Spiritual Perspective on Healing Even though the definitions and expressions vary most Americans consider religion and spirituality a large part of who they are. (Klilewer, 2004, p. 4) In Jehovah’s Witnesses and Native American and Christianity there is belief in God as the creator of Heaven, Earth, and the universe, where as with Buddhists this speculation is rejected. ("What do Buddhists Believe?," 2013, p. 3) Buddhists and Native Americans do not believe in prolonging life by artificial means, death should be peaceful. (Bhikshu, 2010, para. 4) For Native Americans maintaining life by artificial means is not encouraged, end of life prayers are said and family is present. ("Guidelines for Health Care Providers Interacting with American Indians," 2010, p. 4) The Jehovah’s Witness believe that reasonable humane effort should be provided to maintain life, Jehovah’s Witnesses do not accept blood products as they believe it is forbidden by the bible in...
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...LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders by Dave Earley A Reading Reflection A Research Paper Submitted to Dr. Gene Jeffries in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for The Course evan 670-b01 by August 31, 2012 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………..1 SUMMARY OF BOOK…………………………………………………………………..1 EVALUTATION AND CRITIQUE ……………………………………………………..2 PERSONAL APPLICATION ……………………………………………………………3 CONCLUSION …………………………………………………………………………..4 BIBLIOGRAPHY ………………………………………………………………………..5 INTRODUCTION Prayer is the way that believers communicate with the Lord. While many view prayer as a means to: thank the Lord, ask for help, and confess their sins; prayer goes beyond that. Dave Earley explains that “The eminence of great leaders in the Bible is attributable to the fact that they were great in their praying.” In his book, Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders, Earley covers nine topics that are essential and applicable for those who are spiritual leaders. SUMMARY The nine principles that Dave Early covers are supported by leaders both from the Bible and other well-known leaders through the course of the history of Christianity. The book can be divided into two sections: developing a prayer life and developing boldness of prayer. The text can further be divided into the nine principles which are: value the power of prayer, make time to pray, pray for those you serve...
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...where people can stand and smoke, so why not make a prayer room in schools and colleges for those folks who desire to pray. Prayer is a good guide for students and it can make them feel great while they are getting educated in schools and they can make better decisions throughout the year. Prayer in school must be allowed in order to expose the youth of upcoming generations the diversity of different religious beliefs, thereby increasing cultural tolerance. Prayer is very significant for all the students and when learners start praying in school it can prepare them for being more...
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...Muslims follow a version of the Bible called the Qur’an is the first Bible based on Gods prophecies when he gave them to Muhammad. The Qur'an is a sacred text, believed to be the literal word of God as revealed to Muhammad. The Hadith is their second sacred text. The Hadith are teaching recorded of Muhammad and his followers. It is believed that the teachings of Qur’an are revelations from God. Another belief of the Islamic religion is that Islam encompasses all other religions and honors to all the prophets as Gods messengers. The Muslims believe that God knows all and that he is the divine creator who had a divine purpose behind this creation of earth and man. It is said to belief that the human race will only find peace by knowing and living the laws of God as they are in the Qur’an. The Islamic belief one must make one pilgrimage to the tombs of the mystics. (Fisher 2014) Muslims are taught through the Qur’an that after your death you get a time of rest while you are in the grave, until it is your time to ascend. When you ascend in your own body you are resurrected. Those who are unrepentant or are non-believers will go to hell, which is “a grievous destiny” (Fisher 2014). For those who are...
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...have opposite beliefs. By studying each religion separately, it is easier to understand each religions point of view and what is important to each religion. It is important for doctors and nurses to study and understand different religions so it is easier to relate to each patient and give them the care that they need. Each religion has a different spiritual perspective on healing and would like to be cared for in a way that relates to their specific religion. Christianity According to Christianity, there is only one God. “To you it was shown, that you might know that the Lord Himself is God; there is none other besides Him” (Deut. 4: 35 NKJV). This one God is the same God who created the entire world in an orderly fashion and everything living on it. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth” (Gen. 1:1 NKJV). When we were created, we were given a purpose and a soul. When we die, our soul will either go...
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...Church Evaluation Form Not every church will have every ministry. If they do not have a particular ministry, just indicate this in the space provided. Church #1 Name: Christ Fellowship Church #1 Website: http://gochristfellowship.com/ 1. Ministry is…praying for others. a. Does the church have a prayer ministry? What does it look like? A community of prayer called the Traffic Ministry Team. They give you links to get started as well as a form so that they can contact if that is a more comfortable preferance. 2. Ministry is…following Jesus’ example by practicing spiritual mentoring and multiplying. a. Does the church have a strategy for evangelism? Yes, many class room and personal opportunities to participate in many different levels of evangelism, including the Hispanic community. b. Does the church have a strategy for discipleship? Yes, Discipleship is obviously important to this church. c. Briefly describe what they look like. Evangelism opportunities are available, through open invitations to current planned evangelical trips, as well as classes teaching about their trips to come and what their purpose is. Discipleship opportunities are available through extending classes to the Hispanic community, Seniors, providing special events throughout the week. 3. Ministry is…leading small groups. a. Does the church have a small group ministry? What can learn about their small group...
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...prescriptions for living in a monastery. The Rule actually contains a treasure of spiritual wisdom concerning the monastic movement in the Church. If we practice these rule everyday of our lives then we are most likely living the way God wants us to by then we shall receive the Lord’s promise of eternal life. In the Rule's prologue, Benedict said he intended to prescribe "nothing harsh, nothing burdensome" for his followers. His approach to seeking God was both sensible and humane. For Benedict, a spiritual pathway was not one to be littered with weird and unusual practices; rather, all that is needed is to be faithful to finding God in the ordinary circumstances of daily life. How to prepare oneself for this simple-but not necessarily easy-way of life is the substance of the Rule. Benedict envisioned a balanced life of prayer and work as the ideal. Monastics would spend time in prayer so as to discover why they're working, and would spend time in work so that good order and harmony would prevail in the monastery. Benedictines should not be consumed by work, nor should they spend so much time in prayer that responsibilities are neglected. According to Benedict, all things-eating, drinking, sleeping, reading, working, and praying-should be done in moderation. Benedict stressed the importance of work as the great equalizer. Everyone from the youngest to the oldest, from the least educated to the most educated, was to engage in manual labor. Prayer was marked by regularity...
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...Buddhism has become a religion that millions across the globe have started to participate in. Many people believe in the idea of karma, that if one does good things, good things will happen to them. However, several people do not realize that many Buddhist practices such as karma and reincarnation are rooted in Hinduism. How do the different Hindu and Buddhist prayers compare and how are they used amongst the lay people? These two religions have stark differences with their methods of prayer, so how have lay Buddhists found a balance between Hindu traditions and Buddhist traditions? Buddhism is known as the middle path between the relaxed version of Hinduism and the strict rules of other religions such as Jainism. Buddhism attempts to break...
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...Shahadah or belief and witness is the first pillar of Islam which is believing and professing the unity of God and the messenger ship of Muhammad: “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God,” to which Shi’ites add “and ’Ali is the Master of the believers.” The Qur’an requires the faithful to tell others of Islam, so that they will have the information they need to make an intelligent choice. (Fisher, 2014, Chapter 10, Islam). Salaat or daily prayers is the second pillar of Islam is when “Five times a day, the faithful are to perform ablutions with water (or sand or dirt if there is no water), face Mecca, and recite a series of prayers and passages from the Qur’an, bowing and kneeling.” (Fisher, 2014). The salaat consists of five obligatory daily prayer times that are usually done early morning after dawn and before sunrise, the second prayer is early afternoon; next is late afternoon; then another prayer is immediately after sunset; and the last prayer is at night before going to sleep. Each prayer has of a certain number of rak’ahs, or complete acts of devotion, some of which are congregational or fardz meaning that there is more than one person and some of which are individual or sunnah which is...
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...broken up into four parts. First I did some pre-meditation preparation and prayer. The second part of the meditation involved the first twenty minutes of the hour where I truly tried to grasp what living cruciform meant. The third, and longest, portion of the meditation consisted of me going line by line through the text and applying what Paul was saying about living cruciform to my life. The final part was my response in worship. Considering my pre-meditation thoughts and prayer, I was anxious before this exercise, that day had been long and I was worried about not being able to be extremely conscientious during the exercise. Prior to this meditation I read 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 and prayed that Holy Spirit would illuminate the passage for me, show me how to live cruciform, and where this should happen first. I began my meditation in the Talbot East prayer room but them moved to the second story Talbot garden as the prayer room became filled with people. I...
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