Premium Essay

Rathe Toufic's 'In Distracted'

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Words 997
Pages 4
Toufic, Jalal. "Exerpts." In Distracted. Barrytown, N.Y.: Station Hill ;, 1991. 1-4.
Toufic captures a position of receptance and projection in a process of creation. Through a dialogue between aphorism and the act of editing he explores the idea of “untimely collaboration”. To edit is to rest, as in a less “edited” work implies a “restless” piece. Although, an aphorist writer does not completely indicate a restless writer. An aphoristic writer edits, but without the “intermingling of tenses in the aphorism”. A form of tangible expression, is always received by someone. He believes in the idea of expressed ideas to declare its existence in the universe the moment they are exposed to one other than the creator himself. However, ideas do not remain constant, stubborn to its tense, but …show more content…
Instead of seeing the world through the blinking of our eyes and navigating with our limbs through this jungle, films allow us to engage in a reality where space navigates through us. Film editing has developed over time as a form of a new language shows how it has transformed and outgrown itself from just a mere technique/attempt to mimic a moment in reality. “Vampires” analyzes editing in correlation to the movement we perceive in reality -such as the idea of a jumpcut as something we cannot experience through our body. The language of film have become the foundation to creating a new form of sensually stimulating storytelling. We expect different structures to watching a music video than to a movie trailer, in terms of its length, emphasis on elements to a video such as music, voice or cinematography, clarity of the narrative. Language of film has established itself as a distinct territory from simply recording of reality - this can be learned from how 3D visualisation in film has not yet added newly ground-breaking structures to

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