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Stricter Gun Laws Essay

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Numerous people nationwide believe that gun control laws as we know it are rending our country apart, and I know that stricter laws will not change what is going on all around us. While many people debate whether stricter gun laws will help reduce homicides, suicides, and mass shooting, I believe that making stricter gun laws will not change the horrific events that are going on. The state legislature should not change the gun laws because guns were an important pastime for some people and because if criminals want guns for crimes they will still be able to find a way to get them. Guns were and still are a very big part of growing up in rural America, and it is important that things don't change for them. An article in the New York Times states “But guns are important to the culture in my conservative community in Iowa, and people around here reject most gun control legislation.”(Leonard). This shows that a change in gun laws is not wanted around rural areas around the country. As you can also tell by the evidence it is important to the people that laws stay the same because it was an …show more content…
In the PBS article “Hot Guns” it declares “...many straw purchases are conducted in an openly "suggestive" manner where two people walk into a gun store, one selects a firearm, and then the other uses identification for the purchase and pays for the gun. Or, several underage people walk into a store and an adult with them makes the purchases. Both of these are illegal activities.”(Noyes). This evidence shows that even if there were stricter gun laws criminals are still dragging people into their schemes and are still finding a way to get guns. It also touches on how both of these methods are widely used and another part of the article says that it is very hard to stop this because you don't know who is or isn't a criminal if they have their valid gun

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