Premium Essay

Paulie's Theory Of Bisexuality

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In the 2001 cinematic drama Lost and Delirious, two adolescent girls struggle in a society that ostracizes them for their supposed homosexuality, even though neither of the girls personally identifies as being a lesbian. Paulie argues that she and Tori are in a relationship simply because they are in love with each other; they both just happen to be girls. This theme of obscure and undefined sexuality is not singular to this Canadian film for it has been proven relentlessly throughout the history of mankind that sexuality is fluid. Many scientific studies have contributed to the theory that a large percentage of people are neither exclusively heterosexual nor solely homosexual, but rather varying degrees of both. This has been depicted …show more content…
In Ancient Greece, the famous ruler Hadrian was known to have had a young male lover until his young lover’s death, while adolescent Roman apprentices were known to have sexual relationships with their masters in order to build a mutual trust. In Islamic and East Asian cultures, boys participated in military relationships with their masters as a sign of respect to their elders (Grossman 1979). These “customary sexual relationships between older and younger males” (Grossman 1979) is known as age-structured homosexuality. Most of these young boys would go on to marry women while their masters usually had wives, though many of these men would go on to have homosexual affairs throughout the rest of their lives. In these societies in which its inhabitants embraced bisexuality, the majority of males in society had experienced both heterosexual and homosexual …show more content…
Men and women are also usually expected to act according to their historically held roles, which often cause the rejection of homosexual individuals who do not adhere to these predetermined standards of the “appropriate” degrees of masculinity for a male or femininity for a female. Philosopher Sigmond Freud explained that “masculine and feminine currents coexist in everyone” (Connell 1422) and that men suppress their sexuality because of internal conflicts. The super-ego of individuals controls the way that they choose to behave, and the desire to have masculinity is a man’s incentive to never show feminine qualities. Attitudes like this usually reduce the percentage of bisexual people in a society because it is commonly considered manlier for a male to be attracted to female than it would be for him to be attracted to another

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