John Tyler Community College
PSY 225 - N01B - Theories of Personality
Summer of 2013
10 Week Session May 20 - July 30
Instructor: Dr. Marcus Forbes
E-Mail:[->0] OR[->1]
Virtual Office Hours: Since I am an adjunct instructor, I have no permanent office. As such, I am always just a phone call or e-mail away. I will have a virtual office hour from 4:00 - 5:00 pm on Tuesdays. Phone: 804-504-7200 x-1143
Course Text (Required):
Friedman, H.S., & Schustack, M.W. (2012). Personality (5th ed.). New York: Pearson.
Course Description
PSY 225, Personality studies the major personality theories and their applications. It includes the study of psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic perspectives. Prerequisite Psy 200, 201, or 202.
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
1. Describe the theoretical bases and research methods used to study personality.
2. Describe the psychoanalytic and neoanalytic perspectives on personality and discuss the strength and limitations of these theories.
3. Explain the biological approach to understanding personality and provide examples of research studies that illustrate this approach.
4. Discuss how behavioral principles can be applied to personality.
5. Describe the cognitive and social-cognitive perspectives on personality as well as the empirical foundations of these theories.
6. Explain the trait approach to understanding personality and describe the five factor model.
7. Summarize the humanistic perspective on personality and discuss the strengths and limitations of this approach.
8. Describe the interactionist perspective on personality.
9. Summarize the role differences in gender, stress adjustment, health, culture, religion, ethnicity, and love and hate play in personality.
Course Requirements
- Students are required to have access to a computer with an Internet connection for access to Blackboard and email.
-Students are required to use their John Tyler email address for all class correspondence.
-Students are required to have access to word processing software, preferably Microsoft Word. (You may use MS Works, only if you know how to save as an RTF format.)
-All graded assignments are to be submitted by the due date to the instructor as an email attachment. The instructor’s email address is listed on the first page of this document.
-Students are responsible for all material and assignments presented and for completing all academic requirements of the class.
-Students are expected to be prepared to discuss and answer questions about the week’s assigned readings.
-Students are expected to perform at a collegiate level. This means that all emails and other work needs to be submitted on time, in correct document format, and be free of misspellings and grammatical errors.
Failure to comply with any of these course requirements may result in the grade of F.
Test One (30%)
Test Two (30%)
Discussion Board Responses (20%)
Chapter Quizzes (10%)
Research Paper (10%)
The following grading scale will be used:
90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D below 60 F
Two on-campus proctored exams are required (either at JTCC or another accredited institution of higher education). Students should schedule their tests directly by using the online test appointment process located at:[->2]
Appointments must be scheduled with the Testing Center at least two working days in advance and students may choose to take their tests at either the Chester Campus (Moyer Hall M-135A) or Midlothian Campus (Academic Building A-117). Students will need to identify themselves when they come to the Test Centers by providing a current picture ID. Students are responsible for all material assigned in the textbook.
I have included Power Point presentations which correspond to the material you will be reading and reviewing for that week. I will track access to the power points as part of attendance but you will not be graded on the Power Points. However, the focused information contained in the Power Points slides makes for good test questions.
Weekly Discussion Forums will have defined beginning and ending dates, running from Monday to Sunday. You will have two Discussion Forums per week. Late posts will result in a grade of zero for the entire Forum. Please refer to the Discussion Forum Guidelines and Rules in the Course Material area of Blackboard. For the two weekly Discussion Forums, you will be required to post your initial responses no later than Wednesday at noon. You are then required to respond to one other post no later than Sunday by 11:59pm. For example, for Week One you will post your initial response to Discussion Board One AND Discussion Board Two by noon Wednesday, May 22.. You will post your responses to classmate posts, one for Discussion Board One and one for Discussion Board Two by Sunday, 11:59 pm, May 26.
Typically, students will complete two chapter quizzes each week. Both quizzes are due no later than Sundays at 11:59 pm. You will have two quizzes per week as we will be covering two chapters per week.
Students will write a 3 to 4 page double-spaced paper in APA style on a theory of personality topic which must be approved by the instructor. The paper must include at least three approved references (refereed journal articles or texts).
Possible topics include:
-The Barnum Effect
-Bias and Psychological Testing
-The role of social desirability in personality assessment
-The reliability and validity of projective testing
-Ethical issues in personality testing
-The meaning of dreams
-Freud’s structure of the mind
-Freud’s psychosexual stages of development
-The efficacy of defense mechanisms
-Subliminal perception
-Major Freudian contributions and/or weaknesses
-Jung and the Collective Unconscious
-Adler and the inferiority complex
-Horney’s fours aspects of self
-Erik Erikson and Life Span Identity
-Zuckerman’s theory of sensation seeking
-Twins reared in different environments
-The Human Genome Project – what are the implications?
-Eugenics and forced sterilization
-The Cinderella Effect
-Ivan Pavlov and classical conditioning
-Systematic desensitization
-Treating phobias
-B.F. Skinner and radical behaviorism
-Social Learning Theory and child rearing
-The frustration-aggression hypothesis
-Deprogramming cult members
-The impact of media violence
-Learned helplessness
-Rotter’s locus of control
-The role of social intelligence
-The diagnosis and treatment of ADHD
-The power of first impressions
-The efficacy of the Big Five
-Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
-Maslow’s peak experiences
-Fromm’s definition of love
-Roger’s client centered therapy
-The power of the situation
-The theory of Henry Murray
-The theory of Harry Stack Sullivan
-Do males and females differ?
-Gender differences in friendships
-Love and sexual behavior
-The power of androgeny
-Coronary disease and Type A personality
-The just world hypothesis
-Religion as an influence on personality
-The personality of hate
-The personality of love
If you have a question that is general (not involving topics such as your grade or attendance) add it to the General Questions discussion forum. Likely, if you have a question some of your classmates will also.
ALL emails to me should contain an appropriate subject line that begins with the course identifier, PSY 225. This will help me manage my email inbox more efficiently and allow me to respond to your questions in a timely and appropriate fashion. Please sign all emails with your first and last names. My goal is to respond to emails within 24 hours. It is your responsibility to verify that I have received and responded to your email in a timely manner. Students should set up their email to save all sent messages.
You attendance will be monitored in this online course. You should visit this Blackboard course a minimum of two times per week. Your attendance will be assessed based on your actual participation in the weekly activities in Blackboard. Regular participation in the discussion forums, the timely submission of required assignments, accessing the weekly Power Point presentation and the prompt notification of problems in the course all constitute “class attendance” online. Reviewing the chapter power point presentations are also considered in assessing attendance. Therefore, students who fail to complete a class activity, assignment, or test by the designated deadline, regardless or reason, will be considered to have committed an absence.
No more than three absences will be permitted (there are no “excused” absences). Student who exceed the three absences and do not provide the professor with acceptable explanations may be withdrawn from the course through the designated withdrawal date, and given a grade of “F” thereafter.
You are expected to maintain regular contact with the professor either by phone, discussion board, or via e-mail. Please note that it is your responsibility to understand and complete the course assignments. You are expected to read all of the material posted in Blackboard or disbursed through email. If you have a problem or question, you need to let me know. If you do not ask questions, it will be assumed that you understand the assignments.
Tyler Alert is one of the many notification tools that the College will use to alert students, faculty and staff of an emergency situation. Tyler Alert allows the College to send urgent text messages and emails to those who are registered in the system. This is a voluntary system, so if you would like to receive these messages, you must register. It is simple and easy to sign up, and you may register multiple devices - such as cell phones, Blackberries, PDAs- as well as email addresses. There is no register fee for Tyler Alert, but your carrier may charge fees for receiving messages on your wireless device. You may register for Tyler Alert by clicking the Tyler Link at
At JTCC we expect the highest standards of academic honesty. Violations of academic honesty include cheating and plagiarism. Cheating includes seeking or giving unauthorized help on examinations, papers, and other academic assignments. Plagiarism is defined as using another's words or ideas and representing them as one's own either knowingly or unknowingly. Misconduct in the area of academic honesty is subject to disciplinary action which can include failure for the assignment, or even failure for the course.
Your professor has access to Turnitin plagiarism software which aids in detecting improperly cited materials. All of your written work may be submitted to Turnitin for analysis. Your instructor may ask you to upload your documents yourself. If you have concerns about your written work being stored in a database, you should address the issues at the beginning of the academic term.
For complete college policy on Academic Dishonesty and Student Disciplinary Policies and Procedures, see the current Student Handbook.
In keeping with the philosophy of providing educational opportunity for all individuals, JTCC has a professional counselor who will assist disabled persons by acting as the liaison between the students and faculty/staff who will provide the support services needed. These services are provided with the intention of helping students with disabilities to achieve maximum independence and include such general services as assistance in course selection, note taking, mobility assistance, academic counseling, modified curriculum (major), and other services depending on individual needs and availability of resources. Students with disabilities are responsible for making the College aware of their needs. Call 796-4366 for additional information.
Students who are experiencing academic difficulties may elect to withdraw themselves without academic penalty by July 1, 2013. Excessive absences prior to the last day to withdraw will result in the professor withdrawing the student from the course and the recording of a “W” grade. If the attendance policy is violated after the withdrawal date, the student will be awarded a grade of “F”.
Course Calendar:
This schedule is subject to change: always check with professor. Week/Dates | Topics|Readings
| Graded Assignments|
Week 1:
5/20 to 5/26|What is Personality?
Assessment|Chapters 1 and 2 |Discussion Boards 1 and 2. Initial posts due noon Wednesday. Responses to classmate posts due 11:59 pm Sunday
Quiz 1 & 2 due 11:59 pm Sunday|
Week 2:
5/27 to
Neo-Analytic &
3 and 4|Discussion Boards 3 and 4
Initial posts due noon Wednesday. Responses to classmate posts due 11:59 pm Sunday
Quiz 3 & 4 due 11:59 pm Sunday|
Week 3:
6/3 to 6/9|Biological Aspects
Behaviorist &
5 and 6|Discussion Boards 5 and 6.
Initial posts due at noon Wednesday. Responses to classmates posts due 11:59 pm Sunday
Quiz 5 & 6 due 11:59 pm Sunday|
Week 4:
6/10 to 6/16|Cognitive and
Social Cognitive|Chapter 7
|Discussion Board 7.
Initial post due noon Wednesday. Responses to classmate posts due 11:59 pm Sunday
Quiz 7 due 11:59 pm Sunday|
Week 5
6/17 to 6/23
Week 6:
6/24 to 6/30|TEST ONE WEEK
Trait and Skill
Humanistic and
Existential|Chapters 1- 7
Chapters 8 and 9
|TEST ONE: Chapters 1 thru 7
Discussion Boards 8 and 9.
Initial post due noon Wednesday. Responses to classmate posts due 11:59 pm Sunday
Quiz 8 and 9 due 11:59 pm Sunday|
Week 7:
7/1 – 7/7
|Person – Situation
10 and 11
|Discussion Boards 10 and 11.
Initial post due noon Wednesday. Response to classmate posts due 11:59 pm Sunday
Quiz 10 and 11 due 11:59 pm Sunday|
Week 8:
7/8 to 7/14|Stress/Adjustment
Culture/Religion|Chapters 12 and 13|Discussion Boards 12 and 13.
Initial post due noon Wednesday. Response to classmates posts due 11:59 pm Sunday
Quiz 12 and 13 due 11:59 pm Sunday|
Week 9:
7/15 to
7/21|Love and Hate
Conclusion and
Outlook |Chapters
14 and 15
|Discussion Boards 14 and 15.
Initial post due noon Wednesday. Responses to classmates posts due 11:59 pm Sunday –
Quiz 14 due 11:59 pm Sunday
Extra Credit Due|
Week 10
7/22 – 7/30
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