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Loan Disbursement System of Ific


Submitted By saifurdarkness
Words 12537
Pages 51
A study on Loan Disbursement system of IFIC Bank (Dhaka Stock Exchange Branch Ltd.)

A study on Loan Disbursement system of IFIC Bank (Dhaka Stock Exchange Branch Ltd)

Prepared for:
Dr. Shahriar Kabir
Assistant Professor, School of Business
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

Prepared by:
Saif Ur Rashid
ID: 081011050
School of Business

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
December 22, 2011 Letter of Transmittal

December 22, 2011
Dr. Shahriar Kabir
Assistant Professor, School of Business
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
Subject: Submission of Report titled: “A study on Loan Disbursement system of IFIC Bank (Dhaka Stock Exchange Branch Ltd.)”
Dear Assistant Professor Dr. Shahriar Kabir PhD (Curtin University Australia)
It is my pleasure to submit you the internship report on “A study on Loan Disbursement system of IFIC Bank (Dhaka Stock Exchange Branch Ltd.)”. I understand that the report submission is a requirement for the completion of BBA program from University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. This report covers the loan disbursement system of IFIC Bank Dhaka Stock Exchange Branch Ltd. But unfortunately not all loans are given to the clients. So my report does not cover the loans which are not given.

I tried my best to make this report complete and error free. I would be grateful if you accept my report.

Sincerely Yours
Saif Ur Rashid
ID: 081011050 Contents
1.0 Background 1
2.0 Background of IFIC Bank 2
2.1 OBJECTIVE of My Report 2
2.2 Methodology 2
2.3 Limitations of the study 3
2.5 SWOT Analysis of IFIC Bank 4
2.6 Comparison of IFIC Bank and City Bank 5
2.7 Financial Highlights of IFIC Bank Ltd 6
2.8 A Summary on Stock Exchange Branch of IFIC Bank Ltd. 8
2.9 Organizational Hierarchy of Stock

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