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Looking at Characterisation in Paper Towns


Submitted By vdowds85
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Looking at characterisation in Paper Towns 

Margo Roth Spiegelman: While she doesn’t appear in person for much of the book, there is no doubt that she is at its centre, the focus being the unravelling of her real identity as compared with others’ images. She comes to us through the Quentin, and is seen by her actions and reactions to what others say about her, and also in what she says about herself, although she may not always be right. Task:
Create a mind-map for Margo. Some might empathise with her, others might find her a prima donna (overly dramatic). Opinions need to be supported by evidence from the book.

I have given you some examples below to kick start the process...

Page 15-16: Quentin documents everything she has done;
Page 86: paying off the security guard at Sea World.
Page 106: describing how she keeps things in check at school.

Page 104: Quentin says she is having the kind of fun we can only imagine
Page 106: ‘Only now, after all this lost me, did I realise how terribly I had misunderstood both her game and the prize for winning it’

What she says:
Page 39: being ‘hot’ is stupid to her
Page 78: she maps out Q’s life for him

What others say about her:
Page103: Ben says ‘She’s the kind of person who either dies tragically at
Twenty-seven like Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin, or else grows up to win, like the first-ever Nobel Prize for Awesome’.

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