The Jews in Jerusalem introduced a kind of banking in the form of money lending before the birth of Christ. The word ‘Bank’ was probably derived from the word ‘Bench’ as during ancient time Jews used to do money lending business sitting on long benched.
First modern banking was introduced in 1668 in Stockholm as ‘Savings Pis Bank’, which opened up a new ear of banking, activates through out the European Mainland.
Banks are now beyond those old concepts. Now bank represents a significant & influential sector of business worldwide. Most individuals and originations make use of the Banks, either as depositors and borrowers. Bank play a major rule in maintaining confidence in the monetary system through their close relationship with regulatory authorities & governments the regulation imposed on them by those government.
1.1: Origin of the report
For any business school student only curriculum activity is not enough for handling the real business situation, therefore it is an opportunity for the students to know about the field of business through the internship program. As internship program is a perfect blend of the theoretical and practical knowledge. This report is originated to fulfill the requirement of the assign project internship report on “Loan Disbursement and recovery system” has been assigned to me by Human Resource Division (HRD) of NCCBL, Head Office, Dhaka. In this regard, I have worked as an internee in National Credit and Commerce Bank Ltd. (NCCBL), JATRABARI BRNCS from 8th NOV, 2009 to 8th FEB, 2010. During this period I learned how the host organization works with the help of the internal supervisor. On the basis of working experience in this period I have prepared this report and I have tried my level best to relate the theoretical knowledge with the practical work situation