...school. This is called in group favoritism. While discriminating these who are different from us is consider un-ethical. We tend to judge African Americans, Arabs, poor, gays and lesbians. On the contrary, 75% of testakers (IAT) will choose the young, rich and white. Conflict of interest can lead to intentionally corrupt behavior. Experiments show how powerful such conflicts can unintentionally change decision making. Several examples are a physician accepting payments from clinical trials, lawyers fees based on their clients settlements. Overclaiming credit is when you give yourself too much credit, for example rating yourself above average from intelligence to driving ability. Unconscious overclaiming credit can reduce the performance and logevity of an organization. If an employee learns that someone else is getting payed more it will affect its perfomance and probably resign. Managers can make more ethical decision if they become mindful of their unconscious biases....
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