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Lord Of The Flies: Descent Into Savagery

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Words 484
Pages 2
Wyatt Richards
Amanda Little

Descent Into Savagery William Golding Lord of the Flies
In order to demonstrate the fragility of one civilized nature, William Golding uses symbolism in Lord of The Flies, to aid the reader with identifying the boys’ transition from civilized to savage, as result of the boys being liberated from the law and order of their civilized upbringing, once they become stranded in the wild of the tropics. Specifically, to illustrate this idea , multiple (objects/characters) are used to represent the boy’s descent into savagery including the Beast,the Scar and the conch.
The conch is a powerful symbol of civilization and unity on the island. Readers can track the boys' descent into savagery from civilized school boys’

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