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The Research Paper Factory


Submitted By sanjith235711
Words 17010
Pages 69
Internship Report
Loan Processing, Credit Appraisal, Follow-Up &Recovery
Procedure of IFIC Bank Limited

Internship Report
Loan Processing, Credit Appraisal, Follow–up &
Recovery Procedure
IFIC Bank Limited
Prepared For:
Mohammad Tanvi Newaz
Assistant Professor,
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Prepared By
Nafisa Marzan
ID: 10304087
BRAC Business School
Major in HRM & Finance
BBA (Summer 2014)

Date of Submission: 10September, 2014

Letter of Transmittal
Date: 18th September, 2014
Mohammad Tanvi Newaz
Assistant Professor, and
Coordinator, MBA Program
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Subject: Submission of Internship Report on “Loan Processing, Credit Appraisal, Follow – up& Recovery Procedure of IFIC Bank Limited”.
Dear Sir,
With due respect and humble submission, I like to state that I have completed my Internship report on “Loan Processing, Credit Appraisal & follow-up Recovery Procedure of IFIC Bank
Limited”. The internship program has given me the opportunity to learn about different aspects of this well reputed organization. Before facing the corporate world, I have gathered general idea about the organization culture and activities. Without sincere cooperation and proper guidance of you it was not possible for me to prepare this report. For this act of kindness, I am grateful to you. I have tried my best to make this report as informative, practical, reliable and relevant as
Possible. In preparation of this report, I have reviewed few books, journals, articles from internet, taking few interviews and on the basis of this available information I drew a set of
Recommendation which I believe will help the credit department to improve their competence.
Yours sincerely,

Nafisa Marzan
ID: 10304087
Major in HRM & Finance
BBA (Summer 2014)
BRAC Business School
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