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Loss Of Innocence Research Paper

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"Rape is a more heinous crime than murder; its kills the victim slowly, throughout the period of his/her life." Dr. Dean Kilpatrick
One may ask what does innocence actually mean. Well the Oxford Dictionary defines innocence as- 'The state of being innocent, not corrupted or tainted with evil or unpleasant emotions; pure.' The word innocence therefore conjures up images of purity of mind, body and soul. The freedom from self pity, guilt or blame. Sexual assault is one such crime that leaves a lifelong impact on the victim. Its effects can be varied but devastating whatsoever. Ones personal response to rape can differ, but studies have shown all victims face some sort of mental trauma at some point of time.
Now going back to the above mentioned definition of innocence it can be seen that the effect of rape on an individual portrays diametrically opposite emotions of innocence. Therefore, rape causes loss of innocence. …show more content…
The effects on the victim can be psychological, emotional and/or physical. It is important to understand that there is no normal reaction to assault; although it it seen that one of the most common side effect seen is depression. As reported by Dean G. Kilpatrick in his article 'The Mental Health Impact of Rape', "Depression is not a sign of weakness, it can affect any age, race, ethnicity or gender."
The symptoms of depression may include social withdrawal, persistent fatigue, hopelessness, guilt, shame etc. A very good example to understand the same is to take a look at Hassan's character in the novel 'The Kite Runner' by Khaled Hosseini. After Hassan's rape the reader observes drastic change in his social behaviour. The playful, fun loving boy had locked himself in his own shell and cut out all interaction with the outside world. Hassan had become a target of

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