...order to provide quality of care to our patient, it is important we have insight and understanding to one’s belief. Three religions that are often encountered in health care are Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism with similarities and differences shared within the religions. This paper describes each religion with its spiritual perspectives on healing and its healing components. Also discussed is how the health care providers spiritual belief may differ from the patient beliefs. The comparison is also made with the religions and Christianity with its philosophy of faith and healing. Health Care Providers and Faith Diversity Today health care facilities are faced with patients of diverse backgrounds in religion and faith beliefs. Our job as health care providers is not only to provide promotional, preventative, curative and rehabilitation to our patient and families but to also provide them with emotional and spiritual healing as well. It is important to gain information about our patient and the religion they use to practice with, in order to help in their healing process. Three faiths that will be discussed are Islam, Buddism, and Hindusim. These three faiths will also be compared to Christianity. Islam is a religion in which they voluntary submission or surrender to the Will of God. It derives from the root word “salam”, meaning peace (What is Islam, 2011). This is an Arabic religion. They worship a God Allah the Almighty. This is sometimes misunderstood with Muslim...
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...For my Social Justice Paper I will be researching Abortion in the two religions Christianity and Judaism. For Christianity I selected to research the Roman Catholic branch of Christianity. Abortion is not a modern issue. It dates back to the early days of religion, where the Ancient Jews believed that God created the child in the mother, and brought it to life. The Palestinians, and later, the Greeks and Romans practiced infanticide, sacrifice and abortion. In the Roman Empire, a child had no legal status until accepted by the head of the family. The anti-abortion stance of the Catholic Church began in its early days (The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles) states "You shall not procure abortion. You shall not destroy the newborn child". Christianity...
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...Scientology vs. Islam For my term paper, I chose to compare two religions that most Americans are not familiar with the principles of: Islam and scientology. I will look into the differences that these religions present and examine different parts of their them. Over the course of this paper I’ll look at seven aspects of these religions, which include their origins and histories, size, their view on the purpose of life and the roles that humans play, their beliefs of on the afterlife, specific practices they take part in, and the texts from which their religion can be applied from. First of all, the origins and histories of these two religions differ greatly. Islam is considered to be the youngest of the seven great world religions, dating back to its creation in seventh-century Saudi Arabia. The prophet Muhammad introduced Islam in 610 AD after experiencing an “angelic visitation.” Muslims believe that Qu’ran, which is the holy book of Islam, were the preexistent and perfect words from Allah. Muhammad dictated the Qu’ran. Muhammad is loosely credited with the origin of Islam, although many Muslims believe that Islam existed way before Muhammad was even alive. And although Muhammad dictated the Qu’ran, the Qu’ran states that Muhammad was not the originator. The Qu’ran instead states that God wrote the Qu’ran, who in turn had the angel Gabriel dictate it to the prophet Muhammad (“Origin”). In contrast, the church of Scientology was formed just 55 years ago, in 1954. The...
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...Consequence of Religious Tolerance/Intolerance This paper will first define several words related to the title, expose some consequences of religious intolerance, and finally explain how religion connects with our culture. Our team discovered while looking at different religions that there were many religions than what we will define here. It is certain that a discussion about religion will at some point bring up the subject matter of there being so many different religions, and do they have any common components. Our group agreed that although that are many differences, there are some similarities, impacting four basic areas, such as : what people believe, what people do, what people think, and what people feel. For many people religion is their way of life. David Barrette in an a weekly column writes, “it is well known that those who think about their own religion often work hard to establish what they believe to be the correct interpretation for the time in which they live.” Another thing to take into consideration before moving on to the next definition is behavior. Behaviors of religion according to David Barrette could include rituals, meditation, and prayer, much of this list is learned after joining a particular religion, and again these all in turn become a way of life. In each particular religion, most members live very close to others practicing the same religion for comfort, strength, and in order to keep growing stronger in order to help newer members as...
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...Joan Manlangit ENG-102-15 Professor Lena Valencia Research Paper Draft 1 The Religious Feminist There is undeniable doubt that there is a sense of inequality towards women in terms of religion. The purpose of this research paper is to discover and understand feminist views on religion, as well as define the term “religious feminist.” In my findings, I have yet to conclude whether being a feminist and being a full devote, faithful follower to a religion can coexist. Although, when researching on the topic of “religion and feminism,” sites such as religionandfeminism.com are full of commentators and scholars who believe otherwise: that there can be such a thing as the religious feminist. However, it seems as though equality within religion is a never-ending battle. Author of Bad Feminist: Take One/ Take Two, Roxanne Gay, describes her favorite definition of feminism as “just women who don’t want to be treated like shit.” (303). Like others, Gay feels as if she falls short of what a true feminist is. The online dictionary describes a feminist as one who advocates social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men. So what does it mean when one claims to be a “bad” feminist? Gay goes on in her excerpt about how some feminist public speakers often contradict themselves when advocating the ideal feminist. Does being a religious feminist mean you are a contradictory? In Kristin Aune’s Why Feminists Are Less Religious, she tries to...
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...Final project World religion report Jan ’Ell Ivery December 7, 2011 Islamic religions The religion I have chosen for this paper is Islamic. I chose to research Islamic because I do not understand the faith of Islamic, I do not know what they are all bout. By me doing a research paper about Islamic it give me the understanding and knowledge about another religion. Islamic are known to be as the fastest growing religion in the world today, they remain misunderstood and the disagreement of many. Maybe it has something to do with the influential media that portrays typical Islamic followers like militant terrorists ready to die for their faith, or Muslims, as Arabs. There are many Arabs that are Muslims, but not all Muslims are Arabs. The issues are the prevailing message Islam and war going hand in hand and the big conflict with Christianity and Islamic. This paper will give you an overview of the religion Islamic and the beliefs, traditions, the similar and contrasts with Christianity, the practiced and I will give you information from an interview with a Muslim. The Muslims believe that Qur’an is the word of God. Qur’an is the places were teaching form the prophet Muhammad. Muslims honor God by obeying and following the five pillars of Islam which are Belief and witness: Shahadah is the first pillar of Islam they believe that there is only one god and Muhammad is the messenger of god. The following is an excerpt from the Qur’an – the Islam central text: “Let there...
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...Catholicism and the World Nichole L. Lombardi Axia College of University of Phoenix Catholicism and the World I have never been a person of faith, so this paper was intended to further my understanding of Catholicism, how it works, and how it compares to one of the fastest growing religions in the world, Islam. I have known of the existence of Catholicism for many years, but the usual things I have heard about it have been the negatives involving scandals with the clergy or some other important announcement from the Pope. This paper is intended to give both me and the reader a greater understanding of what the catholic faith is and how it relates to Islam, as well as describing some of the practices involved in these faiths. I have completed an interview with a practicing Catholic in order to facilitate my understanding. What I learned in this interview will be revealed later in this paper. By the end of this paper, I hope to have a better understanding of what it means to be a Catholic or a Muslim. Most importantly, I hope to truly understand what causes people to believe the things they believe and embrace religion. The Catholic Church is one of the oldest of religions and claims to be the original form of Christianity. The teachings and practices of Catholicism are believed to be handed down from Jesus Christ himself directly to the 12 apostles. The Catholic Church has enjoyed a very colorful history that includes the Crusades, the great Catechism, and more recently...
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...Abstract This paper is written to provide education about cultural diversity in the health care field. The goal was to investigate the faith beliefs of Baha’ism, Sikhism, and Buddhism, and compare their spiritual perspective on healing, as well as the critical components of healing. These were compared with Christianity to determine the similarities and differences. This will be reviewed to better educate caregivers as they minister to various cultures in the hospital and community. Introduction Religious faith and beliefs of the patient must be integrated with the scientific medical care in order to provide holistic care to the patent. Religion and the health of individuals and populations play an important role in the social, behavioral, and health sciences. Coping strategies, health behaviors and attitudes are influenced by one’s religious believe. Health care providers caring for patients from different religious traditions must understand the diversity in faith in order to provide religious and culturally sensitive high quality care. Over 1200 different religions are practiced in the USA (Bryan, 1999). This paper will discuss the brief background of the three religions, address obstacles according to the religion that are being discussed but not all religions have them and the important component of healing process of three religions. These religions are frequently met in healthcare are Baha’ism, Sikhism and Buddhism. First faith: Baha’ism Baha’u’llah is...
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...LIBERTY UNIVERSITY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY The Life of Michael Servetus A Research Paper A Paper Submitted to Dr. Jerry Sutton In Partial Fulfillments Of The Requirements For The Course CHHI-525 History of The Christian Church II BY Andrea Gearing Cumming, Georgia August 17, 2012 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 MICHAEL SERVETUS EARLY LIFE-------------------------------------------------------3 BRIEF SUMMARY OF MICHAEL SERVETUS WORKS-------------------------------6 THE TRINITY AND MODERN SCHOLARSHIP-----------------------------------------9 MICHAEL SERVETUS THEOLOGY------------------------------------------------------10 CONCLUSION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 BIBLIOGRAPHY------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 INTRODUCTION The first time I was introduced to Michael Servetus, I was a student at Liberty University. I had never heard of this important figure in History. At any rate, I had begun to find ways to learn more about him. It was on a Wednesday night, one week before the night of my church Bible study that I had to submit a discussion board question of Michael Servetus in church history. I arrived at Bible study with Michael Servetus in my spirit. When I arrived at church my pastors opening statement was: "In 1553, Michael Servetus was burned at the stake for what I am going to...
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...throughout the world depending on the local culture. Islam is the second largest religion with Christianity being first. In 2000 Islamic followers were 1.2 billion, which was 22 percent of the world population. According to Clark (2003) this percentage makes Islam the fastest growing major religion. This paper will research the teachings of Islam, compare the three major religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, and point out similarities and differences in different countries. The history of Islam including the Qur’an will be discussed. The dissimilarity between radical Islamic extremist groups and Islam will be discussed. History of Islam Muhammad, at age 40, was visited by the angel Gabriel in the year 610 A. D. to be God’s prophet. He was given the mission of convincing others who worshiped many gods that they should submit to one God. Although Muhammad had few followers in the beginning he continued to teach his revelations in Mecca. In 622 A.D. Muhammad and his followers moved to Medina where the first Muslim community began, this is considered the first year in the Muslim calendar. In the years that followed the Muslim armies overtook most of Arabia, India, and Spain. Some communities were converted to the Islam faith peacefully while others were forced into acceptance of the religion. Over the centuries the Muslim religion lost its unity until in the late 20th century when Islam began to grow rapidly around the world. Muslims shared some key concepts with...
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...APOLOGETICS APPLICATION PAPER Glenda Campbell APOL 500 July 4, 2014 Outline Introduction 1. Summary of the Islamic worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. Evaluating the Islamic Worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3. Correcting the Islamic Worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4. Defending the Christian Worldview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Apologetics Application Paper Introduction According to Brown, people everywhere filter what they read and hear through the grid of their own worldview. We all see the world different and the assumptions and prejudices that have about the world have an effect on how we regard the world. The Christian worldview and the Islamic worldview are similar, but they are different in many ways. But, what is a worldview? The ways a person views and understands the world have an effect on everyone. Sire defines a worldview as "a set of presuppositions (or assumptions) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously)...
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...Daryl Smith Introduction to African-American Studies March 23, 2014 Professor Yeboah Midterm Paper: Essay Questions 1. Describe (3) three African (Ancient or Medieval) civilizations that pre-date enslavement? Kush, Axum, and Ghana are three Ancient African civilizations that pre-date enslavement. The Kush civilization started in 1700 BC, where it reached its first peak. Its second peak dated to 1500 BC. The Kingdom of the Kush was also known as Nubia. It is located south of Egypt and was built at the bottom of the mountains, beginning at the Nile River. The Kush kingdom was exceptionally wealthy with many natural resources. They had gold mines, iron ore, and rich soil. Their soil was rich due to the ample amount of rainfall they had all year long, which kept all of the natural resources fresh and growing. Many kingdoms were jealous of the Kush’s wealth and prosperity, and wanted to take it over, but the Kush did now allow it to happen. The “Iron Age” was when iron ore was at its peak and every kingdom wanted it to make weapons and tools. Kush was the center of the iron trade in ancient Africa. Burnt wood was needed to produce iron from ore and because wood was running out, the Kush had to trade other goods. The Kush was the reason for the Trans- Saharan Trade Route. In 750 CE, the Kush used camels and camel trains to cross the sand. They knew it was a miserable and dangerous journey, but knew it could be done. Attention was then turned to trade with West...
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...LIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY “Unreached People Group: Kazakhs of Mongolia” A Paper Submitted to Dr. Neal H. Creecy in partial fulfillment of the requirements for completion of GLST 500 Global Studies Survey By Ryann S. Ruckman Dec. 9, 2013 Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………..3 Kazakhs of Mongolia Background Information………………………………..4 History………………………………………………………………………4 Language…………………………………………………………………..5 Social Structure……………………………………………………………6 Culture………………………………………………………………………7 Economy……………………………………………………………………7 Religion……………………………………………………………………..8 Survey of Missions Work……………………………………………………….11 Church Status………………………………………………………….....11 Known Believers………………………………………………………….12 Challenges……………………………………………………………......13 Present Strategies…………………………………………………....….14 Proposed Strategy………………………………………………………..…….15 Accessing the Country…………………………………………………..15 Discipleship and Church Planting Strategy…………………………...16 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………....18 Bibliography…………………………………………………………………......20 Figures – Physical Map of Bayan-Ulgii, Mongolia…………………………..3 Introduction The Kazakhs of Mongolia are a people untouched by the gospel fire and the redeeming love of Jesus Christ. The Kazakh’s of Mongolia are the largest ethnic minority group in Mongolia, numbering over 100,000 and mainly live in the western province of Bayan Ulgii. These nomadic people migrated from their homeland of Kazakhstan and are a people rooted...
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...16 October 2012 Clash of the Civilization Introduction Samuel Huntington is political scientist. His essay entitled, “The Clash of Civilization” was published in the foreign affairs in 1993. The essay is about the civilizational conflict. Civilizations are the greatest factor that will divide the world of politics, because of what we believe, religion, language and traditions. This is the reason why countries look for allies in different nations with the same beliefs. Religion is the biggest factor that will cause division and it is already proven between Christianity and Islam. From the ancient times until this very day religion and our beliefs is the cause of war, because we fight for what we believe. Rise of civilization against the other started in the ancient times. And until today, the conflict continues. It will never be solved because we have differences and those differences are what make us unique as a person and as a nation. You may hate someone because of the type of civilization, and you may also like someone because of it. Civilization is the identity of a nation. The Next Pattern of Conflict The source of conflict is not merely ideological or economical, cultural tradition is the greatest reason for division in our world. The western countries had conflicts between princes, their armies, even constitutional is because of their economic stand and the land that they ruled. During the ancient times, the Americans fought for their land because of the British...
Words: 4508 - Pages: 19
...his video that the Old Testament has examples of priests going into battle, marching alongside the soldiers, sounding the horns, and carrying the Ark of the Covenant. He mentions biblical heroes such as Aaron and Gideon as being forerunners to what we call chaplains today.[1] Bergen adds: "Certainly those interested in origins can find numerous biblical accounts of priests at war... Indeed, Old Testament militarism has been a problem for Christian exegesis from early on. Nevertheless, national chaplaincies invoke various examples of chaplain-like functions."[2] There is little doubt that chaplains, or their counterpart in ancient times, have been acting in one way or another with the military groups of their specific era. This paper will examine the history of chaplaincy from the periods of 27 AD to 1600 AD and find that the common principle among these priests of ancient times and chaplains along the spectrum of time is that they offer a glimpse of spiritual hope in situations that can be riddled in hopelessness, death, and despair. Chaplaincy in the Roman Imperial Period The realization that the office of chaplaincy has roots as deep as the Old Testament does not merit the assumption that this office was recognized during the Roman Imperial period. There is speculation that a priest or chaplain would be in the picture due to the many spiritual and religious needs of the...
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