...Community College Governance and Organizational Comparison Frank Alger, Danyelle Balkum, Randie Donald, Donald Hardnet & Loren Shaffer AET 555 Shirley Burnett September 30, 2013 Community College Governance and Organizational Comparison The list compiled for this paper is a list of community colleges that are located in a couple different states. The colleges that were chosen are Mesa, Monroe, St. Phillips, Gateway, and Phoenix Community Colleges. Three are located in Arizona and the other two are located in Texas and New York. This paper will compare and contrast the five community colleges mentioned above. Similarities Each of the five colleges is considered multi-college districts. Multi-college community college districts consist of many accredited community colleges within one district, three of the schools chosen are in the same district, which is an example of the multi-college community college schools. Another similarity of these colleges is all of the schools highest ranking position is the president. The last similarity the schools have in common is that the governing board is local. This is normal for community colleges because they work with local businesses to decide on what programs they may implement at their school. Differences There are also a few differences in the colleges. One of these differences is the size of the colleges. Two of the colleges range from 10,000 to 13,000 and the other three colleges range from a total of students of...
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..."Buhos" – a documentary about climate change produced and presented by Senator Loren Legarda at the Cinema 3 of SM Mall of Asia September 13, 2010 was cited as a significant contribution in educating the entire nation on the devastating impact of climate change and global warming to our country. "It had to take Ondoy, Pepeng and Basyang for us to realize that climate change is not just a scientific and environmental issue, but an all encompassing threat to our basic human rights – food, potable water, shelter, decent livelihood and life itself, "the Chair of the Senate Committee on Climate Change told the theatre full guests from the diplomatic corps, academe, student leaders, environmentalists, NGO's and local government officials. Legarda who grew up in flood prone Malabon, made the worsening flood situation central to the theme of her new documentary on climate change, entitled Buhos (Downpour). The senator collaborated with acclaimed Filipino filmmaker and 2009 Cannes best director Brillante Mendoza, who lent artistic credence to produce a visually interesting, informative, and most importantly, moving documentary. Buhos successfully demystifies global warming by bringing it down to the level of day-to-day living, offering easy to understand scientific explanations of greenhouse gases and climate change, as well as realistic ways of addressing this clear and present danger, in the context of Filipino living. As chairperson of the Senate Standing and Oversight Committees...
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...Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet tellus quis ipsum lacinia, ut fringilla nisl finibus. Vivamus ut consequat ipsum, a condimentum risus. Suspendisse aliquam porta tincidunt. Pellentesque dictum molestie urna non facilisis. Integer arcu elit, commodo eget mi nec, facilisis rhoncus arcu. Phasellus tincidunt neque eget mi vulputate, nec ornare ante porta. Duis ac ipsum a elit faucibus porta ut sit amet ex. Vestibulum non quam vel ipsum lacinia hendrerit. Integer id dictum sapien. Fusce hendrerit mattis vulputate. Donec at vehicula augue, in viverra nunc. Etiam accumsan turpis a scelerisque pretium. Nunc aliquam interdum laoreet. In vel vestibulum elit. Curabitur congue elementum dolor non varius. Aliquam nec fringilla elit, eu aliquam urna. Pellentesque suscipit malesuada lorem, at facilisis velit euismod in. In bibendum gravida magna mollis posuere. Proin urna justo, mattis a lectus sed, malesuada bibendum lorem. Fusce ultricies laoreet ex, ut dapibus arcu semper eget. In dictum id nisi vel interdum. Nunc vestibulum luctus lobortis. Aliquam tempor interdum dui. Praesent interdum semper erat, at congue nisl pulvinar varius. In congue, lacus sed ultrices luctus, odio justo dictum turpis, in pretium massa lorem aliquet nibh. Fusce tincidunt pharetra mattis. Vestibulum vulputate lorem et tellus sagittis venenatis. Integer quis accumsan tortor. Morbi pharetra mauris nec nunc placerat scelerisque. Sed scelerisque tortor a neque...
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..."While the present administration is undertaking efforts to elevate the citizens' trust and confidence in the government, we must give the people something that they can hold on to that would ensure that honesty, transparency and accountability will always be upheld," said Senator Loren Legarda, co-sponsor of the bill. “[A] well-informed citizenry can and will meaningfully participate in the governance of a country. Indeed, one of the aspirations of institutionalizing the FOI principle in our country is for our people to enjoy economic and social mobility as anticipated fruits of political maturity,” - De Lima Freedom of information is an extension of freedom of speech, a fundamental human right recognized in international law, which is today understood more generally as freedom of expression in any medium, be it orally, in writing, print, through the Internet or through art forms. This means that the protection of freedom of speech as a right includes not only the content, but also the means of expression.[1] Freedom of information may also refer to the right to privacy in the context of the Internet and information technology. As with the right to freedom of expression, the right to privacy is a recognized human right and freedom of information acts as an extension to this right.[2] Lastly, freedom of information can include opposition to patents, opposition to copyrights or opposition to intellectual property in general.[3] The international and United States Pirate Party have...
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...Loren Inc Case Study Organization Background Loren Inc was a Canadian subsidiary of larger international chemical company. The company sold both consumer and industrial products and established an excellent reputation for quality products and marketing effectiveness. As a result, they have substantial growth in total sales and financial success. The total Canadian Sales were approximately $800 million and $400 profits after tax. Defining the Issue In Loren Inc purchasing department they have 12 staff and one of them is Brent Miller.The department was headed by a director who reported to the president. It was organized by commodity lines and Brent Miller was appointed as a raw material buyer reporting to the manager of the chemical buying group. His tasked is to select the desired suppliers that would supply Hexonic Acid to the company.Brent is very much aware that Hexonic Acid is a major raw material in most Loren products and this will not be an easy task for him. The company’s requirements to this raw material had grown steadily over the years and were expected to remain significant in the years to come. The problem here is that the availability of this material in the marketplace was difficult to predict. There had been shortages of this material two years previously due to European and Japanese demand. Recently, the hexonic acid cycle had turned around. Hexonic acid demand had eased and recent plant expansions by a number of suppliers had been completed...
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...Loren Inc. case Mana Sadeghi Brent Miller, the raw material buyer at Loren Inc is preparing for the company’s annual hexonic acid requirement, on June 15. Four suppliers have submitted substantially different bids for this contract which begins in August 1. Loren Inc. is the Canadian subsidiary of a larger chemical company, and have an excellent reputation for quality products and had substantial in total sale. Brent has been appointed raw material buyer, reporting to the manager of chemicals buying group, and the hexonic acid contract will need to be approved by his immediate supervisor and the director of department. Brent know that some of the company’s policies and procedures should be considered in his recommendations. The purchasing department has worked hard with suppliers to establish a single bid policy, and long term supplier relationship with the best possible long term opportunities were considered Vital to procurement strategy. Multiple sources were favored over single sources, and frequent supplier switching was not recommended, although total volume placed with supplier might change depending on performance and new bids. Hexonic acid is a raw material used in a number of company’s products, and the company needs approximately 3000 tons of hexonic acid in the next year. Its requirement has grown in years and is expected to grow in the years to come. The requirement for the last year was 2750 tons which was supplied by Canchem and Alfo at 60 and 40 respectively...
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...Weapons are a key tool to include when going on a very long trip across America, especial when you are isolated in the Alaskan wilderness. A rifle is your friend, protector, supplier, and a major component in surviving the winter up north. In the book, Into the Wild, we meet a young man by the name of Chris Mccandless, how he hitchhiked all across America, through Canada, and up into Alaska. Wherever he went, whatever he did, he always had his rifle inside his pack. Its how he survived when he made his way up to Alaska, without it, i'm sure he would have died as soon as he got into the isolated, frozen world he so excitedly wanted to be in. The symbol of the book was a .22 caliber hunting rifle that Chris took on his trip. The rifle ties...
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...Enron Ponzi Scheme Enron Ponzi Scheme The Enron scandal was a corporate scandal that involved the American energy giant Enron Company based in Houston, Texas and the auditing and accountancy-consulting firm Arthur Andersen. The scandal was uncovered in October 2001. Enron Corporation was undoubtedly a giant corporation and in fact, some individuals suggest that it was one of the largest energy companies’ world over. It comprised of a multibillion corporation that employed several individuals and had various affiliations right to the White House. Enron majorly depended on external sources of credit to finance its operations (Loren, 2003). In 2001, the corporation collapsed leaving in its wake financial chaos and financially ruined lives and families. It emerged that the Enron Corporation’s remarkable financial condition thrived on institutionalized, systemic and intricately planned accounting fraud that was later to be referred to as the “Enron scandal”. From that instance, Enron has continued to become a very popular symbol and example of willfully orchestrated corruption. The collapse of Enron Corporation destroyed lives and shattered reputations, questions have been raised on how the fraudulent transactions occurred and who was involved. In this paper, all these questions will be investigated explicitly. The paper will also focus on the various ways in which the Enron debacle created an awareness of corporate ethics within the United States (Peter & Ross, 2002). Enron...
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...have to live in fear again. It all started when he washed up from his home in a flood. He was left on the side of the road, where the English family found him. When they found him, they took him to their home. They took him in and took care of him every day. They showed compassion to Rikki. Then, when the time came, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi fought and protected Teddy and the English family. A young boy named Walt Masters saved the day for Loren Hall at the age of fourteen. It started when his father left Walt to go buy food for the...
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...Assignments from the Readings Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you respond to the questions at the end of the case study. 1. P5-3 Sharon Smith, the financial manager for Barnett Corporation, wishes to evaluate three prospective investments: X, Y, and Z. Sharon will evaluate each of these investments to decide whether they are superior to investments that her company already has in place, which have an expected return of 12% and a standard deviation of 6%. The expected returns and standard deviations of the investments are as follows: Investment Expected Return Standard deviation X 14% 7% Y 12% 8% Z 10% 9% a. If Sharon were risk neutral, which investments would she select? Explain why. She should accept Investments X and Y because these have higher returns than the 12% required return and the risk wouldn’t matter. b. If she were risk averse, which investments would she select? Why? She would then accept Investment X. It provides the highest return and has the least amount of risk. Investment X offers an increase in return this is because you are taking on more risk than what the organization earns. c. If she were risk seeking, which investments would she select? Why She would accept Investments Y and...
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...Organizations have thrived on competition for centuries. Healthy competition has evolved the world to what it is today, with organizations always wanting to do better than their competition. In the real estate world competition is cut-throat, not only among other real estate companies, but amongst the real estate agents themselves. Real estate agents do not make money unless a real estate deal is closed. Due to this simple fact, competition is fierce. As far as my teammate’s organizations, Loren works for an Insurance Agency. There is a high level of competition within this realm of business. There are many insurance agencies, besides the one the Loren is employed by, so if her company does not do a good job or give a good insurance quote, the client can go down the street to another insurance agency. The organization that Jean is employed by is a non-profit organization. The competition within this realm might not be as severe as in a for-profit organization. Her organization has already expanded globally which aids in the decrease in competition. The economy affects our way of life and the way organizations conduct business. If the economy is doing well than businesses typically spend more money by hiring additional employees, paying higher salaries, purchasing additional equipment, or training their employees. On the other hand, if the economy is going poorly, companies do not hire more employees or purchase any additional equipment. Whether the organization is based on real...
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...nursing staff within a nursing home carries the responsibility of always watching and monitoring the environment to assure the residents are comfortable and cared for in the home. The ethical problem in “Please Don’t Let Me Die” case is malpractice. The nursing staff neglected to care for a patient noticeably in need and continually asking for help. Additionally, the three registered nursed were negligent. The two nurses found culpable in Loren Richard’s death had not successfully overseen the nursing staff to assure the team was following the standard of care. Regardless to the state of the floor prior to the three nurses taking a break, the registered nurses are responsible for the coverage of the floor and care for the patients for the duration of their break. If I had been one of the three registered nurses I would have been mindful of my responsibility and would have scheduled the breaks at different times to assure at least one registered nurse was present on the floor at all times. Additionally, I would have responded to Loren Richard’s cries for help and helped him get the necessary treatment. Having a good balance of qualified staff in relation to patients creates a better-managed environment for any healthcare facility, in this case, a better environment for the residents within the nursing home. “A component of Provision six is that conditions of employment must be conducive to the provision of quality patient care and consistent with the professional values...
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...Macalester, Inc., manufactures heating and air conditioning units in its six divisions. One division, the Components Division, produces electronic components that can be used by the other five. All the components produced by this division can be sold to outside customers; however, from the beginning, about 70 percent of its output has been used internally. The current policy requires that all internal transfers of components be transferred at full cost. Recently, Loren Ferguson, the new chief executive officer of Macalester, decided to investigate the transfer pricing policy. He was concerned that the current method of pricing internal transfers might force decisions by divisional managers that would be suboptimal for the firm. As part of his inquiry, he gathered some information concerning Part 4CM, used by the Small AC Division in its production of a window air conditioner, Model 7AC. The Small AC Division sells 100,000 units of Model 7AC each year at a unit price of $55. Given current market conditions, this is the maximum price that the division can charge for Model 7AC. The cost of manufacturing the air conditioner is computed as follows: Part 4CM …………………… $ 7 Direct materials …………….. 20 Direct labor ………………… 16 Variable overhead ………….. 3 Fixed overhead ……………… 6 Total unit cost ………………. $52 The window unit is produced efficiently, and no further reduction in manufacturing costs is possible. The manager of the Components Division indicated that she could...
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...Background of the Study The researchers conducted a research in finding out if there is a significant difference in the Students performance according to their average grade from 1st grading to 3rd grading period of the Grade-7 students in Sta. Fe National High School from the school they have attended on Grade-6. This study was clearly investigated and computed by the researchers. The researchers conducted this study to determine if there is a significant difference in the average grade of the Grade-7 students on Sta. Fe National High School from the three grading periods according to the school they have attended while they are on Grade-6. In studying also this kind of research, researchers can determine if what elementary school produced a good Grade-7 students on Sta. Fe National High School based on the performance and on the average grade from the three grading periods. Methodology The study was done in Sta. Fe National High School. The respondents were the grade 7 students where in the researchers group it in to three groups according to what elementary school they have graduated based on the selected schools. The researchers used the Lottery Sampling Method in order not to be biased. The researcher used the formula N= N to find the required sample where N is the total population which 1+ Ne2 is 89,e is the sampling error which is 0.05 and the researcher come up with the required sample of 83. The researcher gathered the data by...
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...Karen Blixens gæstebud Bogens titel er: Babettes gæstebud Forfatter: Karen Blixen Genre: Novelle Udgivet: Først udgivet på engelsk i Ladies’ Home Journal i 1950. I 1952 blev den oversat til dansk, hvor den senere blev oversat af Karen Blinxen selv. Babettes gæstebud handler om Babette der flygtede fra borgerkrigen i frankrig til den lille fjordby Berlevåg i Norge. Hun står brat foran de to provstedøtre Martine (den ældste) og Philipha, som nogle af de kønneste piger i landsbyen. Babette bor i 14 år hos de to provsdøtre, hvor hun er tjenestepige for dem. Hun laver udelukkende øllebrød og klippefisk for dem. Babette modtager en dag et brev fra frankrig, hvilket kommer til søstrenes store forbavselse, da hun ikke på de 14 år har modtaget et enkelt brev. I brevet står der at hun har vundet 10000 fancs. Babette beder de to søstre om lov til at blive til den dag, deres far ville være blevet 100 år, så hun kan lave et festmåltid til dem og deres fars ”disciple”. Hun forlanger at betale for maden selv, og rejser ned til sin nevø for at bestille de franske madvarer og vin, som hun skal bruge til sit måltid. Gæsterne kommer til det gule hus i den norske fjordby, for at mindes provsen, og det måltid de nu er inviteret til. Babettes talent overrakser de tolv gæster til måltidet, og den udsygte vin der blev serveret, da mange til bords blev yderst kærlige og gamle fjendskaber brydes. Til bords var general Löwenhielm, som fandt maden mest interessant af alle der var til stede. Novellen...
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